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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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Any news on if she'll have any palettes with different-colored blood?

I want one with brown blood.
Any news on if she'll have any palettes with different-colored blood?

I want one with brown blood.
You just want to want to say she look like diarrhea...
Oh my God you people are so...

Chocolate! Liquid Chocolate! Why do your minds immediately go to the shitter?
Given that Eliza is both a liquid and a solid I think a chocolate milkshake is more appropriate.

A milkshake so thick you need to spoon it :PUN:

Edit: Maybe a vanilla milkshake with lots of chocolate sauce and caramel thrown in with a cherry on top? Now I'm hungry.
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This is what happens when we're in limbo.

Persona do a stream soon please.
Denizen is right. We hardly talk at all about Eliza's staff
And yet there's a lot of discussion about Beowulf's everyday, very sturdy chair
Y'all need Jesus

also Liz needs an N'dour palette with water colored blood for Geb
I read Liz and immediately read Elizabeth from Persona 3

actually when's elizabeth palette, can someone try and make that and see if it works because I can't do coloring

never ask me to suggest palettes
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Seriously guys, just because you don't have anything to talk about doesn't mean you need to just talk about random, completely out of thread topics. If you don't have anything worthwhile to say, don't just talk for the sake of talking.

It's not outside the realm of possibility that Eliza's staff is made from her blood, but I really doubt it. The way it's given it's own name implies it's a significant item, even it's it's just the same significance of Beowulf's Hurting.

I kind of hope it's not significant in any way and it's just her mic stand with a blade on the end. She's got plenty going on already.
I wonder what the hinge on the end will mean for her other attacks, I don't think we've seen it put to use.
I wonder what the hinge on the end will mean for her other attacks, I don't think we've seen it put to use.
Since the staff looks like it can bend but still revert to it's original position she needs at least one special that functions as a weed wacker.
What other stuff could her blood be palettized as I wonder? Sand should definitely get a shoutout. Transparent watery looking blood would be nifty. Rainbow blood (Errybody get rainbow palettes). I dunno.
Maybe the palette difference could change the blood to sand, and then do the Double-Rainbow palette to make Eliza like one of those rainbow sand cubes.
Maybe the palette difference could change the blood to sand, and then do the Double-Rainbow palette to make Eliza like one of those rainbow sand cubes.

I'm still really pulling for a Ragyou palette for Eliza, it's almost too perfect for her character type really.
Yes, I do. And you don't yet. Well, I only sorta do.
Mostly because she's still not implemented due to weeks of fuss over the Valentine color junk and the Fukua patch to get it out there.
We're not holding anything back, there's nothing to HOLD back yet.
Weeks of time lost over a simple color. I HATE BUREAUCRACY.
Maybe the palette difference could change the blood to sand, and then do the Double-Rainbow palette to make Eliza like one of those rainbow sand cubes.

Give her a 50 Cent pallete with sand, 50 Cent: Sand On The Sand.
I'm still really pulling for a Ragyou palette for Eliza, it's almost too perfect for her character type really.

If she gets a Ragyo palette I will main her for that reason alone.
If that happens I will make a gif of Eliza doing the high heel stomp and turn that you see all the time in Kill la Kill before you see her standing at the top of a long staircase. :D

she has a heel stomp? link plz
she has a heel stomp? link plz

I'm referring to the way that Satsuki and her mother Ragyou often enter a room by stomping their heel down and turning or facing a crowd afterward. Ragyou sure knows how to make an entrance.

What other stuff could her blood be palettized as I wonder?
Black/dark purple miasma, of course. What else to go with the Oichi palette?:PUN:

Why? Eliza isn't a dude.

Also I think the staff is perhaps an ancient egyptian artifact and may amplify her powers...or perhaps it is what controls Horus and albus, or maybe the staff is where Eliza originates from.
Or perhaps it has an entrancing effect that is applied to those who hear her voice when she sings through it, compelling them to do what she wishes?
We'll need a new savior then.
Why? Eliza isn't a dude.

Derail time! Poison isn't a dude either. So asking for a Poison palette isn't crazy.

Wonder if Eliza will have the 'laugh'...
I still think the staff is a living weapon
but the real question is
are we alive
or is everyone around just a meaningless construct of our imaginations
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