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The Wulf Den

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Mike Z probably hates self-righteousness and values humility. Although he shouldn't be talking to me about that, I am a very humble person, wrestling will do that to you. One of the things you NEVER ask a wrestler is "Are you good?" because that's a question we just don't answer out of respect and discipline.
The wrestlers that do answer that question are usually jerks that deserve to get yelled at by Mike Z.
that or it could be a common phrase among certain SC frauds.
Mike Z probably hates self-righteousness and values humility. Although he shouldn't be talking to me about that, I am a very humble person, wrestling will do that to you. One of the things you NEVER ask a wrestler is "Are you good?" because that's a question we just don't answer out of respect and discipline.
The wrestlers that do answer that question are usually jerks that deserve to get yelled at by Mike Z.
Or it could be a joke considering it's hard to believe that Mike would actually get angry with someone for an out of context "I am amazing!"
Well whatever his reasoning is I just hope he doesn't think badly of me.

Also, @Horseman every time I look at my Alerts and see that you quoted me, my heart skips a beat.
I know how good you are at debate, it's terrifying.
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Some random idea has just appeared in my head for Beowulf for his Skull Heart motif.

What if Beowulf used to be a prince in one of the Canopy Kingdom's neighboring kingdoms? He didn't deal with the government and he doesn't inherit throne because it's his uncle who's going to replace his grandfather in ruling the kingdom. However he's still part of the royal family so he enjoys their riches. He became bored in royalty so he became a wrestler for fun despite the rest of the family being worried. Then something had striked. Just after he defeated Grendel and his mother, he was told that his kingdom has been destroyed by Skullgirl Queen Nancy. Beowulf was forced to retire. Years later, he worked as a regular librarian (or businessman, but where would he get the money?) and what used to be his kingdom became part of he Canopy Kingdom. He became restless and he either a) want to have a talk to Parasoul about his kingdom and sees that Parasoul is hunting down the Skullgirl or b) finds out about the Skullgirl somehow and hopes that despite being male, he can wish that his kingdom can be restored.
I thinks it's really cool that you put so much thought into that Kuzla, it makes me happy that the members of The Pack are so creative and willing to speculate about The Legendary Hero.

I always saw Beowulf as a Rags to Riches kind of character. Someone who had to fight from the bottom to make it to the top. Whenever I feel like I'm weak or not good enough I look at Beowulf, a man that defeated not one but TWO Gigans with his bare hands, and I feel strong again. I want him to be as mundane as possible so it's even more shocking when he defeats Aeon and Venus, as well as The Mother!
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It's great how Beowulf becomes sort of a role model to you. I think Beowulf's one of my role models too, SG and Epic Beowulf (except for the 2007 one). About the "rags to riches" part, I made Beowulf some kind of rich from the start because in the poem Beowulf's described as the grandson of the king of the Geats, and I have to somehow make Beowulf in some high position. It'd be funny if someone has mistaken Beowulf as being a poor rugged guy for his messy and wild nature but it turns out that he's actually an aristocrat.
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I really have to read the book soon, I'll buy the Seamus Heaney Edition the next time I go to the bookstore, probably on Monday.
What if SG Beowulf has a royal ancestry, but for some reason he was lost or even abandoned at birth? Maybe he was forced to live a life of poverty, and discovering and claiming his heritage may be part of his climb to the top! Maybe his family believes that his place on the throne must be earned and his reason for fighting is to prove himself as the rightful king! Sort of like Disney Hercules!
I don't think Alex Ahad will actually go in that direction for his story, but it's cool to imagine.
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Wow, this thread has been empty for almost a week. I often check right after I wake up, and I'm surprised that there's no alert. Anyway, I've inquired Seamus Heaney's Beowulf and hopefully I'll get the book soon. I'll definitely scribble SG Beowulf on it.
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I really have to read the book soon, I'll buy the Seamus Heaney Edition the next time I go to the bookstore, probably on Monday.
What if SG Beowulf has a royal ancestry, but for some reason he was lost or even abandoned at birth? Maybe he was forced to live a life of poverty, and discovering and claiming his heritage may be part of his climb to the top! Maybe his family believes that his place on the throne must be earned and his reason for fighting is to prove himself as the rightful king! Sort of like Disney Hercules!
I don't think Alex Ahad will actually go in that direction for his story, but it's cool to imagine.
This makes sense, and a little more.

Think about it... A Beowulf that is the descendent of the one of legend, but it is a forgotten myth. History repeats itself in odd ways when forgotten, right?
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The problem is, we're not sure whether legendary heroes from our world are the same as those in Skullgirl's world.


If you click on the image above you will be directed to the Salty Cupcakes archive video in which the result of the 2nd DLC Character Voting was announced. Of course 5 months later we are all aware of who had won, but I feel bad for the people who were left out of the hype at the time. There are people who joined the SkullGirls Fandom late who were unable to experience the hype of that magnificent day. If you never saw the moment that Beowulf won, or if you just want to experience the moment all over again, click the image above and skip to 44:00. I still remember that night, seeing Beowulf win was like seeing your favorite team win the Superbowl. I was so emotional, I actually cried manly tears of joy. It's not often that you get to see something go your way, and the victory was even sweeter after experiencing the crippling defeat of the 1st DLC Character Vote.

Here is the link for the full image above.

This will probably be the last Salty Reminder I do with a Video for a while.
Truth is that this fandom is so small I'm running out of videos. ;_;
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Also I will post the Salty Reminder soon, I just need more time. Truth is that this fandom is so small I'm running out of videos. ;_;
Random Combo Video?
Truth is that this fandom is so small I'm running out of videos. ;_;
You could post fanart instead. There's probably plenty of that to keep you going for a while.
Has anybody asked questions about Beowulf on Salty cupcakes? I feel like we should at some point. I keep missing the streams though...
Yeah @Kuzlalala sometimes this thread can go into hibernation for a while before it starts up again. However, all it takes is one person to comment here to bump it up to "Recent Threads", which reminds everybody that it exists.
I guess you were that one person Kuzla.

It's important to remember that SG Beowulf is only loosely based on Original Beowulf, so despite all of the literature and speculation we really have no idea what direction Alex Ahad is going to take Beowulf's Story Mode.
I think it's exciting how little we know.

(YUP I DID IT AGAIN, SALTY REMINDER AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE 3 PAGES IN A ROW! Although I may have messed up people's quotes, I won't do that again. Sorry @Horseman.)
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I thought I should just say hello in this thread, given that Denizen has been visiting other threads as well. Hello and nice to meet you guys. Also has any thought about alternate colours for Beowulf ?
Not at all Cybermanworf. Not at all. And hello! Minette was right under Wulf for me, so I am waiting on her and Annie to get in eventually.
I know that someone put up a ridiculous amount of potential alternate colors for Beowulf somewhere. I think I last saw it in the alternate colors thread in the Visual Art subforum.
So did anyone managed to see the changes yesterday? I had to leave after all the trouble that they had to set up the stream...
No, I went to bed early. :/
So did anyone managed to see the changes yesterday? I had to leave after all the trouble that they had to set up the stream...
If I remember correctly, for big band, it was just showing off how he made the crouching normals work rather than anything new. He also got finished crouching block/pushblock frames, stagger frames and thrown frames. Then mike demonstrated how Cerebella could do a character specific big band combo by hitting him with jumping normals while he was on the ground, it didn't look very good for him. Didn't miss a ton there.
I honestly can't remember all the palettes, the only one I do remember is that Cerebella has a Brazilian flag palette that makes her lock n' load cat have a soccer ball pattern face. I think parasoul had a poison ivy palette, and painwheel had a mango sentinel one. Other than that I just remember that none of the palettes were for Peacock and Double because Mike Z hates me.
Oh yeah, and the npc sets on casino were changed up a bit.
I heard someone caught me in real life losing to a stupid move.

I found the image.

It isn't me.
Other than that I just remember that none of the palettes were for Peacock and Double because Mike Z hates me.
New Peacock palette + pink = Mike loves you after all.
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Is this Metoma Marraphy in disguise? Will Revenant overcome his nemesis Double? Does Denizen have a cardboard cut out of Beowulf? Find out on the next episode of SkullGirls Z.
To answer one of those questions, I do not have a cardboard cut out of Beowulf. I would totally buy one though and get it signed by his voice actor, whoever he may be.

By the way, it seems like we will be getting some more posters from EightySixed soon!
EightySixed Logo.png

Sanshee Logo.jpg


Today's Salty Reminder is going to be short since I'm studying for an exam today.
I've decided to call attention to the two online stores that sell SkullGirls Merchandise, Sanshee and EightySixed. Both stores have their own unique products and strengths so it's up to you where and what you buy. EightySixed has a lot more shirts with designs that come from both fan and L0 employee art, while Sanshee has a lot more posters which are all official designs by Brady Hartel. EightySixed produces new products on a weekly basis, while Sanshee has more variety in it's currently existing products, such as jewelry and that awesome George Plush. I've only bought from EightySixed because they're a lot more interactive with us, the fandom. "MegaManDS" and "Agent Kay" are almost always at Salty Cupcakes to reveal their weekly products and talk to the stream chat. Nevertheless I definitely plan on buying some Sanshee products at some point, especially the George Plush.
So Wulf Pack, what SkullGirls Merchandise do you own?

EightySixed has their own Forums!
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Unfortunately I don't own any Skullgirls merch since I can't buy anything online.
I bought the game twice does that count?
and I would totally buy a T-shirt, but doing so is a pain in the ass and I never have money when I wanna do it.
So, anyone else feel like they can see Captain Melonhead and Splinter the Wonderwood?

Johnny 2x4 in Ed, Edd, n Eddy?
So, anyone else feel like they can see Captain Melonhead and Splinter the Wonderwood?
Johnny 2x4 in Ed, Edd, n Eddy?
That's awesome, I loved watching Ed Edd n' Eddy growing up. I didn't like the idea at first but I totally want to see Beowulf talk to The Hurting as if it were alive.
"What's that Hurting, you're saying we should kick their asses? I completely agree!"
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So uhm I saw the changes yesterday in Salty Cupcakes but did Mike ever said when those colors would be available? I NEED that Parasoul color D:
So uhm I saw the changes yesterday in Salty Cupcakes but did Mike ever said when those colors would be available? I NEED that Parasoul color D:
I don't think any of the Fan Requested Palettes are available yet, are they? When they are I guess they'll be released in a bundle.

So Two Weeks?
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Backer palettes shown in Salty always become available on PC the next day or so. Sporting that rainbow Double as we speak.
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A question for the Wulf Pack, who is your favorite Wrestler excluding Beowulf and who is your Favourite Wolf or wolf themed Character excluding Beowulf? Mine would be The Undertaker for the wrestler and Amaterasu for the wolf character.
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Wow that was some hiatus this thread had. Listen Wulf Pack, don't be afraid to talk about anything you want. Here in The Wulf Den there are no limits, Beowulf may be our champion but he doesn't need to be the absolute focus of our conversation. If you want to talk about a new game that just came out, a show that just ended, or even something as simple as how your day was, go right ahead and chat away.

Right, now on to business. Lately I've been very interested in the history of Skullgirls, not the lore but the actual real world history of the game. The thing that most interested me was the earliest concepts of the game, especially the art. Skullgirls has been Alex Ahad's brain child since high school so there's bound to be plenty of it. So, I searched around the internet for Skullgirls concept art and I managed to pull three different archives off the shelves. The first is a very dedicated Tumblr blog, the second is the image archive from the Skullgirls page on GiantBomb, and the third is of course Alex Ahad's DeviantArt Gallery. Enjoy.

One of my favorite pieces of early concept art is this original character design of Beowulf. You can clearly see that Beowulf was intended to be much younger, around 18-20 by the looks of it. He also wore a wolf hat instead of a wolf hood and he wielded an oddly shaped sword. I think that this early design of Beowulf is really cool. As cool as his current design? No, but cool enough that it is my head canon for what Beowulf looked like when he was younger. It also heavily influenced a Skullgirls Fan Character I made.
So what do you all think of it?

tl;dr Old Skullgirls Art & Early Beowulf Design.
inb4 Denizen talks too much.

(I didn't cover this topic already did I?)
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