Then you get peppered sprayed in the face
Then you get peppered sprayed in the face
It's not my thread, it's our thread.
It was nacho cheese
Don't worry some people (LIKE ME) will
Don't worry man, that was the perfect amount of cheese.
@agent13 Careful what you wish for, I'm gonna get extra beta practice!
That will go down the drain when you perfect me, but w/e
The worst part is which reference they are complaining about. She is an Egyptian vampire-like person. How can you think a DIO palette is not fitting?
I agree with this. Charge characters aren't as complicated as they might seem for somebody who has never tried them. The only big thing you need to learn is the always be charging mentality. If this is the reason BB is not in that list, that is.
That joke was a total accident, my pun and double entendre games are so strong I don't even know I'm doing it!@DDB No wonder he runs Solo Fortune.
That joke was a total accident, my pun and double entendre games are so strong I don't even know I'm doing it!
I'm reading everyone's responses and taking all of them seriously, I'm going to think it over today and come back with a decision later. Also please don't assume that I'm completely new to the game, I've learned my fundamentals and I'm not afraid to take on the more difficult characters and styles of play. I'm not a beginner, I'm just casual.
I know how charges motions work and I've used them plenty of times before, I just don't like them.
Big Band's not a candidate because he's big and slow, it has nothing to do with charge motions.
Yes, Your one of us now. Welcome Brother @mayseyguys, I was able to do the thing! Turns out my iPhone was an advanced enough model to allow safari to upload photos, no need for smelly passwords.
please forgive any sloppy camera work, this was done rather haphazardly with a table as a tripod :D
heres the original attire for Beo in all its swag, unfortunately, this boxing style vest was the closest thing to the wolf pelt the game had
so it covers the straps quite a bit
all entrance attires (i.e the entrance cutscenes during gameplay) bar the last attire feature a hood up version of this
its pretty hard to tell from other pics as it looks like shading, but heres IMO a pretty accurate rendition of Beos under-chin ish beard, and you can see more of the hair too, which is perfect down to the strand that comes off, even if its shaped slightly differently.
heres a peltless/cloakless alt costume/attire, you can see the straps and the argyle (spelling?) pattern better here.
the pattern close up so you can see what I did with it. Its got the black and see-through diamond shapes with the white outline ones intertwining like it does. I'm proud of making that happen, even if its a bit messy XD
shirtless Beo, because yes. Note, I abstained from chest hair on purpose, I wanted to wait to see what any potential shirtless palettes give him (also, on topic of body hair, all the arm hair choices suck, so that didn't happen)
attire using a grey road warrior chest-piece that obviously does not have the hooded cloak in entrances because it does not use it
this is the only thing in the game that is a "shoulder-only" top option...obviously its not main attire material, but it looked cool still. It looks brighter here than it actually is.
have I doneded the pack initiation? :D Hope you guys like it, I'm glad how it turned out.