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The Wulf Den

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Probably going to start gearing for the next series of New Japan wrestling ppvs...Time to spend too much money again, but New Japan probably is the best wrestling product in the world right now so I guess it's worth it.


And I get to watch Shibata basically be a really stiff jerk which is my favorite. (You see kids, the strong style in japanese wrestling is all about not actually selling or faking for a move as a form of reaction. It's about the move actually hurting like hell which in turn causes its own reaction).

Also learning Eliza in preparation for whenever Beowulf shows up/ learning Belliza. If Beowulf is all about jumping around on his opponents and trapping his opponent between himself and a chair, the swirl assist could not hurt to make some more ambiguous setups whilst chipping people to death. Although, that hypothetical team probably needs an invulnerable dp assist or armored assist in some form.

We'll see how it goes. Eliza has very little time before she's out and they start on someone else.
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Hold up it's Friday.

There gonna be a Salty tonight?
Radical, maybe we'll see more Beowulf.
Nah, until Eliza is done most updates will revolve around getting her frames in the game and minor balance stuff.
Ya never know. Anything could happen.
Especially if you're a member of The Wulf Pack.
But historically saltys are focused around gameplay changes, answering questions, and maybe linux updates. So anything related to Beowulf will most likely take the form of Mike mulling over different things he's thinking about doing with Beowulf before getting annoyed at people asking about playstyles.

Unless Alex is there in which case Alex will briefly talk background and aesthetics. And playable/animated Beo is in the cards but not this soon for sure.
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Yeah I know all of that man I'm not new here, but even a slim chance is still a chance and I'm going to hold on to that hope until the end of this week's Salty. Anyway I'd still be satisfied if all we get is some words from Mike.
The Evo panel should show up soon enough to tide us over until the animation streams in the next couple of weeks (hopefully) and definitely next month.
Remember when all these gifs showed up during the indygogo campaign?




*sigh* good times

Here is the wild ass wrestling match from the first gif
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All I remember are the Minette death gifs.

All of those Minette death gifs...
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All I remember are the Minette death gifs.

All of those Minette death gifs...

No idea what you are talking about.






Some say these gifs are canon. Others wish they would just disappear. But google never forgets.
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You take that meme off of this forum right now!
But it is so garbage so that makes it great, thats what the internet told me.
The internet was wrong Bob. The internet was wrong.
The internet was wrong Bob. The internet was wrong.
But the internet is all I know *sobs*
*pat pat* It will be okay friend. I swear.
I am an fagit lord who didn't see this entire thread sooner. Where was I the past 4 months?
...Who let you out of the Starcruiser's washroom?

I mean wha
DDB I must ask you, who would win in a fight between Annie and Beowulf
I don't know about you guys, but I think Beowulf would body Annie.
Annie would unquestionably stomp Beowulf to the curb. Countless years of experience VS a standard wrestler?

The true conclusion would just be them teaming up and whooping the entire universe.
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Annie would unquestionably stomp Beowulf to the curb. Countless years of experience VS a standard wrestler?

The true conclusion would just be them teaming up and whooping the entire universe.
When you put it that way...
It is plain to see that Annie becomes the skullgirl and is the dragon whom kills and defeats Beowulf after aqcuiring the skullheart...leading into Isaac having to go back to the past to save the present. Because everything is much too heavy in the future.

Annie winning and getting in the game is the darkest timeline fellows.
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Annie would unquestionably stomp Beowulf to the curb. Countless years of experience VS a standard wrestler?

The true conclusion would just be them teaming up and whooping the entire universe.

As much as I hate DDB,
Annie would totally win this matchup. Hundreds of years of experience + sword + cosmic space powers.
Beowulf, meanwhile, has 10 to 20 years of experience at most and a folding chair.
If Annie wanted the Skullheart for herself, she already would've claimed it from the loads of Skullgirls she's slain.
It is plain to see that Annie becomes the skullgirl and is the dragon whom kills and defeats Beowulf after aqcuiring the skullheart...leading into Isaac having to go back to the past to save the present. Because everything is much too heavy in the future.

Annie winning and getting in the game is the darkest timeline fellows.
Maybe thats why she did not get into the game and DDB wants to bring downfall to the skullgirls universe!
Cosmic power ain't shit when compared to the unlimited potential of the human spirit.
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