K->P crouching and P->K standing like COTA Akuma.
And no, no backwards chains for the whole character.
Though I might actually be able to add the special move she's missing, which was supposed to be a drill replacement...
@winnie I mean I know you think you're the shiznit and eeerthang but cr.LK->cr.MK->s.HP is not EITHER character's optimal starter from cr.LK.
cr.MK pulls in from further, so you use it for that, but it gives you
less damage overall in your combo by contributing more hits to the damage scaling, even though it does more damage itself.
Filia's most damaging Medium normal is cr.MP, so her optimal start is what you wanted Fukua's to be, cr.LK->cr.MP->s.HP (1800 compared to cr.MK 1719, with 4 fewer hits of scaling).
Fukua's most damaging Medium normal is s.MK, so her optimal start is cr.LK->s.MK->s.HP - although the starter itself does less damage, the next hit and following combo will do more.
For example, with Filia, cr.LK->cr.MK(all)->s.HP /\ j.HP dash j.LK->j.HK is 2645, but replacing the cr.MK with cr.MP (delay the j.HP, it still works fine) is 3380, and the damage difference only goes up from there since all followup hits are less scaled.
So they ARE different in the way you wanted, but y'know, backward, since your premise was wrong. :^P