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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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Hmm that could change Mistress Eliza's game play style entirely. The ability to use her blood to counter opponents, summoning servants, and to personally set up her own blood traps. This could complex and nasty if used correctly. The only way I can say to counteract this possible new ability would be that if she does the second hit of MK. that it would inflect red damage onto herself, kinda a give and take, aye?
Basically, Eliza confirmed for sickest character.
That's a possibility but I would think he'll try to refine it a little more than that for the final version of the game, probably making them flat little pools on the ground rather than standing orbs. I am still hoping for something similar to A.B.A's blood packs to allow you to go into a super hard rush down mode at the cost of slowly degrading HP, which could set up blood on the field while you're using the steroid move possibly?

But me likes ice cream blood... is cute.

Basically, Eliza confirmed for sickest character.

Aye, Mistress Eliza wouldn't have it any other way.
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I like to think that Eliza puts blood in her coffee like that guy from Daybreakers.

Just a random thought as I sip my coffee.
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New marketing, Eliza bloody-ice cream.

Bloody Ice Cream.png
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Not sure if this is old news or not, i'm a bit lazy to go through 32 pages to check but eliza looks like her blood pool traps are actually a blockbuster move, I was wondering if she'd have something else like that just to move them around or something

D: i want to marry eliza sama :c do you think she'll love me??

as long you're not a bratty child or ask her for money/ how old she is you should get along fine
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New marketing, Eliza bloody-ice cream.

as long you're not a bratty child or ask her for money/ how old she is you should get along fine
anything for eliza sama
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And yet strangely tasty, Now comes in A positive, AB, and O Flavors!
what if i have aids... will that affect ojou sama?
I really really REALLY do not like that HUD art for her, though. I'd hope it's just placeholder.

like she wants to look at us peasants
What is this I don't even.
Sock puppets. A common form of entertainment for the young and mentally challenged.

No one fears a whip that isn't cracked. Just a idle musing... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I would imagine that there isn't really a way to make the blood move, as it apparently just lands wherever it does after getting hit, or possibly inflicting damage on yourself (if that ability exists) and I mean you might have a way to move it but I imagine it'll be more about how you position yourself around your opponent to take advantage of it, rather than how you move it around the screen. It's not going to be the same as Litchi's staff in BB after all (as far as we know at the present at least).
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Uh... In that case, I think Mistress Eliza would have you destroyed. She would not let such tainted blood stain her lips.
NOOO MASTER ELIZAA :c im not worthy of living... i must end this pathetic life and rebron as one of her mighty servants xP (died)
There's a lot of double posting going on in here which I have merged. Please try to keep your comments in one post at a time. Also, the last page was complete nonsense and a lot of it was deleted. You can tell by what is still there what is acceptable levels of silly/off topic postings.

I updated the Ankh symbol on the profiles, so it looks a little neater.

Personally I don't think that s.mk with the snake will be used to generate blood - it just looks neat, but that's definitely a clever observation if it's true. She has a few other moves that chop herself up like that one in the concepts where she cuts down some reeds.
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AB- top shelf, O+ beer in a can.

Personally regarding the flavor, scent, texture and over all enjoyment, I can conclude that Mistress Eliza would love the blood types A-, AB+, and O on a blue moon.

This is the end of that matter. Let us go back to Mistress Eliza's moves and her animation, shall we?
God, i really should catch up on true blood and this is reminding me of the blood gelato they had too,
actually can eliza be like maryann from true blood, that would be utterly brillant
I seem to also remember something about using one of her blockbusters in order to restore some health based on the pools she has laying around. I'm still curious as to whether that's even on the table anymore and if so what kind of ratio it's going to be per pool/glob of blood. I wouldn't think you'd get health equal to what you lost exactly though.
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I seem to also remember something about using one of her blockbusters in order to restore some health based on the pools she has laying around. I'm still curious as to whether that's even on the table anymore and if so what kind of ratio it's going to be per pool/glob of blood. I wouldn't think you'd get health equal to what you lost exactly though.

I think you might be mixing up Molly's abilities into Eliza's.

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God, i really should catch up on true blood and this is reminding me of the blood gelato they had too,
actually can eliza be like maryann from true blood, that would be utterly brillant
I smell a palette idea.
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I was pretty sure Mike mentioned something about "possibly" having her restore some health with her blood. But he didn't really elaborate on it at the time. NOTE I found it, was looking through the Eliza prototype stream he had recorded and he mentions it when someone asks about her being able to restore health here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=QrMle4Hyovg#t=261 just watch it from where it starts and you'll hear his reply to the question which is more of just a vague maybe from Mike. XD
I was pretty sure Mike mentioned something about "possibly" having her restore some health with her blood. But he didn't really elaborate on it at the time. NOTE I found it, was looking through the Eliza prototype stream he had recorded and he mentions it when someone asks about her being able to restore health here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=QrMle4Hyovg#t=261 just watch it from where it starts and you'll hear his reply to the question which is more of just a vague maybe from Mike. XD

Aye, I thank thee for providing this information.
Eliza turns into part of her stage lol

But Eliza's ground tech.

Mmmmh that Blood, so sexy. Uh, I mean, I find Mistress Eliza's control over her own blood not only impressive, but quite attractive as well.
She's the best at showboating, just like everything she does, it must be grand and magnificent.
What the fuck am I looking at!?
To me it looks like Eliza gets up by creating an arch, but sekhmet didn't get the memo and is just lounging for a bit.
To me it looks like Eliza gets up by creating an arch, but sekhmet didn't get the memo and is just lounging for a bit.

Actually Sekhmet is looking at her nails, clearly showing that it's not a big deal and then makes a display before getting up finally. Like she's saying, "Fine, if I must."
The moving firmament is a particularly interesting detail. I wonder how it will look colored...
And I guess any doubts about the liquid body theory have been well dissipated by now.

To me it looks like Eliza gets up by creating an arch, but sekhmet didn't get the memo and is just lounging for a bit.
See page 29 of this here topic for a explanation of this reference.
The moving firmament is a particularly interesting detail. I wonder how it will look colored...
And I guess any doubts about the liquid body theory have been well dissipated by now.

See page 29 of this here topic for a explanation of this reference.

Ah, so Eliza's blood forms the shape of Nut in the sky, with sparkling blood and everything, interesting. Although I still see Sekhmet looking at her nails like she doesn't give a damn about what's going on really or isn't concerned, which I like. The vain nature of the pair and how amazingly they seem to get along really is quite different from Filia's relationship with Samson. Still wondering what kind of history Samson and Sekhmet supposedly have with one another as well.

I'd imagine they had some kind of falling out or splitting of interests at some point and Sekhmet became bitter and started harboring a grudge against Samson for leaving.
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