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The Wulf Den

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Idk about pot buster I always thought a-train is pretty similar. But like a thrown von erich claw or thrown chokeslam in the vein of king from tekken would be cool.

I'm less of a piledriver guy and more of like a cool looking suplexes guy. Give him a falcon arrow, michinoku driver, tiger driver, or like a t-bone suplex I'll be happy as a clam.
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How is Pot Buster like A-Train? Are you thinking of Heat Knuckle?
yeah my bad dude I was getting mixed up..oh like an argentine backbreaker.. Yeah that'd be cool.
Well we can safely say that Beowulf WILL have a clothes line attack. would be a great combo ender and a hard knockdown.
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Or maybe a bionic arm style super lariat of death.
Do the characters have good frames for getting clothes lined, though?
They probably could not do being turned inside out which is the norm. But I think there are some animations that would fit or they could just fall down normally.
I guess frames like this would work well:
The sliding frame or crumple too.
Maybe an L Clothes line could just be that frame, an M could go from that frame to slide, and an H could go from that frame to crumple.
Or one of them could could be a wall bounce. All the possibilities.
Wallbounce seems like it would be much more useful than slide for a grappler.
Are you kidding me? There's a bunch of frames that could be used in a clothes line attack. The light hit animation into airial fall frames, or heavy hit animation. A wall bounce seems to be a nice option for the heavy version of the attack. that or an untechable slide while Beowulf continues to charge thru.
If he has a slide option, maybe it could cancel into his command dash and he could combo through that.
I mean everything in the concepts indicates pressure heavy grappler.
well everything was concepts which are in a position to change. he could be heavy grappler or he could rushdown semi grappler, chain grappler, or some mix of Bella and Zangief, or Potemkin.
The sky is certainly the limit. We'll see where all this goes in a month or two.

Edit: nvm

DDT wrestling incoming to the wrestles thread. Also, Denizen why don't you post some of those two best friends russelmania vids in there too.


DDT home of that guy who wrestled the nine year old girl. A man whom also did an ultimate atomic buster to a blowup doll. And a man whom currently comes out to the wiley's castle theme from megaman 2 as his entrance music.

Enter Kenny Omega.
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Ah yes.... Kenny Omega, the man who lives Street Fighter. I think it would be foolish for LZ not to reference him with Beowulf either in his story mode or in his fighting lines. The man is a complete blast to watch.

And don't forget, Beowulf must have a body splash move, it's a requirement.
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Im salivating at the thought of chain grabs, not sure if they fit with the currrent impression of pressure grappler tho. Still, DO WANT
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John Saint John as Beowulf...

That would be the wierdest thing ever

You mean the guy who voiced Leomon on Digimon? Oh wait that's Paul St. Peter. Eh he'd work too I guess but let me look up who John St. John is real quick......

................oh, now I see why you say that. I suppose only if Beowulf gets a Duke Nuke'm palette.
Im salivating at the thought of chain grabs, not sure if they fit with the currrent impression of pressure grappler tho. Still, DO WANT

I mean by that I meant something like fuerte but with even more aerial options..but king still definitely could be a potential reference point (unless that too was subject to change) and it would look cool. Rule of cool is always number one.
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I mean by that I meant something like fuerte but with even more aerial options..but king still definitely could be a potential reference point (unless that too was subject to change) and it would look cool. Rule of cool is always number one.

Yeah absolutely, when I said that I wasnt just taking your assertions into context, in my own observations of how I think he might work, I saw the chair as a way to create spacing based pressure and/or simply create new ways to pressure. Therefore chain grabs could be a bit weird as the dont really fall under "pressure" as it is RAW SOVIET DAMAGE. I mean, Abel has high low rekkas instead alongside a traditional command grab which fit into his mix up and pressure style... Chain grabs would be odd on him IMO.

however even with that said, Chain grabs could be seen as pressure because the opponents don't want to be hit by raw soviet damage... ye old mind games and stuff, they could be pressure tools if thought of in this way.

or maybe! Beowulf can have high low HIT GRABS rather than strike based rekkas. Now that could work into a pressure/mix up grappler thing, while still being 2 kool for skool and real soviet domog. Thoughts all?
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I like it in that it would be different from Bella which is probably one of the big ideas going into his development by not just being normal command grabs as well as potentially setting up highs and lows..it would also be different from characters like she hulk and fuerte..Very much not Kanji either..so he'd be all beowulf. I'm sort of glad we sort of came to a similar conclusion about the wip designs so far.

Like the chair itself is interesting. I don't believe there has been a grappler with puppet character elements. Like the chair eats space. It's like tager's magnetism but instead of pulling someone in it's literally just sitting there being annoying (maybe even setting up ambiguous stuff?). In the concepts it can be used like Mika's ring or alternately to set up mid screen combos..and like he also has so many aerial tools to boot. Like I really really want that Chief Thunder-ish stomp..

and then none of the concepts have the shield throw in them..but they've mentioned it quite alot. So many tools shown so far. So many possibities. Fairly overwhelming.
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I quite like the idea of the chair modifying things like a command dash which turns into a high angle jump in attack, just like in real wrestling ala sabu (I think sabu ran off chairs?)

as for the shield throw thing, I remember them mentioning how it would just be a chair, so it wouldnt come back to you. Which got me thinking on what could be done with it if Beo could throw the chair and different results could come of it (through certain punch buttons etc) I remember someone posting somewhere about suggesting beo being able to throw it into prone, upright or "bear trap" position, where it would snare folk. I really liked this idea.

With the idea of throwing it into its set up state, I started to think how that could maybe work like peacocks item drop assists, and allow combo extensions off things like Excellabella and Grab Bag, this could especially be true if that extra knock into hit concept gets in, I can see excella assists really working for him esp if he can go into a combo at mid screen without attempting to do some crazy stuff in the air (i.e valentine has to jump and match the trajectory to land flatliner, and I dont even know if she can use her normals in such a way that she can get a traditional combo off excella). Grab bag could also work if the chair persists despite beowulf being tagged out, which would make sense and be awesome, imagine the chair catching the opponent just like item drop does currently, I doubt mikeZ would allow that tho as I recall he didnt want grab bag to combo (dont quote me on that Im not even sure myself), but people found item drop anyway, so I dunno *shrugs*

I also really like the stomp, I can imagine the chair anti airing jump backs if the trajectory is right.
And like the chair's position changing supers or acting as a way or delaying supers would be super cool. Like if he had a super that requires the chair so he super armors across the screen and jumps from wherever the chair is. So you could do assist super input and then easy crossup into combo probably or something.

Also I found this use of a chair and never posted it. Idk if it fits but ow.



Also tomarrow we talk about the bulletclub. Cause they are too sweet.
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ah yeah I remember that move taker did with that chair, was in a few of the SvR video games. except you just bounced them off the floor rather than a turnbuckle.

also yeah, I agree with the super idea with dashing to the chair, I can see it working for the test your might concept if the super armoured dash was a command grab that carried the opp with him to the chair for the move. This could get a lot of set ups that way, and could be used to get the chair back more effectively than the stomp for a meter, with drawbacks being a small recovery if he reaches the chair without the opp and kinda picks it up all disappointed XD
Tomorrow doing all Macho-Man matches as it jives with the references in the indygogo.

So expect a warrior one too, vikings in pro wrestling, and then one based around king from Tekken...maybe a best of the various moves in the concepts too. I decided to skip kaiju big battel and PWG, as to get into either you basically need to go to sketchy websites or buy a dvd. I'd like to do about 5 days of themed Beowulf days and then back to random junk.

Also hopefully another animation stream or the eliza patch comes out? 2 weeks right? always 2 weeks.
Also hopefully another animation stream or the eliza patch comes out? 2 weeks right? always 2 weeks.
That's how Mike seems to like it. Sorta like an unofficial/ official schedule for LZ it's also when the Salty Cupcakes are delivered to their office, all the way from a small bakery shop in NYC that Mike used eat from.
it's the attack all the anime collectibles stream featuring a small robutt.
Beowulf needs sick chair combos.
Who would win in a fight the Hurting or Eliza's furniture
Egyptian Chairs are the best in the WOOOORRRRRRLLLD

(totally the hurting though)
I would like to see it for some humor.
Can somebody crop images of The Hurting and some of Eliza's furniture onto characters in a DBZ fight?
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Easy match of the year for me.


Also Suzuki was in an episode of one piece as himself.
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