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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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Human compassion has this bad loopholes.

Man, the world is just crappy and in the end if we want to change how it works we are going to have to rip up a lot of roots to get out the weeds. That don't mean I don't try.
Man, the world is just crappy and in the end if we want to change how it works we are going to have to rip up a lot of roots to get out the weeds. That don't mean I don't try.

I think humanity is not that bad. Just balls out insane, with so much evil and good coexisting.


After all, if the world was just crap we wouldn't have things like this:


From Lab Zero streams
Let's not derail this thread by delving into the philosophy of good, evil, and the true nature of human beings.
Well I've seen some uglier sides of people. so it
Let's not derail this thread by delving into the philosophy of good, evil, and the true nature of human beings.

Aye, let's not.
Actually, interesting you should point that out, doesn't that animation of Sekhmet with her wearing the robe and sun disk have her arms outstretched kinda like that, maybe not in the exact "Praise the sun!" pose but close to the Hokuto No Ken pose you showed there? XD
Indeed. Though, as we know, the pose is to "accommodate" the reference to Sekhmet's aegis.

Human compassion has this bad loopholes.
Compassion and fierce determination to live forever no matter the cost are two very opposing ideals, I'm afraid.

As for the blood bank front, I'd say that's being resourceful. Certainly a more elegant and, I dare say, merciful solution than drinking straight from the bottle, so to speak. Especially since this method doesn't kill the bottle. :3

I think humanity is not that bad. Just balls out insane, with so much evil and good coexisting.
But what is good? And what is evil? Such things are molded by circumstance and perspective and to some, they're not things at all.

From Lab Zero streams
I missed this one entirely. orz
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Now we have an interesting conversation.


It can be considered very muddy if there were people awaiting for that blood to survive.

Let's say she really needs the blood to survive and there and a person with a normal lifespan that also needs it. You only have so much for one, and you don't know anything about any of them except how much they lived.

I would give the blood to the younger person. Eliza already lived dozens of lifetimes.

Of course, asking someone to die is too much. To forfeit continued existence in favor of someone younger is undoubetly a good act.

For a moment, I thought her story could go that way, but that theme was already covered in Squigly's story.

Also, the fake blood drive rubs me off very wrongly. Living in a corrupt country where the politicians robbed even donations for flood victims, it grinds my gears. It is a much easier act of murder, because you don't see the victims.

Human compassion has this bad loopholes.

Well, while I am sorry to hear that you have to put up with politicians and people in high positions of power that do things like that. I don't condone anything of the sort. However, we can't strictly call it evil as there's really no such thing as pure evil, at least in the case of characters like Eliza. I just see her more as self centered and haughty.

As a part of the whole blood drive discussion I imagine she uses her fame to attract donors and this is basically what I envision as a propaganda poster for such a thing. :D

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Let's not derail this thread by delving into the philosophy of good, evil, and the true nature of human beings.
Well I've seen some uglier sides of people. so it

Aye, let's not.

Why not if it is in Eliza's context? After all she is the inspiration and source.

Well, while I am sorry to hear that you have to put up with politicians and people in high positions of power that do things like that. I don't condone anything of the sort. However, we can't strictly call it evil as there's really no such thing as pure evil, at least in the case of characters like Eliza. I just see her more as self centered and haughty.

As a part of the whole blood drive discussion I imagine she uses her fame to attract donors and this is basically what I envision as a propaganda poster for such a thing. :D

Well, at this point what is left for us is seeing how far she will go to keep existing in her story mode.

The happiest possible ending would be her finding something that she could feed on that isn't human blood. Or finding an immortal who would donate voluntarily for her (mad shipping...)

A really dark ending would be...

Imprisioning Ms. Fortune and using her as a food source for the rest of eternity.
Why not if it is in Eliza's context? After all she is the inspiration and source.
It's drifting out of the context of Eliza though.
A really dark ending would be...

Imprisioning Ms. Fortune and using her as a food source for the rest of eternity.

Now you've got me thinking.

Why do you think she puts up with the Medici family to begin with? Maybe she's looking to a permanent solution to her unique problem.
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Blackmail Paper, the mafia found out about her blood drive shenanigans.
Other than that, she's a singer and a very big time one at that from what we can tell. She also has those fake blood drives which she uses to gather supplies of blood for herself, though I'd hardly call that evil, wrong and deceitful perhaps but not pure evil in any way.
DLC Voting Sheet said:
Now forced into the pursuit for the Skull Heart, an ancient ambition stirs... one that Samson and Leviathan are all too familiar with.
I think the issue with Eliza isn't necessarily whether her stealing blood is wrong, it's what she's planning to do, or what she's been capable of in the past. Right now she seems to be just chilling out being famous, but it sounds like she's done bigger, potentially worse things in the past and is ramping up to start them again.
I'd like to point something out.

I've been hearing "When's Eliza", here and there. I'm taking offense to this because Eliza people are unoriginal, for stealing my completely original phrase and slapping Eliza over it.
Blackmail Paper, the mafia found out about her blood drive shenanigans.
My point exactly. If Eliza has gone toe-to-toe with previous incarnations of the Skullgirl and survived why does she put up with the mafia? Yes they could reveal her identity and no doubt put Eliza in the crosshairs of some powerful organizations. You can also argue that she has found a pretty good niche in New Meridian and the cost of uprooting herself and relocating someplace else is too high for whatever reason. But I honestly wonder if the Medici's could even stop her if she decided to rampage. Maybe they put a leash on a wolf thinking it was a dog.
I dunno man, I'm not here to have lengthy discussions about her.
My point exactly. If Eliza has gone toe-to-toe with previous incarnations of the Skullgirl and survived why does she put up with the mafia? Yes they could reveal her identity and no doubt put Eliza in the crosshairs of some powerful organizations. You can also argue that she has found a pretty good niche in New Meridian and the cost of uprooting herself and relocating someplace else is too high for whatever reason. But I honestly wonder if the Medici's could even stop her if she decided to rampage. Maybe they put a leash on a wolf thinking it was a dog.

It also would be sweet revenge, getting possession of somehing so precious to her "captors".
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My point exactly. If Eliza has gone toe-to-toe with previous incarnations of the Skullgirl and survived why does she put up with the mafia? Yes they could reveal her identity and no doubt put Eliza in the crosshairs of some powerful organizations.

Possibly because you can't just take over the world overnight. Just because someone is powerful, or a good fighter doesn't instantly make them a world leader. Eliza's built up her current stardom by being a singer. If the Mafia announced that she's actually a monster (a parasitic monster at that, and parasites are a big no-no in SG universe) she would lose all the support she has gained by being a diva and would fall back to nothing.
Maybe at some point she was a warmongering Empress or Pharoh equivalent, but she's clearly not now and is a much more banal celebrity. She has a lot more to lose by having her public support taken away.

I am guessing her pursuit of the Skullheart is setting her back on her previous, more direct power grab path.
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Eliza is more of the person to take over the world with culture than outright war. Something I do in Civilization all the time.
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Possibly because you can't just take over the world overnight. Just because someone is powerful, or a good fighter doesn't instantly make them a world leader. Eliza's built up her current stardom by being a singer. If the Mafia announced that she's actually a monster (a parasitic monster at that, and parasites are a big no-no in SG universe) she would lose all the support she has gained by being a diva and would fall back to nothing.
Maybe at some point she was a warmongering Empress or Pharoh equivalent, but she's clearly not now and is a much more banal celebrity. She has a lot more to lose by having her public support taken away.

I am guessing her pursuit of the Skullheart is setting her back on her previous, more direct power grab path.

So a really ambitious Eliza to do list:

-Get the Skullheart.
-Get back at mob.
-Get Life Gem

I am curious in how she pretends to use the Skullheart without the damn thing cursing her. The only thing I can think off is making someone else wish for her.
Possibly because you can't just take over the world overnight. Just because someone is powerful, or a good fighter doesn't instantly make them a world leader. Eliza's built up her current stardom by being a singer. If the Mafia announced that she's actually a monster (a parasitic monster at that, and parasites are a big no-no in SG universe) she would lose all the support she has gained by being a diva and would fall back to nothing.
Maybe at some point she was a warmongering Empress or Pharoh equivalent, but she's clearly not now and is a much more banal celebrity. She has a lot more to lose by having her public support taken away.

I am guessing her pursuit of the Skullheart is setting her back on her previous, more direct power grab path.

I am specifically asking why Eliza, for all we know about her, did not take out the Medici family when they began blackmailing her. Taking on the world is unreasonable in any setting so it's perfectly understandable why she wouldn't want to attract the attention of the Canopy Kingdom at large and risk a full scale battle with the entirety of the Black Egrets. If the Medici's were a problem to her it's not unreasonable to assume that she might want them out of her way. I perfectly understand, and stated, that she may have chose not to openly oppose them because she did not want her status revealed and she may be comfortable with New Meridian for whatever reasons.

However, I am entertaining the thought that she may be sticking with them because she is in search of something else (specifically the life gem) or as others have put forth, she might be using the Medici's to covertly build her power. Thinking about it, the skullheart is the worse possible item for her to build her future kingdom on. If she uses it she is guaranteed to burn out and fade away. But if she acquires the life gem, she can have all the life sustaining blood she needs at no cost. Eternal beauty and a stable power source seems more appealing to me than an inevitable corruption.

Eliza is centuries old and has encountered her fair share of trouble. What influence can a dying family who hides in the shadows really have over her? If she has been weakened and grown dull from past encounters and inaction her wetwork for the Medici's would only serve to hone her edge. If she needs more blood, the people she is sent to kill is ample payment in addition to her blood donation events. She may very well be building her strength and expanding her forces. What happens when she decides it's time to stop lounging around?
I am specifically asking why Eliza, for all we know about her, did not take out the Medici family when they began blackmailing her.
Any smart blackmailer will have it set up so that if they are taken out of the picture, the information they have will be released anyway.
"If you don't hear from me for a week at any time send this letter to the Seven Year Midnight Scout and have them publish it in their next issue."
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Or finding an immortal who would donate voluntarily for her (mad shipping...)
Or involuntarily. *glances Trinity*

My point exactly. If Eliza has gone toe-to-toe with previous incarnations of the Skullgirl and survived why does she put up with the mafia?
I would say it's because she is genuinely fond of her fame and public image. It's hard being vain when there's no one to gloat to. :3
But yeah, given all the crap the Medici get away with, I'd wager Dahlia and Ottomo must be reaaaaaally good at their jobs.

Thinking about it, the skullheart is the worse possible item for her to build her future kingdom on. If she uses it she is guaranteed to burn out and fade away. But if she acquires the life gem, she can have all the life sustaining blood she needs at no cost. Eternal beauty and a stable power source seems more appealing to me than an inevitable corruption.
Pretty much what I've been preaching. The Skull Heart is the most remarkably counter-productive thing for someone whose motivation can be primarily reduced to "keeping her figure". Hell! Squigs' mom got bone arms in what? Right after putting that thing on! I'd wager Eliza stills wants it but for other reasons:
1) To prevent anyone from using it, namely using it against her
2) Possibly as a key to Trinityville, where her final target is. (again, I say her place in that statue set isn't just for show)

However, and this really just occurred to me as I'm typing this post - Eliza, as in, the exterior body, is liquid. Meaning she has a fair chance at bypassing most, if not all, decaying effects of carrying the Skull Heart, which would likely be carried in Sekhmet's thorax as a endless power supply. At most, the blood would likely change to glowing blue.
I'll just add my two cents to this.
I think, how she got blackmailed in the first place is that she was trying to find the life gem for obvious reasons and she somehow got caught and forced into servitude.

While fame and fortune isn't that bad, it's mostly the fact she fucked up and works under someone else is what gets her, plus the threat of blackmail in a heavily armed country fresh out of wartime doesn't help.
Place in what statue set?
Yeah that confused me as well.

He's probably talking about the statues in her pool house. I still don't understand what that has to do with the Trinity.
Well, I'm going to play devil's advocate
wouldn't she get a pardon for having a parasite if she did manage to kill the medici's?
I mean a huge portion of the people agreed with marie on wanting to kill them and even parasoul doesn't like them at all and she basically "rules" the kingdom

also the promotional art confuses me because when she's singing you can see her skeleton so wouldn't people know that's off?
Well, I'm going to play devil's advocate
wouldn't she get a pardon for having a parasite if she did manage to kill the medici's?
I mean a huge portion of the people agreed with marie on wanting to kill them and even parasoul doesn't like them at all and she basically "rules" the kingdom

also the promotional art confuses me because when she's singing you can see her skeleton so wouldn't people know that's off?
It's promotional art. It' doesn't count towards canon events.
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Place in what statue set?
As Denizen said, the statues by the pool. Notice that in place of Geb, god of earth, is a statue of her.

What it has to do with the Trinity is that her goal is likely attaining godhood.
Now that's a goal fit for a villain.
Well, I'm going to play devil's advocate
wouldn't she get a pardon for having a parasite if she did manage to kill the medici's?
I mean a huge portion of the people agreed with marie on wanting to kill them and even parasoul doesn't like them at all and she basically "rules" the kingdom

also the promotional art confuses me because when she's singing you can see her skeleton so wouldn't people know that's off?
I think the bits of skeleton showing are more for the reader than an actual reflection of how her concerts go. It would be weird to be sipping on a long island and suddenly your hostess is baring her tibia for all to see.

Any smart blackmailer will have it set up so that if they are taken out of the picture, the information they have will be released anyway.
"If you don't hear from me for a week at any time send this letter to the Seven Year Midnight Scout and have them publish it in their next issue."

Hadn't thought of that. If I had to guess, during Eliza's story she will realize that even though the Medici's have her in check Marie has been doing a very thorough job of keeping the family distracted. Maybe to the point where she gets enough breathing room to making moves of her own. Either by tracking down any potential leaks about her identity, or by trying to replace the Medici leadership entirely and just run the organization herself. She is something of a shapeshifter and while it may not be her preferred way of handling things, disguising herself as an aged Lorenzo who is already withdrawn from the pubic eye would get rid of a lot of problems. All she would need to do to make it look legitimate is ensure that Lorenzo's sons and close confidants all met their demise at the hands of the skullgirl and Egrets, or at least that's what it would look like.

...And now I wish that Ottomo, Black Dahlia, Beatrix, Regina, and Taliesin were in the game so I could fight my way through the Medici family's upper echelon.
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Wait a minute, how do we know that Eliza can copy other people's shapes and forms? I mean yeah it's implied that she might be able to do that because of the extent of her attacks, but judging from the fact that she needs blood to live and stay young I would say that she can't pull a Mystique on people, that's Double's shtick. I mean come on, that's just making her overpowered.
Wait a minute, how do we know that Eliza can copy other people's shapes and forms? I mean yeah it's implied that she might be able to do that because of the extent of her attacks, but judging from the fact that she needs blood to live and stay young I would say that she can't pull a Mystique on people, that's Double's shtick. I mean come on, that's just making her overpowered.
Aye. I'm actually hoping that in those animations her transformations are blood colored and that her basic Eliza form is the only colored one.
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My guess is that she wants to attain godhood like others have said, being quite vain and everything and smug in her immortality. But I'm sure she understands that when she takes the Skullheart that it will eventually kill her rather than doing what she wants. Everyone that knows about the Skullheart and it's legend as well as previous Skullgirls knows that it just destroys the person it inhabits over time. I'm certain that Eliza isn't stupid or vain enough to believe herself immune to such a thing. Granted we haven't really seen if the effects of the Skullheart deteriorate someone that is immortal but I'm sure that if it even has a remote chance of killing her she would rather not take the Skullheart and maintain her immortality the way she has done, apparently for centuries.

My guess is that she does wish to attain godhood but perhaps she sees the Skullgirl and Skullheart as being in the way of her goal, or maybe she believes having the Skullheart will give her the leverage over the Medici's she needs to become it's leader and use THEM as her means to rule the world?
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Aye. I'm actually hoping that in those animations her transformations are blood colored and that her basic Eliza form is the only colored one.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
I think eliza keep it for profit or a keep sake just because she can
Aye. I'm actually hoping that in those animations her transformations are blood colored and that her basic Eliza form is the only colored one.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
Actually, yeah, looking at the concepts, this is exactly it:





I don't think she'll be impersonating anyone any time soon.
Yes, I know her clothes are colored and they're made of blood, yadda yadda. It still would be kind of silly if she can just shapeshift since Double can already do that.
Wait a minute, how do we know that Eliza can copy other people's shapes and forms? I mean yeah it's implied that she might be able to do that because of the extent of her attacks, but judging from the fact that she needs blood to live and stay young I would say that she can't pull a Mystique on people, that's Double's shtick. I mean come on, that's just making her overpowered.

I feel like the only thing stopping her from shapeshifting to look like other people is her own ego and extreme narcissism. She made her compact with Sekhmet and has persisted this long in part because she seeks eternal beauty, her beauty. If she really wanted too, I'm sure she could alter her appearance to look like anyone she wants.
Something I wonder is, while you can no longer tell Eliza and Sekhmet's personalities apart, what if Sekhmet is the one with the ambitions to get the skullheart? I mean, it's quite possible that it has been around just as long as Sekhmet (before merging with Eliza, something I hope we see in her story mode), Samson and Leviathan so there may be something even bigger at play here.
Cellsai's theory makes a lot more sense.
I mean, it's quite possible that it has been around just as long as Sekhmet (before merging with Eliza, something I hope we see in her story mode), Samson and Leviathan so there may be something even bigger at play here.
It's been confirmed that Samson, Leviathan, and Sekhmet are older than the Skull Heart.
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