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The Wulf Den

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Beowulf could just have an appreciation for the guitar. He could play it all the time and have a huge collection of them.
I always associate wrestlers with 80s hair metal. I mean if you've seen the move "The Wrestler," there is a shared pathos. Sex drugs and rock and roll is the wrestler way.

Doubt it would be Beowulf's bag. But eh.

Andre the giant knew how to live.
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What do you think are the favorite musical genres of the Skullgirls' cast? *Post new thread* :PUN:

I say the 'wulf is into tap-dancing folk music, like in that Riverdance troupe. Leg day!
Besides, we already know Bella's the resident metal head.

Speaking of Bella, I should be practicing that j.LP (mash) > j.HP plink instead of goofing around here.
tmw I just realize I sometimes treat Skullgirls sessions like study sessions, id est, delay 'em with stupid crap =A=
Or maybe he listens to a hybrid of new wave,folk,and punk because why not.
nah guys

Beowulf is a j-pop guy who also likes metal.

Just cause we should project more obscure arbitrary genres.
@chickenwithtie omg i love that band i never knew other people listened to them

Ya kiddin DSO are the kings(and queen) of experimental music. Experimental is my shit. I love them too, their last album is incredible(and gave me a Grim Fandango feel)
The experimental music Gods are the Residents, obv.

new wave
Beowulf singing Klaus Nomi in the shower, headcanon confirmed
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Lets just throw Marilyn Manson in there because I can dream damn it.
Fine, how about the natural sounds of wolfs mixed with opera on cassette. Is that to mainstream for the Wulf.
Probably Manowar and Amon Amarth. Lots of those. Lots of vaguely obnoxious power ballads about honorably fighting peoples.
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*Diablo Swing Orchestra*
*wikis* 3 albums? Well, that's not too late for me to jump on this train.
(always with muh vidya tunes, I'm kind of a music illiterate)

Side note, I confess there was some small degree of seriousness to the riverdancing idea. I'd say it has a old timey showmanship feel to it. 'wulf's in the ring, opponent can't land a hit and the guy just riverdances through the ring in some sort of super taunt that would put Dan Hibiki to shame, whipping the crowd into a frenzy as they clap and stomp in support.
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Does Justin Bieber even sing anymore
I pray to any god that he does not,for the sake of my sainity...
I would have been okay with this ot being barren of justin bieber...If we ignore him he will go away. And jokes about the kid seem a bit dated as the world at large now knows he's a petulent scumbag.

I'm with DDB on this.
DDB, I thought you were preparing for the deatbattle?
Hey, I am totally fine with whatever Beowulf listens to. I don't wanna argue, because I'd most likely get at least a 1 month visit to the hospital.
They already fought but denizen didn't want to fight and ddb's sword couldn't penetrate his spectacular abs. So everyone is cool now.

*Cut to denizen and ddb smiling and jumping before the credits roll to eye of the tiger*
We tried, but it just ended up in this
He has already lost. Everyone loses at Denize just by lookin at him. But we all love DDB anyway.

Hey, I am totally fine with whatever Beowulf listens to. I don't wanna argue, because I'd most likely get at least a 1 month visit to the hospital.
No need to worry man, we're not arguing about it. Just telling ideas here and there
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Funnily enough there were no suplexes in the those concepts barring the mighty german. Just lots of slams and a cutter.
So how many different suplexes will Beowulf have in the video game?
More then you expected, but less then you hoped.
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I was referring to Beowulf in the context of hospital visits. I do not want the big fat fix-my-face bills.
Not Even the German Suplex? What about the Body Slams? Come on BeoWulf is like embodiment of WWE, the suplex is like one of cooler moves done. Come On Let's Get Some Atomic Busters in Here.
I was referring to Beowulf in the context of hospital visits. I do not want the big fat fix-my-face bills.
Just use Healthcare.gov.
There was one german suplex in the concepts. The problem. I think is that they want him to be unique. But the weirder suplexes would all require additional frames and junk. Like a basic suplex, german, and brainbuster are all technically possible. Versus say a fisherman or perflect plex that would require beowulf to move his opponents arms and legs.

I personally would like an exploder in there.


Buttt I think we might be past the idea phase...
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Wait... I got an idea BeoWulf will throw the opponent into the air and will do a back beaker while at the same time landing and sitting down on The Hurting.. LZ can reuse the frames of characters being hurt from Diamond Drop. BOOM~ Done.

Edit: Hold up gonna draw up the concept thingy.
Wait... I got an idea BeoWulf will throw the opponent into the air and will do a back beaker while at the same time landing and sitting down on The Hurting.. LZ can reuse the frames of characters being hurt from Diamond Drop. BOOM~ Done.
That idea is godlike.
As far as like what looks cool for me.

There are a few Nakamura or Goto moves that would be the best thing ever but obviously not holding my breath. Nak's reverse powerslam would make a very cool back throw. Better Imo than the coat throw thing in the concepts.

Otherwise, I always thought beowulf should like bend the hurting around his arm and do like a bionic arm type deal, then brush himself off and bend it back afterwards. Otherwise the electric chair wrestling move has always been something they could mess with too.

Also, him having an install with theme music would result in me laughing nonstop for like a week.
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