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Anime/Manga General Discussion

okay, so I just checked out the fifth episode of Garo Honoo no Kokuin.

pretty good episode.

they dropped some info about Alfonso's bloodline and how his mother and Leon's were both sisters, Anna raised to be a makai priestess, and Esmerelda given to adoption to an aristocrat family.

Rafael is a fucking awesome character, donning the armor of Gaia the knight of defense. that motherfucker did not skip arm day. I really can't wait to see more of him and Alfonso's relationship now that they seem to be mentor and student. also, Alfonso proves he ain't afraid of no horrors.

not much done with Leon and Herman this episode. though the vision of Leon's grandfather giving him some inspirational words was a really nice touch.

I liked it and it was pretty good.
The ones that were definitely in the manga's last chapter, right
Apparently the Naruto movie coming soon is about Naruto & Hinata finally getting together. And fighting MOON WIZARDS.

Moon Wizards seem pretty popular these days.
Starting from last saturday I can't stop watching HxH (2011). I don't watch other shows. I don't play games. Just watching HxH all day (except did some non-PC related tasks at weekend). I come from a job, watch HxH and go to sleep. And whole week like this. I already seen half of it in 2001+ (they rewinded it in 2011), why the hell I got hooked so strong?
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HxH (2011) is very good. One of the best long story shonen shows in a good while (IMO). To bad it has a bad ending, but the manga isn't finished soo they couldn't do it better anyway.

And no, no help or Jesus is needed. HxH is just general better then YYH, @Ruin
Though, I do think YYH have better team dynamic then HxH has in most part (Kuwabara FTW)!
I really don't see why people say YYH's ending sucks.

I mean, yeah there coulda been a teeny more done, but it feels pretty solid if you ask me.
Let's call that ending neutral. Not bad but not good eather.

Or I should maby rewatch it and maby get a new view on it <.<
Or wait on a reboot (C'mon, do it)!
FML, the Noragami translator team couldn't continue translate Noragami in the future anymore. Which means there is no other way to read it translated unless some other people start translate it.
I think part of the reason people complain about the ending to YYH was that the last two arcs were pretty weak and it made the ending seem boring. The ending itself is not necessarily bad, but with the final arc feeling like a poor man's dark tournament it can seem like more of a cop out than a conclusion.
YYH probably would have been a bit better if Togashi wasn't always on the verge of dying when he's making manga
Kuwabara should have gotten his own spinoff.

solving crazy ghost shit in college. trying to go for Botan again. Kuwabara punchin' fools.
You know that you have to actually pass exams before they let you into college, right?
Moving this here because Monster Musume is one of my guilty pleasures.
B-but Rachnee!
She's a close second for me.

EDIT: Oh shit, just read the latest chapter (i think?) and Miia's mom lol
That chapter honestly rustled my jimmies because of the implication behind the world government giving the Lamia nation a pardon for years of kidnapping and raping tourists. It's not like they would even have had to kidnap people in the first place. I guarantee that guys would be lining up to ... "service" a village if given the opportunity. Just make is a volunteer program you can opt into at the border if you're of age and pass some basic medical examinations. *BOOM* Population crisis averted and nobody get's put in a gimp suit.
That chapter honestly rustled my jimmies because of the implication behind the world government giving the Lamia nation a pardon for years of kidnapping and raping tourists. It's not like they would even have had to kidnap people in the first place. I guarantee that guys would be lining up to ... "service" a village if given the opportunity. Just make is a volunteer program you can opt into at the border if you're of age and pass some basic medical examinations. *BOOM* Population crisis averted and nobody get's put in a gimp suit.

the problem is that society is a slow ass motherfucker, so expecting them to just immediately abandon their ways in such a short time is expecting a bit much. and they never really lied about how everyone in the village will have sex with the male. they just never said it was everyone at the same time. and technically both parties gave consent, sooooo.... it's still sleazy but not technically illegal. plus, there comes a point where the mind is willing but the flesh is weak, and I wouldn't doubt that they go beyond that point even.
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I mean, now that the parents are coming into play people should prepare themselves for some anger inducing cultural backgrounds because Mia's is actually really tame compared to what is about to come. But on the topic of snakegirls. They don't get a technicality from me. I get that this is a comedy and the guy they show getting taken in by the village clearly wanted a harem and got more than he bargained for, but once they kept the dude imprisoned and forced to populate the entire village it stopped being "ha ha" funny and became "uhm...what" unnerving, for me at least. Plus, Lamias are skilled poisoners and Mia's mom has a penchant for neurotoxins and aphrodisiacs. We know what she wanted to do with those so it's safe to assume that they also went after more tame tourists in the past as well.

Now I'm not going to read too much more into this since it is ostensibly a comedy manga. But man are these cultures really messed up.
I mean, now that the parents are coming into play people should prepare themselves for some anger inducing cultural backgrounds because Mia's is actually really tame compared to what is about to come. But on the topic of snakegirls. They don't get a technicality from me. I get that this is a comedy and the guy they show getting taken in by the village clearly wanted a harem and got more than he bargained for, but once they kept the dude imprisoned and forced to populate the entire village it stopped being "ha ha" funny and became "uhm...what" unnerving, for me at least. Plus, Lamias are skilled poisoners and Mia's mom has a penchant for neurotoxins and aphrodisiacs. We know what she wanted to do with those so it's safe to assume that they also went after more tame tourists in the past as well.

Now I'm not going to read too much more into this since it is ostensibly a comedy manga. But man are these cultures really messed up.
I'm gonna laugh so hard if Cerea's society isn't bad at all, but her mother has like, deep rooted kinks that keep resurfacing every time she talks to protag.

Nothing to say, I just wanted to join in
join us Vad.
Welcome monster girls into your heart.
one of us. one of us. one of us. one of us. one of us. one of us. one of us. one of us. one of us. one of us.
You bring up a good point Paperbag, I thought about it but not too much. I wonder what else has been pardoned...and how dark some other species' pasts run. I'd imagine Arachne's race has quiiite the story/stories to tell.
join us Vad.

I actually want to start reading that soon now that I've got a few months without study. Just need to finish off some of the series I'm watching/reading so that I'm not splitting my time up too much.
I'm gonna laugh so hard if Cerea's society isn't bad at all, but her mother has like, deep rooted kinks that keep resurfacing every time she talks to protag.
............ Prepare yourself, we have Papi's mom and then comes Centorea. Might need this at some point, keep it secret, keep it safe.

@Vadsamoht Just noticed that you're tag says Former Admin. When did that happen.[/SPOILER]
I mean, now that the parents are coming into play people should prepare themselves for some anger inducing cultural backgrounds because Mia's is actually really tame compared to what is about to come. But on the topic of snakegirls. They don't get a technicality from me. I get that this is a comedy and the guy they show getting taken in by the village clearly wanted a harem and got more than he bargained for, but once they kept the dude imprisoned and forced to populate the entire village it stopped being "ha ha" funny and became "uhm...what" unnerving, for me at least. Plus, Lamias are skilled poisoners and Mia's mom has a penchant for neurotoxins and aphrodisiacs. We know what she wanted to do with those so it's safe to assume that they also went after more tame tourists in the past as well.

Now I'm not going to read too much more into this since it is ostensibly a comedy manga. But man are these cultures really messed up.

I think it is kind of funny but at the same time it is unnerving because it is the old "nobody gives a shit about men" value that was always around. Men can't be raped, etc.

Specially sad, because Mama Mia :PUN:and probably other Lamias go around poisoning people but don't get at least a punch in the face for their shenanigans. At least Mia is a better person.


Still, it is a comedic manga. Let's not take it too seriously.




About Centaurs. In the greek myths I remember that you should keep them away from wine.
so how about the ME!ME!ME! music video, guys

don't you just love demonstrations of the self-destructive nature of the otaku lifestyle getting ignored by the otakus at large because
Did...did he just wake-up Shoryuken that girl? B-because that's both awesome and worrying.

Don't worry. He didn't hit her because she is a woman. Neither because she is stupid.

He hit her because she is SO STUPID that as a reader has said: "Her stupidity runs so deep that it became a STD".




Back to Monster Girl:

For me the strongest harem members are Miia, Centorea and Rachnera. Fetishes aside those three have the most significant qualities for a woman in marriage. In a very abridged version: passion (Miia), manners (Centorea), maturity (Rachnera).

Among them myself, I am divided between Centorea and Miia. While spiders are cool, and Rachnera certainly is, I don't share some of her views (specially concerning brutal honesty). Also I don't like being dominated and I am a sadist with a revenge fetish. If I married her the police would eventually have to meddle in.
Don't worry. He didn't hit her because she is a woman. Neither because she is stupid.

He hit her because she is SO STUPID that as a reader has said: "Her stupidity runs so deep that it became a STD".

Made it 8 chapters in so far but I assure you I wasn't worried about the series being misogynistic, just that dude had great form with the knock up into the ceiling. It hasn't been since I finished Beelzebub that I've seen some quality head to surface action.
Don't you just love demonstrations of the self-destructive nature of the otaku lifestyle getting ignored by the otakus at large because anime tiddies?
Based Ruin callin' shit out, I love you mang.
Back to Monster Girl:

For me the strongest harem members are Miia, Centorea and Rachnera. Fetishes aside those three have the most significant qualities for a woman in marriage. In a very abridged version: passion (Miia), manners (Centorea), maturity (Rachnera).

Among them myself, I am divided between Centorea and Miia. While spiders are cool, and Rachnera certainly is, I don't share some of her views (specially concerning brutal honesty). Also I don't like being dominated and I am a sadist with a revenge fetish. If I married her the police would eventually have to meddle in.
for me, I like Cerea the best because she has an appealing design to me (long blonde hair and blue eyes are my weakness) and she also has her other great qualities, but for me, her best quality is when she breaks and shows a really cute side. like, when the MC held her hand for the first time or when she was eating those veggie sticks and getting super hype.

for second, I like Mera. I know she's not a likely candidate, but I really like her personality and I love her gothic maid outfits.

for third it's Tio. because Tio is love.
You know for as continually shit as Bleach continues to be
I would really not mind the series getting a proper Musou
I'd certainly like to play as this Ichibei fellow
I rather like him. Throwing around giant palms and shit. Good stuff for a musou.