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The Wulf Den

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If Annie wanted the Skullheart for herself, she already would've claimed it from the loads of Skullgirls she's slain.

But the original sg logo is Annie's skull...and she is a girl. Thus the beginning of a heel turn. Maybe she's tired of playing the good guy.
If DDB cosplays as Annie
and actually pull it off
I think i'd have to switch to team Annie on principle
Sorry, Zen.
Someone make a poll for the predicted winner of the deatbattle between DDB and Denizen.
I'm just gonna sit here quietly and see how far this goes.
Hopefully, as far as it can.
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I can imagine an Annie cosplayer and a Beowulf cosplayer fighting against each other already.
I'm just gonna sit here quietly and see how far this goes.
Hopefully, as far as it can.
It will go as far as you let it, question is, how far will you let it. DDB is probably getting a costume as we speak.
Wait, doesn't Salty skip weeks that have Rebel Up?

Your right I was reading incorrectly cause of a bad case of the brain farts.

It seems they probably just have something really cool to show off at rebel up or whatever.

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Yeah, perhaps Eliza is almost finished by now.
As long as Beo has plenty of fun moves that Mike Z likes saying the name of (Shoutout to the Gringo Killer), I'll be pretty happy.
I hope he gets The People's Elbow, though
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It will go as far as you let it, question is, how far will you let it. DDB is probably getting a costume as we speak.
Stop tempting me, fighting someone while wearing dumb costumes sounds fucking radical.
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Gringo Killer
Gringo Killer = Gigan Killer...maybe? I hope that Beo shouts the names of his moves all the time when fighting.
Stop tempting me, fighting someone while wearing dumb costumes sounds fucking radical.
You must defend the Pack. You know what must be done...
I feel as though The Pack is trying to pull something.
I feel as though The Pack is trying to pull something.
What gave you that idea.
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well you are hiding a knife behind your back
but everyone does that
Don't worry, DDB. We're just pulling your leg. :PUN:
Just don't tell 'bout the thing. you know ,THAT thing
Off hand in terms of funnily named wrestling moves:

a move called the spinning rock's move
a move literally called brainbustahhhhhhhhhh (the h's are part of the name)
the masadomizer
the colt 45
the flying ass
more bang for your fuck
the awful waffle
the border toss
camel clutch
the canadian maple leaf
the spanish fly
sliced bread
the money shot
eat dafeat
the stink face
billy goat's curse
the implant buster
Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza
Dr. Smoothe's Secret Recipe
Cattle Mutilation
boma ye
Fingerpoke of Doom
Shining Wizard
Pepsi Plunge
Alpamare Waterslide
high fly flow
tokyo pimps
Off hand in terms of funnily named wrestling moves:

a move called the spinning rock's move
a move literally called brainbustahhhhhhhhhh (the h's are part of the name)
the masadomizer
the colt 45
the flying ass
more bang for your fuck
the awful waffle
the border toss
camel clutch
the canadian maple leaf
the spanish fly
sliced bread
the money shot
eat dafeat
the stink face
billy goat's curse
the implant buster
Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza
Dr. Smoothe's Secret Recipe
Cattle Mutilation
boma ye
Fingerpoke of Doom
Shining Wizard
Pepsi Plunge
Alpamare Waterslide
If not one of those are in the game, I will cry.
To be fair, Cerebella already has the implant buster, boobplex, and Fingerpoke of Doom. And Double's got The Flying Ass.
To be fair, Cerebella already has the implant buster, boobplex, and Fingerpoke of Doom. And Double's got The Flying Ass.
So, are you ready for your deathbattle with Denizen?
Well yeah. A standard wrestler VS some guy.
Sunday Sunday sunday in the Canopy Kingdom Coliseum. We bring you Clash of the Fanboys. Only 5 bucks!!!! and kids get in for free. See a guy in a poorly made wulf costume attack an 8 year old girllllll WITH LIGHT TUBESSSSSSSSSS as they fight.. TO THE DEATHHHH. Only 5 BUCKS. BRING THE KIDS. you can even bring your own weapons. We don't care. Why would we care. THEY ARE BEING PAID IN HOTDOGS. What's insurance? 5 bucksss.
Sounds like a regular event at a convention.
Well yeah. A standard wrestler VS some guy.
Well I wouldn't say standard...
Okay, then. Bloodcurdling Beefcake Emperor of a wrestler.

All the girls when Denizen walks by are like

Btw as a side note wrestlers fighting with light tubes is a popular thing now.
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Only if Denizen gets to bring a real folding chair.
Okay, then. Bloodcurdling Beefcake Emperor of a wrestler.
Guys stop, if my ego gets any bigger my head will explode.
Btw as a side note wrestlers fighting with light tubes is a popular thing now.
That sounds really cool actually. The way those things break is beautiful.
Does DDB get to bring a real sword to the fight?
Sure, it's not like it'll make a difference. OH!

I'm going to take a nap before Salty starts. I'm having a lot of trouble staying awake.
It's like just really violent and bloody.
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