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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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Actions speak louder than words, we'll see what she's really like in her story mode. Personally I don't have high hopes for her moral integrity, but I believe it will be a great story nonetheless.
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I don't think I would consider Eliza and Sekhmet evil and evil is also a matter of perspective. She's consuming the blood of others purely as a means to an end, she's not doing it just out of the spite of doing it. She does it because it's how she sustains her eternal life and beauty and that's all there is to it. Sure she is cold about it but it's because to her it's just what she has to do to continue living indefinitely.

Consuming blood to not die, I can get behind. Doing the same to keep her beauty? Not so much.

"Means to an end": Carefull with that. That alone doesn't justify or unjustify anything.

Now, my reasons for wanting an evil Eliza. As I said, lack of villains (specially a villain parasite) and that I think morality and sanity are things that are pretty mortal when confronted with immortality (in my fictional worlds, be it an undead or a highlander, humanity keeps going to zero).

But that is just taste, and how I would write it.

I understand that many people think that a strong moral fiber can resist time.

We can't verify how it would go with our feeble lives. Unless we ask the immortal jellyfishes.


As Denizen said, let's see how it goes.
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Dat's quite a nice pic, I'm working on a fan arts of my own at the moment though it's not even out of the sketch phase yet. ^^;

Update: Here's the aforementioned sketch after I scanned it in, this is just a scaled down preview of the sketch but I will be taking it through to give it a good outline and color it soon enough as well. :D

Click Here!
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Dat's quite a nice pic, I'm working on a fan arts of my own at the moment though it's not even out of the sketch phase yet. ^^;
Meh might have to tinker with her a bit more, but yeah she's onto the digital redrawing phase. I would like to see your art when it comes, alrighty mate? shoot me a pm when it's ready, aye?
(Accidentally unfollowed, just me catching up)
...turning around.
My God! This argument has been flipped on its head!

I'm getting the impression that even if she does lose a fight she would never admit that she actually lost.
Funny, I think that's how the Egyptians were like as well.

But Eliza's ground tech.
MMMM I need Eliza beta now.
When do you think she'll be out on beta?

A conservative guess would be in maybe 2-3 weeks, but then again I don't really know how much is actually done so it's still up in the air.
I don't see why she can't technically be two characters. I think she should end up like Valkenhayn cause his play style is similar to the concept of her. Can't wait for her to get into beta

The reason they can't afford to do so is that their entire budget for the extra DLC characters primarily came from the IGG campaign that they held before the launch of the Steam release. They probably got a little extra from some of the Steam sales but overall their budget for DLC characters is all coming from all of those donations so they have limited funds to spend on each character they have planned.
filia has giant hairball super
squigly has giant fireball that come back super
eliza get bloodball super that splatter and give free blood set up for blood moves
...just my one cent
I don't see why she can't technically be two characters. I think she should end up like Valkenhayn cause his play style is similar to the concept of her. Can't wait for her to get into beta
The main problem with this is again Sekh having crouching and standing idles. There's no reason a character would have those unless she was able to fully switch into that form, not just for individual moves like Valk does.
I misunderstood how Valk worked. Apologies!

Another way they could do her is maker her a more limited, glass canon style character that you'll only want to stay in for short bursts if possible.

Eliza is a fully realized character with these super over the top normals and specials, then she takes enough damage (enough of her blood gets knocked off) and she auto switches to Sekhmet. Sekh is then crazy fast, maybe so much so that she can only move in dashes and just has a crazy array of really good normals (possibly only L/M/H with no distinction between kicks and punches?) with no specials. Her health constantly drains (starting with her red health). She can use supers to claim back all the blood on the field and return to Eliza form.

Unrelated side observation - her ground tech could be used both as Eliza and as Sekh with only relatively minor changes.
filia has giant hairball super
squigly has giant fireball that come back super
eliza get bloodball super that splatter and give free blood set up for blood moves
...just my one cent

Well, as cool as that would be I think Fortune already has something sorta like that with her level 3 Block Buster. I think maybe some kind of blood tornado or something like that would be pretty cool.
The main problem with this is again Sekh having crouching and standing idles. There's no reason a character would have those unless she was able to fully switch into that form, not just for individual moves like Valk does.
I misunderstood how Valk worked. Apologies! This kind of character

Another way they could do her is maker her a more limited, glass canon style character that you'll only want to stay in for short bursts if possible.

Eliza is a fully realized character with these super over the top normals and specials, then she takes enough damage (enough of her blood gets knocked off) and she auto switches to Sekhmet. Sekh is then crazy fast, maybe so much so that she can only move in dashes and just has a crazy array of really good normals (possibly only L/M/H with no distinction between kicks and punches?) with no specials. Her health constantly drains (starting with her red health). She can use supers to claim back all the blood on the field and return to Eliza form.

Unrelated side observation - her ground tech could be used both as Eliza and as Sekh with only relatively minor changes.
Exactly totally agree about the standing and crouching idle. The glass canon idea makes sense to me as well. I feel Mike has something up his sleeve like he always does with his characters. Only time will tell and hopefully it is fairly soon!
Well, as cool as that would be I think Fortune already has something sorta like that with her level 3 Block Buster. I think maybe some kind of blood tornado or something like that would be pretty cool.
This is Eliza we're talking about. Blood Tornado seems kind of mundane.

Normally a gentle cow goddess, Hathor becomes so angry at human disobedience that she turns into the fierce, lion-headed goddess, Sekhmet. She kills so many people that their blood runs like a river and creates a flood, which she drinks.
Now we're talking.
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My egypitan mythology might be off but wasn't sekhmet born from the eye of a god?
But Eliza's ground tech.

I love how Eliza can't fucking get up like a normal person, she has to make a show out of it.
Everything she does, she must do it fabulously.

Don't you just love it when you stop getting notifications for a thread you're watching
She also got drunk off her ass.
Eliza confirmed for alcoholic.

Well, more to the point it was kinda like this "In a myth about the end of Ra's rule on the earth, Ra sends Hathor or Sekhmet to destroy mortals who conspired against him. In the myth, Sekhmet's blood-lust was not quelled at the end of battle and led to her destroying almost all of humanity, so Ra poured out beer dyed with red ochre or hematite so that it resembled blood. Mistaking the beer for blood, she became so drunk that she gave up the slaughter and returned peacefully to Ra" (taken from Wikipedia)
Well, more to the point it was kinda like this "In a myth about the end of Ra's rule on the earth, Ra sends Hathor or Sekhmet to destroy mortals who conspired against him. In the myth, Sekhmet's blood-lust was not quelled at the end of battle and led to her destroying almost all of humanity, so Ra poured out beer dyed with red ochre or hematite so that it resembled blood. Mistaking the beer for blood, she became so drunk that she gave up the slaughter and returned peacefully to Ra" (taken from Wikipedia)
Yeah, I know.
I was kinda making a joke, especially since Alex has said Eliza likes beer.
Yeah, I know.
I was kinda making a joke, especially since Alex has said Eliza likes beer.

Yeah, could actually be something that's a part of her story, drinking a lot all the time to keep that horrible blood lust under control. >> Though I doubt it'll be in there quite that way.
Yeah, could actually be something that's a part of her story, drinking a lot all the time to keep that horrible blood lust under control. >> Though I doubt it'll be in there quite that way.
I want this so badly now, like holy shit.
Crouching drunk, hidden badass.
So, what is this? Sorry if it's been mentioned before.
Someone having some fun with their work I'd imagine, just judging from the look of it. X3

In all seriousness though I'm not sure and it's never been strictly labeled so there's not really much of a way to know what it's for or what it is that's going on there.
"Means to an end": Careful with that. That alone doesn't justify or unjustify anything.
There's a whole book about how wrong you are.:PUN:

My egypitan mythology might be off but wasn't sekhmet born from the eye of a god?
The eye of Big Daddy Ra himself.

So, what is this? Sorry if it's been mentioned before.
Frames from her thrown status.
It already sparked quite a discussion here. We armchair analysts always tend to disregard that nasty thing called context. :3

Since we're in the mood to share, I'll flail your eyes with two of my silly doodles. I'm no artist, just someone who desecrates paper and pencil every now and then. (.__.)
I love the Sphinx move so much. :3

From a nonsense headcanon of Sekhmet's ears drooping miserably when she's sad.

Side note, IsaVulpes' observation got me wondering, when the proper time comes, if we shouldn't have a topic devoted solely to gameplay discussion (besides the match-up and combo topics), leaving this one for updates, lore, etc.
Good way to keep things tidied up for both sides.
Big Daddy Ra? So where is Uncle Anubis in all of this Egyptian Family Comedy, hm? Now that I think about it, that would be a cool show it air on TV... Charles! Call up the Folks at NBC I've got the next best thing since "Heros" !
Since we're in the mood to share, I'll flail your eyes with two of my silly doodles. I'm no artist, just someone who desecrates paper and pencil every now and then. (.__.)
I love the Sphinx move so much. :3
View attachment 2536

From a nonsense headcanon of Sekhmet's ears drooping miserably when she's sad.
View attachment 2537

Side note, IsaVulpes' observation got me wondering, when the proper time comes, if we shouldn't have a topic devoted solely to gameplay discussion (besides the match-up and combo topics), leaving this one for updates, lore, etc.
Good way to keep things tidied up for both sides.

A gameplay discussion for just general gameplay tips, tricks, and observations, is that what you mean? Also I like the Sphinx quite a lot as well to be honest and your doodles aren't that bad at all. I likes em'!
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You gentlemen spoil me. <(__)>

Big Daddy Ra? So where is Uncle Anubis in all of this Egyptian Family Comedy, hm?
Albus and Horace are already the "stand ins" for Anubis and Horus.
Hopefully Eliza's story will shed more light into her original past standing but this illustration hints at royalty. The head piece mimicking Hathor's isn't a plain coincidence. The sun disk is the symbol of Ra and his direct descendants.

(Bless me for making that archive. Makes digging these up a lot easier.)

A gameplay discussion for just general gameplay tips, tricks, and observations, is that what you mean?
Yes, something like that. Maybe it's just my impression but I can't help but notice a divide in the fanbase, between those with interest in the gameplay and those with interest in the world/characters. There are plenty who enjoy both but the scale always tends to tip heavier on one of those sides.
Still early to speak of such things. Mayhap when Eliza graces the beta with her presence...it was the beta's greatest day but for our glorious Oujo-sama, it was Tuesday. :3

And OK, I'm a organization nut... (.__.)
You gentlemen spoil me. <(__)>

Yes, something like that. Maybe it's just my impression but I can't help but notice a divide in the fanbase, between those with interest in the gameplay and those with interest in the world/characters. There are plenty who enjoy both but the scale always tends to tip heavier on one of those sides.
Still early to speak of such things. Mayhap when Eliza graces the beta with her presence...it was the beta's greatest day but for our glorious Oujo-sama, it was Tuesday. :3

And OK, I'm a organization nut... (.__.)

Hey now, I think having good organizational skills is definitely admirable. I try but I'm not the best at keeping organized and a lot of times my organization can fall apart. So I really do appreciate you archiving all the static and animated artwork that there is of Eliza so far, definitely helps with sharing it to other people and just for referencing in general. XD

As for Sekhmet and Samson's connection to each other, it's purely going to be from a made-up lore stand point as there's no legitimate connection between the legend of Samson from the Bible's text and any Egyptian gods of any kind. So as far as that goes it's gonna just be something created specifically for Skullgirls' lore. As for the headpiece that Eliza is wearing in that artwork, that doesn't necessarily entail her being royalty. She could have simply been a priestess of Sekhmet that was offered a deal by her "goddess" at some point in the past.

Also I'm a fan of both the gameplay itself and the lore, although I'm terrible at the game right now.
Side note, IsaVulpes' observation got me wondering, when the proper time comes, if we shouldn't have a topic devoted solely to gameplay discussion (besides the match-up and combo topics), leaving this one for updates, lore, etc.
Good way to keep things tidied up for both sides.
I'll be carving this forum up into all the appropriate threads when she hits beta, don't worry.
Just saying "it is means to an end" and ending there doesn't make anything right.

Which means and to which end? There I will listen.

But I admit that I should have expressed myself better.

The point that saying "It's a means to an end" has in the context of Eliza being evil or not is that to her it isn't bad or wrong. Her perception is that it's okay because it is how she survives, it's how she lives. She doesn't do it out of contempt for other people, drinking blood from people is her means to her eternal life. Other than that, she's a singer and a very big time one at that from what we can tell. She also has those fake blood drives which she uses to gather supplies of blood for herself, though I'd hardly call that evil, wrong and deceitful perhaps but not pure evil in any way.
As for the headpiece that Eliza is wearing in that artwork, that doesn't necessarily entail her being royalty. She could have simply been a priestess of Sekhmet that was offered a deal by her "goddess" at some point in the past.
Was going by the fact only gods are depicted wearing that and the horns really drive the association with Hathor. Yours is a interesting theory nonetheless.
How about corrupted priestess that kills off her own in order to set Sekhmet free and bond with her? Sometimes you gotta clean up the house to get stuff done. :3
But hey! sun priestess? Give her a Blockbuster where she jumps atop a pyramid, does the Praise and dive bombs the opponent. It's the Skullgirls + Dark Souls + Hokuto no Ken cross up I never knew I wanted until now!


I'll be carving this forum up into all the appropriate threads when she hits beta, don't worry.
...but...but...preoccupation is what I excel at! (‘A`)

Just saying "it is means to an end" and ending there doesn't make anything right.
Was just being my usual cheeky self. :3
Nonetheless it is a very important thing to think about. A point of discussion that has remained relevant since the emergence of society and, especially, representative power.
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Was going by the fact only gods are depicted wearing that and the horns really drive the association with Hathor. Yours is a interesting theory nonetheless.
How about corrupted priestess that kills off her own in order to set Sekhmet free and bond with her? Sometimes you gotta clean up the house to get stuff done. :3
But hey! sun priestess? Give her a Blockbuster where she jumps atop a pyramid, does the Praise and dive bombs the opponent. It's the Skullgirls + Dark Souls + Hokuto no Ken cross up I never knew I wanted until now!


Actually, interesting you should point that out, doesn't that animation of Sekhmet with her wearing the robe and sun disk have her arms outstretched kinda like that, maybe not in the exact "Praise the sun!" pose but close to the Hakuto No Ken pose you showed there? XD
The point that saying "It's a means to an end" has in the context of Eliza being evil or not is that to her it isn't bad or wrong. Her perception is that it's okay because it is how she survives, it's how she lives. She doesn't do it out of contempt for other people, drinking blood from people is her means to her eternal life. Other than that, she's a singer and a very big time one at that from what we can tell. She also has those fake blood drives which she uses to gather supplies of blood for herself, though I'd hardly call that evil, wrong and deceitful perhaps but not pure evil in any way.

Now we have an interesting conversation.


It can be considered very muddy if there were people awaiting for that blood to survive.

Let's say she really needs the blood to survive and there and a person with a normal lifespan that also needs it. You only have so much for one, and you don't know anything about any of them except how much they lived.

I would give the blood to the younger person. Eliza already lived dozens of lifetimes.

Of course, asking someone to die is too much. To forfeit continued existence in favor of someone younger is undoubetly a good act.

For a moment, I thought her story could go that way, but that theme was already covered in Squigly's story.

Also, the fake blood drive rubs me off very wrongly. Living in a corrupt country where the politicians robbed even donations for flood victims, it grinds my gears. It is a much easier act of murder, because you don't see the victims.

Human compassion has this bad loopholes.
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