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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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Something I wonder is, while you can no longer tell Eliza and Sekhmet's personalities apart, what if Sekhmet is the one with the ambitions to get the skullheart? I mean, it's quite possible that it has been around just as long as Sekhmet (before merging with Eliza, something I hope we see in her story mode), Samson and Leviathan so there may be something even bigger at play here.

It still doesn't make much sense that Sekhmet would want to actually use the Skullheart, we all know that it'll kill whoever uses it and Samson and Leviathan can't use it since they aren't female. Sekhmet is the only female parasite we know of specifically right now, that'll be in the game. And while that does open up the possibility for her to use the Skullheart, why would she bother when she has all the blood she'd ever need to keep living and her and Eliza's goals are more than likely one and the same by this point if they have merged to the point where they are basically the same being in one body.

I'm just not convinced that Eliza is so shallow or unable to think enough in advance to believe that just taking the Skullheart and using it for a wish like becoming a god or ruling the world, when the Skullheart will possess her and kill her as a part of fulfilling her wish. I mean even with Sekhmet as a part of her, she wouldn't survive. And it would most definitely corrupt and kill Eliza seeing as a wish like becoming ruler of the earth or a god is a pretty damn selfish wish. XD
Cellsai's theory makes a lot more sense.
Cellsai's theory makes a lot of sense. But let me draw a parallel with Double, and why I think it's possible for Eliza to have coloring effects like she does for her fight animations and still pull off a convincing likeness of another person.

We know Double is a amorphous creature that can assume many forms, but we know from several story modes that she is weaker when transformed as other characters. Why is that? It's because shapeshifting is a lot like a muscle, if you strain it in unfamiliar or new ways the motion won't be as smooth or powerful as one you have properly trained. Since Double has a lot of experience transforming to look like other people she can do that with ease, but get her to mimic not only the voice but abilities of other people and there is a noticeable drop in performance (Any time she does a mirror match in the story). You don't see Double claiming to be at full power until after she starts morphing all kinds of bits and appendages (regular Double)

Eliza could operate under similar rules. When she's "relaxed" she assumes the most comfortable form she has, herself. But unlike double she doesn't (or hasn't) needed to make alterations to her body that need to be convincing. She can probably change her "clothes" to whatever suits her situation but she probably can't change her mass or general appearance without showing her true colors. So what we are seeing in battle is a combination of her shapeshifting finesse, and her compromising on function vs form. She grows wings but doesn't detail and color every individual feather. She etches hieroglyphics on her blood body, but can't completely replicate the texture of stone.

So just spitballing here. For Eliza pull off replicating a specific individual for any duration of time, and in the interest of keeping her from being overpowered, she might require a large sample of her target's blood to help her cover for any details she might miss while masquerading like them. I think it would ironic for her to keep Lorenzo or Vitale locked away someplace as a permanent blood donor for whenever she needs them. That is if she actually wants to take over the Medici's.
Wait a minute, how do we know that Eliza can copy other people's shapes and forms?
That is speculation indeed. My own, I see two possibilities if she truly has such a power and they both carry the obvious limitation of Sekhmet as the frame.
- Very minor shape-shifting for things like clothing and hair style.
- Limited shape-shifting to people whose skeleton is similar to Sekhmet's in terms of height and density, meaning that from the playable characters she'd only be capable of copying Parasoul and Valentine.
I think it's really just the first hypothesis.

My guess is that she wants to attain godhood like others have said, being quite vain and everything and smug in her immortality. But I'm sure she understands that when she takes the Skullheart that it will eventually kill her rather than doing what she wants.
While I phrased it jokingly, I do think the Skull Heart might function as a key to "access" the Trinity.

And it would most definitely corrupt and kill Eliza seeing as a wish like becoming ruler of the earth or a god is a pretty damn selfish wish. XD
Maybe she can be pure-hearted about it!:PUN:
We all know Suukaaru Haato has a very effed up moral compass.
But yes, as Paperbag_Sniper said and I underlined, that thing isn't very helpful for someone that intends on maintaining eternal beauty.
As is, Sekhmet pretty much does everything she could want. Now, does Eliza want a infinite power supply (for all we know, she might even abhor drinking blood) or is a eternity of refills sufficient? As long as there is civilization, it's never going to run out. So, in that sense, Eliza could be the dubious savior of Mankind. Eliminate the harbingers of indiscriminate destruction to save her stock.
So, which is the lesser evil - the ever thirsty but considerate blood goddess or the whimsical Trinity and their agents of death?

...And now I wish that Ottomo, Black Dahlia, Beatrix, Regina, and Taliesin were in the game so I could fight my way through the Medici family's upper echelon.
Even if my second most wanted is Venus, I gotta admit Black Dahlia feels most like the character really necessary to tie up a lot of loose ends and really set the Medici side rolling. Lorenzo's got his decrepit fingers in a lot of pies but there's no one to really represent his will. The usurper's attack dog doesn't really count.
Squigly's story really made a good pitch for her. She's needed either to get her ass kicked by a lot of folks or finish the jobs. Another zoner would also be a pleasant round up to the cast.
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Maybe she can be pure-hearted about it!:PUN:
We all know Suukaaru Haato has a very effed up moral compass.
But yes, as Paperbag_Sniper said and I underlined, that thing isn't very helpful for someone that intends on maintaining eternal beauty.
As is, Sekhmet pretty much does everything she could want. Now, does Eliza want a infinite power supply (for all we know, she might even abhor drinking blood) or is a eternity of refills sufficient? As long as there is civilization, it's never going to run out. So, in that sense, Eliza could be the dubious savior of Mankind. Eliminate the harbingers of indiscriminate destruction to save her stock.
So, which is the lesser evil - the ever thirsty but considerate blood goddess or the whimsical Trinity and their agents of death?
Actually, I kinda see Eliza moreso being old enough she's grown disconnected to human life so they're all just dumb livestock to her.
Also, cocky with very good reason being.
Oh jeez, a wall of text, time to get the fuck outta here.
And here I thought I did a good job trimming off a few paragraphs. :PUN:
I see Eliza's goal as being this. She believes herself to be above everyone else, a higher life form. However, she can only survive on the blood of the very people she considers cattle, as Water said. She has a weakness, and she desires to rid herself of that weakness. The Skull Heart or the Life Gem are the key to that.

Eliza is Kars.
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Drawing Ojou-sama is so hard. ;n;

Drawing Ojou-sama is so hard. ;n;

I found the hardest part getting used to the proportions used for Skullgirls characters, I just made my own reference for Eliza's proportions using some of the concept artwork and her official sprite, helped me a lot. ^^
I found the hardest part getting used to the proportions used for Skullgirls characters, I just made my own reference for Eliza's proportions using some of the concept artwork and her official sprite, helped me a lot. ^^
Honestly, it's not that. I can mimic the style pretty decently and I can draw Squigly and Parasoul but her general design is what gets me.
Although I mostly can't draw boobs in dress straps.

Hadn't thought of that. If I had to guess, during Eliza's story she will realize that even though the Medici's have her in check Marie has been doing a very thorough job of keeping the family distracted. Maybe to the point where she gets enough breathing room to making moves of her own. Either by tracking down any potential leaks about her identity, or by trying to replace the Medici leadership entirely and just run the organization herself. She is something of a shapeshifter and while it may not be her preferred way of handling things, disguising herself as an aged Lorenzo who is already withdrawn from the pubic eye would get rid of a lot of problems. All she would need to do to make it look legitimate is ensure that Lorenzo's sons and close confidants all met their demise at the hands of the skullgirl and Egrets, or at least that's what it would look like.

...And now I wish that Ottomo, Black Dahlia, Beatrix, Regina, and Taliesin were in the game so I could fight my way through the Medici family's upper echelon.

It is an entertaining thought that Eliza is conspiring to protect Marie, so that she could clean the house for her.

But I have to agree that also disguising herself would be pretty cheap. Only accetable if she racked up a lot of levels and got weird magical stuff over her many years.

Still, about shapeshifting, a storyline where Double replaces a mob boss would be interesting.

Actually, I kinda see Eliza moreso being old enough she's grown disconnected to human life so they're all just dumb livestock to her.
Also, cocky with very good reason being.

Will this happen to Annie one day too?

Maybe that is what also happened to Lorenzo. I wonder for much time he and Eliza have known each other.

While I phrased it jokingly, I do think the Skull Heart might function as a key to "access" the Trinity.

Even if my second most wanted is Venus, I gotta admit Black Dahlia feels most like the character really necessary to tie up a lot of loose ends and really set the Medici side rolling. Lorenzo's got his decrepit fingers in a lot of pies but there's no one to really represent his will. The usurper's attack dog doesn't really count.
Squigly's story really made a good pitch for her. She's needed either to get her ass kicked by a lot of folks or finish the jobs. Another zoner would also be a pleasant round up to the cast.

I have been thinking about that too. It is possible that the Skullheart has more uses than solely making wishes and transforming the wishers into Skullgirls. Eliza is someone that probably knows about it.
Will this happen to Annie one day too?
Well considering Annie isn't a condescending ass and would rather protect humanity, I wouldn't think so.
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Actually, I kinda see Eliza moreso being old enough she's grown disconnected to human life so they're all just dumb livestock to her.
Also, cocky with very good reason being.
Indeed. But that dumb livestock has a purpose. Don't get me wrong, she wouldn't fight for humanity, only for its utility.
In that sense, someone who just asks for adoration and the occasional donation seems a much better alternative than goddesses turning women into genocidal necromancers just for the heck of it.

Drawing Ojou-sama is so hard. ;n;
Verily. (~_~;)
Besides the universal basic things I never get right, I'd say the ankh is what I struggle getting right the most. Give it a proper sense of depth and how it leans backwards instead of just drawing a circle. And the hair style, can never quite figure the exact length and volume it's meant to have.
Nonetheless, been learning a few things from watching Mr Kim work. His minimalist approach is very interesting.

When's the model sheet gonna be released?:PUN:
It is an entertaining thought that Eliza is conspiring to protect Marie, so that she could clean the house for her.

But I have to agree that also disguising herself would be pretty cheap. Only accetable if she racked up a lot of levels and got weird magical stuff over her many years.
Don't get me wrong, the idea is to take out Marie and secure the Skullheart. Then either before or afterwards remove anyone else who would be in her way and replace (even temporarily) one of the higher ups of the mafia.
We must have a Ragyo Kiryuin (from Kill la Kill) palette.

It's so funny that me and friends have been saying this amongst ourselves, and then we find out that we're not alone! I've seen so many people asking for this! But it makes sense, it just would work so freakin' well!

"one of the new stages"

The way the DLC character work are they each come with two stages. One that belongs to them that matches their theme and another additional one just for the hell of it.
I do find it weird that Squigley, Big Band and Eliza all get their own stages and none of the main cast do. I mean you could argue that Little Innsmouth is Ms. Fortune's or Maplecrest is Painwheel's stage or Lab 8 is Peacock's or Grand Cathedral belongs to Double or (less obviously) the Streets of New Meridian are Filia's (she sort of debuted there, it appears in her story mode intro and it's sort of the 'default' stage in the same way she is the 'default' character), but their should be an Egret themed stage for Parasoul and I've been hoping for a Cirque de Cartes stage since the game first came out! Although Cerebella's stage might technically Medici Tower... No idea what stage technically belongs to Valentine.
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The way the DLC character work are they each come with two stages. One that belongs to them that matches their theme and another additional one just for the hell of it.
I do find it weird that Squigley, Big Band and Eliza all get their own stages and none of the main cast do. I mean you could argue that Little Innsmouth is Ms. Fortune's or Maplecrest is Painwheel's stage or Lab 8 is Peacock's or Grand Cathedral belongs to Double or (less obviously) the Streets of New Meridian are Filia's (she sort of debuted there, it appears in her story mode intro and it's sort of the 'default' stage in the same way she is the 'default' character), but their should be an Egret themed stage for Parasoul and I've been hoping for a Cirque de Cartes stage since the game first came out! Although Cerebella's stage might technically Medici Tower... be the No idea what stage technically belongs to Valentine.
no, Squigly came with another because story stuff, Big Band only has one stage, the stages that came to console with him that are not his stage are the IGG backers, Eliza will probably only have one stage
Big Band only has one stage
Yes Big Band only has one stage, Under the Bridge. It's part of his storymode and it's jazz themed. But Glass Canopy was also in the works but wasn't ready to launch in time for Big Band. Similarly Squigley has Rooftop assault as part of her storymode (which comes with regular New Meridian Rooftops as an added bonus) but she also got the River King Casino, which isn't HER stage but it is part of the same batch of DLC. The Egyptian themed Bath House will probably be featured in Eliza's storymode and can be called 'her stage' but like the previous two DLC characters there is a chance another stage,unrelated to Eliza, will be worked on alongside her.
But yeah, you may be right. Both the extra stages were 'backer stages' and they said there'd only be two of those. If they don't do two stages with Eliza I hope they finally release a voicepack!
Well considering Annie isn't a condescending ass and would rather protect humanity, I wouldn't think so.

Double voice: "Time shall erode all hearts."

Don't get me wrong, the idea is to take out Marie and secure the Skullheart. Then either before or afterwards remove anyone else who would be in her way and replace (even temporarily) one of the higher ups of the mafia.

Yes, let Marie kill mafia, then kill Marie.
But yeah, you may be right. Both the extra stages were 'backer stages' and they said there'd only be two of those. If they don't do two stages with Eliza I hope they finally release a voicepack!
I'm not going to flat out say There Will Not Be Two Stages With Eliza, but I really doubt there will. As you've said, Squigly was an abbaration in that she came with 2 stages + Casino. Big Band is more normal as he came with just 1 stage + Canopy. Canopy and Casino were VERY special cases because they were funded as part of the Patron Saint tier. I would really not get your hopes up for more stages aside from the one that's been revealed for Eliza already.

As for Voice Packs, Ravidrath has mentioned that they likely won't be coming until they've finished Robo Fortune and Beowulf.
so do we have any idea on how her moveset is going to be like?
so do we have any idea on how her moveset is going to be like?

We only really know of a few of her normals from animations taken from various sources so far, which Balder archived. She seems to have a bit of a slower move set though, just judging from how a lot of her moves are animated. Her heavy kick has a long animation and her heavy punch also seems to as well. Other than that, we know there's the blood manipulation mechanic as well, though we haven't seen anything specific about it since a prototype demonstration Mike did on a stream way back during the IGG campaign.
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Her heavy kick looks like to be the first slide in the game. Insta Top Tier. God Level.

Gives me a lot of Bison sliding vibes honestly.
If she's going to be slow, i really hope she'll get a dp like big band
Filia, Peacock, Double, and Fukua all have slides. Eliza's is hardly the first.
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But it's the slidiest.
but Fukua's slide so slidey that it became a projectile

But wouldn't that mean it's not a slide anymore and is in fact a projectile? :O
But wouldn't that mean it's not a slide anymore and is in fact a projectile? :O
and so the plot thickens. . .
so did any one catch yesterday's animation stream on Eliza or whatever it was?
and so the plot thickens. . .
so did any one catch yesterday's animation stream on Eliza or whatever it was?

Sadly I did not as I didn't know there was one going on and didn't have a link for it either. :(
We Slidegirls now!:PUN:

so did any one catch yesterday's animation stream on Eliza or whatever it was?
Lab Zero's Twitch channel archives don't have anything besides a suspicious 13 second one posted 20 hours ago though.
But as we've seen with the ground_tech stream, these aren't limited to Lab Zero or, indeed, Twitch.
The last Eliza related stream I recall being on the board's Streams bulletin was a art stream by a fan.
I thought that was just the UGC tourney stream with the email description being outdated
and so the plot thickens. . .
so did any one catch yesterday's animation stream on Eliza or whatever it was?
Yesterday's "Not Eliza Animation" stream was actually the tournament at UGC. Eighty Sixed was already booked for Saturday Night Salt.
For the record, when I said Fukua has a slide I was referring to 2HK.

And I thought the stream was for UGC?


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