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Peanuts stream da bes.

If there's anyone on the east coast that has good connections with Mr. Peck or Woofly, it'd be neat to showcase them a bit.
Guess I'll do it then.

My connection to Peck is fine but the problem is more that this starts at something stupid his time, like 2am or something. If there are any Europeans who keep weird hours hit me up and I will have you battle on stream for our amusement.

Trying to think what else we could run this week. Is @Jayford vs @Some Person a thing we could do this week??? Also something I personally wanna see is @Lethalmind vs @Pikmario, they had a real close set at the Stickbug tournament.
Is @Jayford vs @Some Person a thing we could do this week???

I second @Jayford vs @Some Person. I want to see some Dads being touched.

Aw man, people actually want me to play in this thing. I blame you, @Outlaw_Spike.

Guess there should be some backstory in this so people know why it's even a thing in the first place. Basically SCR happened and he and I were in the same pool. In my second match, he sends me to losers. In Losers Semis for pool A, I go against him again, and he knocks me out. So basically he's the only reason I didn't get into top 8 for SCR since I 2-0'd all my other opponents. The matches Jayford and I had were relatively close anyways, so at least there's that. Guess we could call it a runback or something.

Now, since people seem to have lost the point of these grudge matches and just done "lelwhateverrrrrrrr" matches, I suppose I'll come up with something to start the smack talk for no reason.

@Jayford is a fraud because he smells like a bum and the only dads he's ever touched are anime dads, and those dads don't count because Anime Is Wrong.
loool I am down to fight just give me like a day or 2 in advance :3
Stream will be happening this Thursday at 10pm EST which I think is 7pm your time. Hopefully that is enough in advance.
Peanuts stream da bes.

If there's anyone on the east coast that has good connections with Mr. Peck or Woofly, it'd be neat to showcase them a bit.
They could just play each other...
They could just play each other...

It's like you don't want to see an intercontinental showdown where America has a real chance to defend its honor.

You know, since we'll never ever in a million years be any good at soccer.
It's like you don't want to see an intercontinental showdown where America has a real chance to defend its honor.

You know, since we'll never ever in a million years be any good at soccer.
The closest an English footballer born during our lifetime has gotten to a World Cup was while holding a DualShock.
I would very much like a match good sirs, if at all possible.
Sounds good, we haven't had you on in a minute. Thread, who among you will challenge the Lilman?
looool nah I'll be there :p. I marked it on my calendar lmao. Do you guys use beta or normal pc for this?
Whatever the players of the respective match agree on.
What IsaVulpes said. Some Person doesn't use Big Band so I'm assuming you guys would be playing in the normal version of the game.
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