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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

So how about those finals?
I liked the part where a couple of teenagers got boos and death threats for picking a certain character

By which I mean I'm disgusted with the smash Bros community for it's awful behavior
If this is a hint it's either k rool or Ashley, the madman
Ashely got a metric assload of costumes for the 3DS arcade thing, to say she's popular is an understatement.
People who think there'll be a Warioware rep that isn't Ashley is just fucking kidding themselves.
I liked the part where a couple of teenagers got boos and death threats for picking a certain character

By which I mean I'm disgusted with the smash Bros community for it's awful behavior

Not what i've read on the incident, but that was in the new smash IIRC. Melee went normal
The Direct on Wednesday will be interesting.

As for Smash Wii U. I just heard a little while ago that there were people getting up and Leaving as soon as it became a Bayo Only GF. While I am neutral on that, I felt it was a slap to the face of Evolution Championship Series itself when both players Held B for over a minute into the game after the reset and made no move to stop until a judge came over and said they had to play the set out, rulebook and all.
Here are my guesses/hopes for Smash Direct

At least one new character (I do want more but you gotta keep expectations low)
One or two new Echoes (Maybe Shadow or Ken?)
A few new stages
Some explanations on New Donk City
An Item or two
The Assist Trophy Massacre, Part 2.
To be fair Assist Trophies aren't a death knell, they can help revive obscure and forgotten characters that might not have that much clout anymore or even help side characters and partners share in the (though much smaller) limelight. It's only a shame when a popular, fleshed out character is regulated into the Assist Trophy possession; like Bomberman, Lyn, and Waluigi.

Let's take Ashley as an example, or rather why people where thrilled that she was an assist in Smash 4. To do that we need to take a look at Wario; Smash Wario is an identity of it's very own. Smash Wario is evil like classic Wario, cartoony like Warioware Wario, and a no nonsense brute like land Wario. Now crank those personalities up to 10 with Warioware going up to 11 and you get the trying to rep everything but reping nothing Smash Wario. Now then take in consideration that the last 2 Warioware games that came out before Smash 4 where the somewhat lackluster Wario DIY and Game & Wario, having an actual Warioware rep be in the game in any form and that rep was Ashley was amazing. But now if Ashley gets kept in the Assist Trophy possession there will probably be a lot of disappointed people, not only because of popularity, but because of her now being in the spotlight once more with Warioware Gold and the mob mentality that Assist Trophies are worse than death.
Hey Guys, heads up. Someone leaked a character reveal for tomorrow.
Be very careful on social media and other places until then.
Is it like legit legit leak?
We got Simon as a new character! Along with Richter as his echo fighter.

Along with Chrom and Dark Samus as other echo fighters.

But the best one is for last....

Motherfucking King K. Rool!
Shovel Knight is an assist trophy which is very neat, honestly the best I could imagine for the guy considering being an indie and so new

Though this does mean that Shantae has a much better chance now I imagine
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Zero and Rathalos cameos in Smash meanwhile no MvC news. feelsbadman

K. Rool looks great. I'm not really excited for anyone else shown.
Man, RIP Ashley.
I legit thought she had a chance this time.
But who knows? Rathalos can be a Boss AND an Assist Trophy... mabye later on we can have playable charatcers that are also Assist Trophies when not being played?

Really sad Mimikyus also out of the running too, like what the shit.
Poor poor Shovel Knight deserved better as well. But maybe this'll lead to him being playable much later.
Man, RIP Ashley.
I legit thought she had a chance this time.
But who knows? Rathalos can be a Boss AND an Assist Trophy... mabye later on we can have playable charatcers that are also Assist Trophies when not being played?

Really sad Mimikyus also out of the running too, like what the shit.
Poor poor Shovel Knight deserved better as well. But maybe this'll lead to him being playable much later.
I mean if we really want to keep our hopes up is that Assists and pokeballs might get upgraded to playable via DLC. But lets face it that's bit of a stretch.

K. Rool hype though with alot of stuff that actually references his stuff from DKC1 - DK64.
IMO Dank Samus deserves better than Echo, she has too many differences from her light counterpart to be contained in the "Echo" label. In Prime 2 had a Power Beam scattershot, that big cylinder shield, a Screw Attack meteor dive, super missiles, and i'm pretty sure she could shoot Phazon icicles and encase people in Phazon, too. In Prime 3 she pulls of even wilder stuff, she's quite different from regular Ol' Aran.

Oh well, at least she properly levitates and has a few basic special move differences. And I do like that her appearance is more or less a fusion of Prime 2 and Prime 3, though i'm somewhat partial to how she looked in 2.
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Meanwhile, Chrom is a mix of both Roy and Ike, which means Echo Fighter title can be stretched a little farther.
Hoping this means Shadow will have Mewtwo's teleport as his Up B.
So this will be a track in Smash, right?
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Yo, I love seeing people be so salt that Richter is the echo fighter “because Simon has Richter’s moves”

I’m sorry Simon is more iconic.
they have each others' moves

because they are family

a family that GRAND CROSS together stays together
Richter seems to have his unique moves from Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night, and those are a lot. Don't know if Simon has them too, but that seems like a big difference for echo fighters.

Also, I don't fucking care if he's an echo fighter. If he's playable, he's payable. Too bad it wasn't Alucard but that's good enough for me.
Prediction: We're gonna get a Smash Direct every 1 to 1.5 months here on out. Each one revealing 2-4 characters (at least one new one each time), a least 1 new stage and music, more items news, and with the last or second to last direct announcing a playable demo and an extremely anticipated character. And then a shit ton of DLC to keep the game's longevity through out the switch lifespan (first one probably being Rex and thinking about it how hard could it be to implement a system that dictates that if a Assist Trophy playable character is on field that that Assist Trophy can't spawn)
over 300 stages. 900 songs over 60 fighters with possibly more to come...It's just...so much. I can't take it all in.
So much is happening holy crap. I'm honestly so excited!

It feels like a new fighter could show up at anytime, which isn't a bad thing, and I love it. But also, Octolings for Smash. And before anyone says "They're way too new or something", I'm just gonna point at Simon.
Well yeah, but he's new to Smash. So if he can get in, why not Octolings? It's not like the Octolings being Echo Fighters for the Inklings would kill anyone. Though if you want, just wish for the Octolings from the first game since those ones aren't "new".

Besides when you think about it, the Inklings are relatively new despite being around for three or so years. Honestly, the whole "Octolings are too new for Smash" argument is dumb I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to put them in the game.

Just accept the veemo into your life, man.
I think a lot of the roster this time will be decided by the Smash Ballot, Simon must've gotten Sakurai's eye from there.
But I also think we might have a few personal picks sprinkled in here and there that weren't nearly as popular.
Like, for example, I still think that Jibanyan will end up being added due to Yokai Watch being popular around the time the roster must've been decided.
And you know that THIS TIME Geno will get in.

Also, be sure to look at those last minute Mii costumes from Smash 4 DLC. A lot of them are lining up with some newcomers (King K Rool Costume, Inkling Costumes, etc), but keep in mind, this is by no memes a hard confirm, because Ashley was a Mii Costume last time, and she's still trapped in Assist Trophy Hell, aka, the Graveyard of Broken Dreams.
Also it's Smash. Literally anything can happen.
I'm happy Simon got in as it was a complete surprise to me and I love me some castlevania. Not surprised to see richter get an echo, but I'd have liked to see Julius. Richter may be the master vampire slayer, but Julius is the most powerful vampire hunter and the one to finally defeat Dracula. It's a shame we'll never get a game where you play as Julius since that game would have been the logical conclusion to the franchise where you finally end it.
Guys. I must've been wasted yesterday. Because I had the most wonderful dream.....it was real, wasn't it?

Would it be against forum rules to post that one image of Randy from South Park? You know which one I'm talking about......

And you know that THIS TIME Geno will get in.

If Geno gets in, then I also want Smithy.
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This is what I'm expecting from the game down the line and after release. Hopefully.

Echo Fighters

Dixie Kong (Diddy Kong)
Hilda (Zelda)
Jeanne (Bayonetta)
Ken or Akuma (Ryu)
Liquid Snake (Solid Snake)
Louie or Brittany (Captain Olimar)
Ms. Pac-Man (Pac-Man)
Octoling (Inkling)
Proto Man (Mega Man)
Shadow (Sonic)
Zack Fair (Cloud)


Bison or Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
Chrono (Chrono Trigger)
Geno (Super Mario RPG)
Hades or Medusa (Kid Icarus Uprising)
Issac (Golden Sun)
Rex & Pyra (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Shantae (Shantae)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7)
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I can see Medusa getting bullshitted into a palutena mirror

it's probably the only way to get me to touch palu's moveset but by god i would
Capcom: Echo we're probably going to get Ken or Akuma, though I'm hoping for Morgan or Sakura. If we do see an actual fighter from Capcom I'd guess Viewtiful, at least I'm hoping for Viewtiful.

Square: It's either going to be Geno or Sora with Geno being more likely. Zack being an obvious choice for echo fighter, unless if we do get Sora then we might get Riku.

SEGA: Shadow echo.

As for Nintendo stuff
Virdi or (more likely) Medusa as Pali echo
Hades as Falcon or Dorf echo
Dixie as echo
Nenten as echo
(to just rub salt in the wound) Masked Man as echo
Dillon as a possible newcomer
Andy or Sami as possible newcomer(s/echo)
Isaac as possible newcomer
And maybe an indie fighter, probably Shantae (come on unlikely Skullgirls rep)