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The Wulf Den

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Don't worry DDB I'll be in the fight.



Ok Fuck it I'll be playing Mario Party 2 while Denizen will beat you to death.

I'm a terrible freind
Well okay I'll give a deeper explanation. When ECW got bought out as a brand by the WWE following Paul Heyman himself jumping ship. There had to a company to fill the void. The Philadelphia people had developed a taste for hardcore wrestling involving tables ladders chairs and whatever else the bookers could think of.

Sooo. This coked up guy named John Zandig decides to create the independent federation CZW. Over time the ECW type stuff would become fairly common in the wwe product...so they went farther as part of their niche. Like in anything involving hardocre wrestling there has to be escalation as things become common place. A federation of barely trained average looking guys beating each other with real barbed wire, fire, power tools, light tubes, etc. There is for instance a very infamous moment of wwe's Dean Ambrose for instance being attacked by a skill saw.

It's one of the most popular independents that people only watch because it's violent. There are hardcore promotions that predate czw especially in japan where the deathmatch was invented (they just love explosives and blood). But CZW was the first to do light tubes in the US.


Any minute now

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Will DDB take the opportunity to attack his foe as he rests!
Only time wll tell...
So how bout that new doublesnap hype effect.
Where is a ref when you need one.
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I can't wait for the summary of Salty :P can someone tell me what I missed? If anyone is checking this? LOL
No beowulf content like I thought. Otherwise: They brought back Jojo screen super stuff, added a screen effect to doublesnaps, added a thing that disables the ps3 home button in tournament mode, eliza got a dio pallete and another one...Nothing else otherwise that isn't already in this weeks patch notes.
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No beowulf content like I thought. Otherwise: They brought back Jojo screen super stuff/ added the screen effect to doublesnaps, added a thing that disables the ps3 home button in tournament mode, eliza got a dio pallete and another one...Nothing else otherwise that isn't already in this weeks patch notes.

Thank you very much!
I'm not liking the red flash very much it kind of hurts my eyes (as stupid as it sounds) maybe they could modify it a bit
The death flash looks way too plain and rough when compared to the super flashes and red is not a good color to use.
Nah that super is staying as it is. With the one red flash at the end and the completely blacked out version as a level 5.
The Eliza super is OK.

But if you get killed by a super at the end the flash still occours right? That.. could be a little annoying
Oh was confused for like a second. Disregard my last post. Yeah they'll probably change the color or do away with it entirely. It just looks too jarring.

look at this qt right here
Eh... I like the artist's style and stuff but like what they said on tumblr Beowulf needs to look more "bara".
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I got to bed earlier and what I miss? The husbandos fighting to death. Fuck
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Was thinking over which jojo character would make a fitting pallete for Beowulf. All I could think of was either Joeseph or Weather Report.
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I mentally blanked and didn't type jojo.

I mean like for other kinds of alts there is a good amount to draw from werewolf characters,vikings, blood knight characters, wrestlers, on and on. Polar knight from Shovel Knight, Zubaz, Azrael from BB would all be really rad for instance.

It just seems like there isn't that perfect alt that's just like, man that is clever and works like with Eliza Dio, Pot Bella, etc. Although that might be me just wanting a finished hd color map.
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I'm serious for superhero palettes, too. The usual superhero is a strong man with a good hearth, so I think it could still work, superpowers or not. I would love to get a Thor palette for Beo
I could sort of see it. There are actually a variety of marvel characters that use mundane items to turn themselves into demigods that would be kind of cool to see.


Enchanted crowbar of the gods for instance.
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I know that there might be A wolverene one (you know male,has a lot of manly man hair, has "wolf" in the name). But I would love to see a Captin America one or a Macho Man Randy Savage one.
Maybe if they gave each character their own death flash color that represents them. Like purple for Squiggly and orange for Bella etc...

I feel like this might be a bit too busy looking...and just as jarring as the red. The reason the jojo death portraits work in jojos is because the game is incredibly colorful and alot of the ui stuff is more muted so the contrast becomes pleasing to the eye.

Whereas, imagine all the colors already on screen during a normal game. You kill someone using the rainbow double pallete with like one of the more colorful squigly palletes on nightmare maplecrest. The screen flashes Teal. Much like with the red the problem is a bit of sensory overload. Adding color would do the opposite of making it more pleasing to the eye.


The true moveset of an American

An asymmetric winter soldier alt with domino mask would be cool as well but make slightly less sense thematically.
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If you're worried about sensory overload from super kills, there's already a bit of potential sensory overload from normal kills. Plus, gaming in general is prone to sensory overload. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
I would make the red a bit darker, but that's it. I like the idea a lot
As much as I love the color, turning the screen completely red for something as common as a KO by Super is usually not a good idea. Just turn it black or something else less jarring, make it look like the loading screen character art.
Just don't make so bright that someone can get a seizure.
As much as I love the color, turning the screen completely red for something as common as a KO by Super is usually not a good idea. Just turn it black or something else less jarring, make it look like the loading screen character art.
Better do the same thing for Lady of Slaughter and PW and Val's level 3s, then!
Those two lv3 are pretty rare, they're okay. Lady of Slaughter as been modified TONS of times, and it seems okay now. But if you really want this game to be completely cancelled, piss off MikeZ and tell him to modify it again.
I don't want to go to the length of measuring the length which red shows...but it feels really long by comparison to those things you named and also looks a little more low res.

And yeah those are level threes like Chicken said. Love the double snap effect though 10/10.
And yeah those are level threes like Chicken said. Love the double snap effect though 10/10.
Poccola getting a shout out was the best thing ever, I love the effects she uses in her videos.
If Mike wanted to go the extra mile he would add the same effect to Painwheel's Hatred Install and play heavy metal.
Talking about metal, I always thought of Beowulf being a big Metal fan. I'm sure his favourite subgenre would be Power metal
What if Beowulf had like a mode that resembles bang's install from bb. The game could play his theme music in the background in the same manner as either the double snap effect or bangs heroic theme.

It would be like how wrestlers have their theme songs played after they do something significant.
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Talking about metal, I always thought of Beowulf being a big Metal fan. I'm sure his favourite subgenre would be Power metal
Does Metal even exist in Skullgirls?
I know the time period is based on World War I but Alex Ahad likes to take liberties with that.
He doesn't really seem like a Jazz guy <:T Big Bando is the Jazz guy.
I think power/epic metal because it's the best to glorify north europe folklore.
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You know you can like more than one genre of music.
I bet Beowulf would like Heavy Metal. I can just imagine him headbanging and throwing up the horns to Iron Maiden.
I think Beowulf would be into classical, you know because he's a classy fellow.
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