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The Wulf Den

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The first part is that you have to get naked. The second part you have to make and eat a sandwich filled with peat moss. Then you throw a pie at a police officer while yelling " I did it for the vine".
Then you get peppered sprayed in the face
Well, it is your thread. You do make the rules.
It's not my thread, it's our thread.
well, i did it... but my phone has no battery for pictures... anyone have 2k14 on xbox with live? i could share it through community creations.
The first part is that you have to get naked. The second part you have to make and eat a sandwich filled with peat moss. Then you throw a pie at a police officer while yelling " I did it for the vine".

judd apatow should hire you as a writer.
well. Im probably gonna turn in for the night, I'll be sure to charge my phone to take pictures tomorrow, if people still want to see this silly thing by then.
well. Im probably gonna turn in for the night, I'll be sure to charge my phone to take pictures tomorrow, if people still want to see this silly thing by then.
Don't worry some people (LIKE ME) will
judd apatow should hire you as a writer.

I'm really funny........................................................................looking. Hur hur hur.

*begins laughing hysterically until passing out from lack of oxygen.*

*wild dogs begin eating the body*
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Zen started the thread, but it's the Pack that keeps it alive.
We are all leaders in one way or another.
Don't worry man, that was the perfect amount of cheese.
Yes, it is our thread.
All of ours
No one single person has more control than others

Until I beat all of you non-Xbox people with my Solowulf and claim dominance.
@agent13 Careful what you wish for, I'm gonna get extra beta practice!

That will go down the drain when you perfect me, but w/e

hey, you never know i'm bad with most grapplers lmfao
In case some of you don't know, I don't use a team when I play Skullgirls. I always go solo and I usually play Fortune. Lately though I've been thinking, Fortune is fun and all but I can't really commit to her. I'm thinking of switching to someone else while I wait for Beowulf. My problem is that I can't figure out who to choose and I'd like some help from the more skilled players here. Here are the candidates I'm considering and why.

Squigly: She seems difficult to master, but difficulty isn't something I'm worried about. I like how Seria Cancels allow you to perform longer ground combos without jumping and controlling screen positioning looks useful. One thing that catches my eye is all of her fire based attacks, I love fire.
I don't think there's anything wrong with choosing a character based on aesthetics. I don't like how she feels floaty though. I like characters that are heavy but fast and have good forward movement. I feel way too sluggish trying to rush down as Squigly.

Cerebella: She's the Grappler of the bunch so she automatically grabs my attention, I never really got the hang of her though. It's those combos with her that the tutorial makes you do. They're kind of weird and not simple like Fortune. Also her command dash is a charge motion and I hate those when it comes to most moves. However, her command grabs are awesome and very satisfying to land as well as versatile in combos. Plus she hits hard, I like to hit things hard. I'm also aware of the fact that she's a real nightmare as a solo.

Painwheel: I only played Painwheel once to complete her story mode, but she's still the character I'm considering the most. From the looks of it she has good air mobility with Flight despite the fact that she has no air dash, she has zoning options with Gae Bolga Stinger which is something the other candidates lack, and her Buer Reaper feels a bit like a command grab even though it can be blocked. Hatred Guard is something that really interests me, it looks like something that suits my actively aggressive style. My one concern is that she might be too slow for my taste. One more thing, I've noticed that Painwheel isn't used as often as other characters, being unique is cool.

I'm a very casual player so I obviously don't know much about the ins and outs of the game, I just want some friendly advice to help me make my choice. Maybe point out some things that I might not know about that could influence my decision. One thing is certain though, I am definitely going to stay solo so don't try to talk me out of it.

I decided to start watching the Gurren Lagann Parallel Works and it set my soul on fire once again. You can expect an annoying amount of bravado from me for a while.
If you're wondering why I always announce an avatar change, it's because I want others to have a frame of reference when they read old posts.
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About Squigly, she moves faster while in a stance, but generally, you want to force your opponent to come to you instead of going to them, as she's rather predictable and bad at approaching. That's why she has Center Stage, after all. Her floatiness can also help her in some situations, like using j.MK or j.HK to set up insane crossup situations.
@Denizen I'd say pick bella, you're transitioning from one grappler to another one so you'll have to get the gist of it besides if beowulf is like bella he'll be needing good fundamentals

you'll get them the quickest with bella/parasoul but i still say stick to bella
Eh, Beowulf sounds like he's going to be a speedy grappler, and Bella is not exactly a speedy grappler, despite her being more mobile than most other grapplers in the genre. Seems to me like someone who's waiting for Beo and still wants to fight should either focus on speed (Fortune, Filia, Val) or grappling (Bella, maybe Squigly or Big Band).
@Denizen If you always run solo, i'd suggest either Solobella or One Man Band. Cere and Band alleviate the loss of assists and no health regen due to their strength outputs, and they have surprising priority on quite a few moves. Also, Shoryu is right that Beowulf is probably gonna be faster than Cere on average, plus the transition from Cere to Wulf would be much easier than, say, Filia or Squigly.

Wait, you run Solo Fortune? I'd expect you to immediately bromance TUBA the moment Band got released!

EDIT: Huh, using the pun emote is oddly more fitting contextually than normal here.
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Yo, ChickenWithTie, you think you could link to the actual smacktalking of Skullgirls for having the JJBA references. You have no idea how happy this makes me! I would search myself, but fucking tumblr.

As you wish

And also

Until I beat all of you non-Xbox people with my Solowulf and claim dominance.

You know how canines claim dominance in the natural world, right?
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Denizen, nobody plays painwheel because she's pretty much the hardest character in the game. to use, to learn, and to understand her is pretty tough(imo) because there's not really too much of a frame of reference for her playstyle as far as other characters/games go. I mean go for it, but I feel you should know.

also youdabes chickenwithtie, never forget that.

EDIT: so I just read those posts. wow! I mean I'm glad because this means that the JJBA community actually exists now? it used to be:
"X made a Jojo's reference"
but now it's "X made a Jojo's reference" and you have people actually getting upset. I'm glad because progress, but also ashamed because what the fuck are you even complaining about, this has nothing to do with gameplay, turn in your fandom cards, all of them.
I hate tumblr
thank you chicken.
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Bella isn't super complicated. Just practice getting all your inputs off consistently. Find the Bella flowchart and just grind for a while. The restands can feel challenging but they aren't too bad other than plinking the last j. hp after mashed j. lps. Figure out all the properties of your moves cause as a solo you'll need it. Also level up your funamentals like blocking and footsies.

Beyond that I'd just suggest playing around with the rest of the roster in order to really get a handle of what moves are most threatening for your prescious solo. For instance, invulnerable dps will be your doom in this game. Solos do good damage but man are they limited.

I'm going to guess no big band cause he's a charge character which is fine, but try to learn how charges work in the game. You might also want to start messing with good assists early too cause it's ussually tons easier than a solo at a certain point. And no Painwheel this early unless you are the marquis de sade. She's hard.

I disagree that going from Bella to Beo would be hard. Cause as a casual player you would normally go from slower and easier characters to faster and harder ones. All experiance is good experiance you see.

You aren't so much learning sg as you are an appliable fighting game skillset.
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but now it's "X made a Jojo's reference" and you have people actually getting upset. I'm glad because progress, but also ashamed because what the fuck are you even complaining about, this has nothing to do with gameplay, turn in your fandom cards, all of them.
I hate tumblr
thank you chicken.
The worst part is which reference they are complaining about. She is an Egyptian vampire-like person. How can you think a DIO palette is not fitting?

I'm going to guess no big band cause he's a charge character which is fine, but try to learn how charges work in the game.
I agree with this. Charge characters aren't as complicated as they might seem for somebody who has never tried them. The only big thing you need to learn is the always be charging mentality. If this is the reason BB is not in that list, that is.
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@DDB No wonder he runs Solo Fortune.
That joke was a total accident, my pun and double entendre games are so strong I don't even know I'm doing it!
I'm reading everyone's responses and taking all of them seriously, I'm going to think it over today and come back with a decision later. Also please don't assume that I'm completely new to the game, I've learned my fundamentals and I'm not afraid to take on the more difficult characters and styles of play. I'm not a beginner, I'm just casual.
I know how charges motions work and I've used them plenty of times before, I just don't like them.
Big Band's not a candidate because he's big and slow, it has nothing to do with charge motions.
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so about making Beowulf in WWE2k14, bad news is I cant remember my apple password to download tapatalk and its registered on a family members email i cant access. So, thats gonna be delayed... Just my luck eh, I do something p cool and this stuff happens...

good news is though, is he looks really really good. I gave him a moveset (based on the concepts we've seen as well as just giving him common moves as filler) I've even used the create a finisher feature to make a triple flip moonsault called, obviously, Three-Wolf moonsault. Just w/o milk :/... His second finisher is also a burning hammer/reverse death valley driver (that's essentially what hammer is right?) with a sweet chin music signature, I am sure some will appreciate that :D

I am quite proud of this and really want to show it so I will still try to post it whenever I can access the means to!

also, on @Denizen character dilemma, Pick Bella, for everything stated above, plus she has a command dash so mastering the mix ups of a forward dash move will set you in good stead as Beo will likely have one.
Also, I don't think people were assuming that you were new, its just that making your fundamentals better is always good and you can never truly stop learning how to make them better. Also, IMO, if you find time to not only learn Bellas grappler fundamentals but also improve on your general ones up until Beos release, you probably wont need to spend much time on them when using Beo, if that makes sense. You then have more time to focus on all his character specific stuff, so its good to get as much done now in this time frame we have.
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That joke was a total accident, my pun and double entendre games are so strong I don't even know I'm doing it!
I'm reading everyone's responses and taking all of them seriously, I'm going to think it over today and come back with a decision later. Also please don't assume that I'm completely new to the game, I've learned my fundamentals and I'm not afraid to take on the more difficult characters and styles of play. I'm not a beginner, I'm just casual.
I know how charges motions work and I've used them plenty of times before, I just don't like them.
Big Band's not a candidate because he's big and slow, it has nothing to do with charge motions.

All that is fine, but I still stand by my advice if you are to play any of those characters well. Especially as a solo. With a second character choice you sort of get a number of get out of jail free cards. So everything needs to be not just acceptable but obsessive or taken to the next level past a casual understanding. You aren't just blocking against one character, and something simple as updo assist can just decimate that type of play.

The charge thing is a pretty common problem across even seasoned players so it wasn't exactly an appraisal of your character. Big band being too slow is a completely fair judgement.


Added a japanese playlist to the tape thread. Tomarrow I'll make a hardcore match playlist, probably then after that tag teams.
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guys, I was able to do the thing! Turns out my iPhone was an advanced enough model to allow safari to upload photos, no need for smelly passwords.

please forgive any sloppy camera work, this was done rather haphazardly with a table as a tripod :D


heres the original attire for Beo in all its swag, unfortunately, this boxing style vest was the closest thing to the wolf pelt the game had
so it covers the straps quite a bit
all entrance attires (i.e the entrance cutscenes during gameplay) bar the last attire feature a hood up version of this


its pretty hard to tell from other pics as it looks like shading, but heres IMO a pretty accurate rendition of Beos under-chin ish beard, and you can see more of the hair too, which is perfect down to the strand that comes off, even if its shaped slightly differently.


heres a peltless/cloakless alt costume/attire, you can see the straps and the argyle (spelling?) pattern better here.


the pattern close up so you can see what I did with it. Its got the black and see-through diamond shapes with the white outline ones intertwining like it does. I'm proud of making that happen, even if its a bit messy XD


shirtless Beo, because yes. Note, I abstained from chest hair on purpose, I wanted to wait to see what any potential shirtless palettes give him (also, on topic of body hair, all the arm hair choices suck, so that didn't happen)


attire using a grey road warrior chest-piece that obviously does not have the hooded cloak in entrances because it does not use it

this is the only thing in the game that is a "shoulder-only" top option...obviously its not main attire material, but it looked cool still. It looks brighter here than it actually is.

have I doneded the pack initiation? :D Hope you guys like it, I'm glad how it turned out.
That is a pretty good job man. Welcome to the pack.
guys, I was able to do the thing! Turns out my iPhone was an advanced enough model to allow safari to upload photos, no need for smelly passwords.

please forgive any sloppy camera work, this was done rather haphazardly with a table as a tripod :D


heres the original attire for Beo in all its swag, unfortunately, this boxing style vest was the closest thing to the wolf pelt the game had
so it covers the straps quite a bit
all entrance attires (i.e the entrance cutscenes during gameplay) bar the last attire feature a hood up version of this


its pretty hard to tell from other pics as it looks like shading, but heres IMO a pretty accurate rendition of Beos under-chin ish beard, and you can see more of the hair too, which is perfect down to the strand that comes off, even if its shaped slightly differently.


heres a peltless/cloakless alt costume/attire, you can see the straps and the argyle (spelling?) pattern better here.


the pattern close up so you can see what I did with it. Its got the black and see-through diamond shapes with the white outline ones intertwining like it does. I'm proud of making that happen, even if its a bit messy XD


shirtless Beo, because yes. Note, I abstained from chest hair on purpose, I wanted to wait to see what any potential shirtless palettes give him (also, on topic of body hair, all the arm hair choices suck, so that didn't happen)


attire using a grey road warrior chest-piece that obviously does not have the hooded cloak in entrances because it does not use it

this is the only thing in the game that is a "shoulder-only" top option...obviously its not main attire material, but it looked cool still. It looks brighter here than it actually is.

have I doneded the pack initiation? :D Hope you guys like it, I'm glad how it turned out.
Yes, Your one of us now. Welcome Brother @maysey
I know it's more of a joke,but I don't want anyone to feel like they have to contribute something to be in the wulfpack. This has always been a place full of tomfoolery vaguely surrounding beowulf, and we welcome everyone(even DDB).
That said, you did pretty good on that Beowulf, it's awesome!
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Despite Evo, Madkats TE is the way to go I would just get a basic ps3 or xbox version. Especially if you are on pc. Eightarc sticks are pretty nice too. Both have decreased in price recently because of the new gen of consoles and they are pretty damn good controllers. If you are looking for cheaper there are some nice hori sticks from 50-80. But remember especially with sticks you get what you pay for.

Of those you mentioned the fighting edge is great it's got alot of bells and whistles that are fun to play with. I would choose that. But that also depends on what console you own or whether you plan on getting a ps4. Then get a Haybusa of TE Pro.

Also Razor sticks are incredibly great right now so look at the comparable stick for that.

At the 180-210 mark you are basically looking at a good stick no matter what especially with hori madkatz or razor. It's just a manner of how pretty you want it to be and whether you want hori or madkatz buttons. The fighting edge also has touch controls and leds too. So that's why I'm like buy that one.
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I should definitely start saving up for stick, I hate not having money.

I know I'm decent with Ms. Fortune but I was looking for a change. I tried out all the candidates and Painwheel is exactly what I looking for, I'm choosing her. I'm also going to practice with the clown, just to prepare myself for when Beowulf arrives. Thanks for the advice everyone, it really helped.

Quick question, has anybody uploaded a video of the Skullgirls Panel at EVO?
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Not yet sadly. Soonish probably my friend.


btw this gif is nsfl

Gringo-killer in a pile of legos

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