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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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Eliza is the blood and albus and horace are the staff :PUN:
The noblewoman's laugh? There was this really good fanart of her doing that, but now I can't find it.

name is reirei on deviantart
Everything in this goddamn game is an alive thing
Wait if everything is alive in this game, then that means the ground is alive. And if the ground is alive, it can fight. And if it can fight, how does it respond to being ground-pounced?
Though it would be funny to see the ground be wall-bounced.
Fighting Marie gives a good sense of fighting the ground.
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Jesus cannot help these people.
False messiahs have no business here and the time for redemption is long past. Now, all your sins will been weighed and, in this life or the other, they shall be purged. Pray that your penance is done in this life for she knows not what is mercy and only relishes in anguish.


name is reirei on deviantart
Was just about to post it. Fine work...however, you have yet to refine your Sauce no Jutsu, young Padawan.

Wait if everything is alive in this game, then that means the ground is alive. And if the ground is alive, it can fight. And if it can fight, how does it respond to being ground-pounced?
Though it would be funny to see the ground be wall-bounced.
3META5ME (ºAº)
Except the Hurting. That's explicitly inanimate.

I don't think hurting is...really...a thing
I mean, you can't really touch or talk to the hurting
The hurting just happens
Like a feeling
You can touch and give commands to an umbrella with many eyes, though
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I don't think hurting is...really...a thing
I mean, you can't really touch or talk to the hurting
The hurting just happens
Like a feeling
You can touch and give commands to an umbrella with many eyes, though
beowulf's chair has a name you know
What a dumb name to give a chair
Who cares about a crazy dwarf who throws chairs at people anyway
Eliza is the real deal

You're hurting the chair feelings you monster
Ok I made a milkshake joke in poor taste but things have really gone out of control now.
give her a poison alt, i think it would suit her

Never! D.Violet has dibs on a Poison palette long ago!

While we're at it, kneel, kneel and lick D.Violet's boots!!!
One of the win poses should be Eliza laying on something like....


while Albus fans her with

and Horus feeds her peeled grapes.
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Poison is chromosome XY. I don't see how the Poison alt would fit Eliza or would even be visually interesting.

Well well, this is interesting. So you're saying that's all it takes to make her a man, then?
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Meanwhile let us all imagine the awesomeness that a showdown Eliza and Violet would've been. I mean, she's Skullgirls' sassy Batman... o_O'
we are NOT getting into that topic

Haw, that's fine. But I hope you understand why I had to call it out in the first place. But I'm done.
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It's things like this that make me remember I don't even need to terrorize you guys to make ya go all weird.
One of the win poses should be Eliza laying on something like....


while Albus fans her with

and Horus feeds her peeled grapes.
I had an awesome joke for this but it was in poor taste.....so I'll just giggle to myself.
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while Albus fans her with

and Horus feeds her peeled grapes.
The seat is already being used for her timeout loss animation
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Mod note: It is inappropriate to make jokes about this stuff, several of our users express disdain towards these types of posts. I suggest we drop it here, we all don't want to get messy

Now back to your scheduled Eliza conversations
Now now, easy on the potshots.

This is what happens when people are waiting for their favorite character to go into beta. You should know this all too well, DDB.
The seat is already being used for her timeout loss animation

I know. However it being used for a victory pose would allow that prop to be used without extra work (as opposed to a different type of seat).
Clearly, eternal torment in the maw of Eliza Neko-sama is no longer enough of a deterrent...

*Diva Girls*
Fairly certain Oujo-sama has a chauffeur. Driving's for commoners.

Now, I'm not saying I'd like to see a more elaborate version of that illustration...but I'd certainly not oppose it. :3

One of the win poses should be Eliza laying on something like....
while Albus fans her with and Horace feeds her peeled grapes.
I'd personally go for a "Cleopatra enters Rome" reference. It's not too ostentatious, right?

she's (Violet) Skullgirls' sassy Batman...
Christian Bale for D. Violet's VA. I'm whatever New Meridian needs me to be.

(But never thought of Violet in that perspective. That's actually pretty neat.)
Relooking at the animations for Eliza's grab I have a question that I'm not sure has been answered.
Aside from the throw whiff there seems to be two other throws being animated here. One where Eliza is holding the opponent at an angle and possibly rubbing them against the ground, and another where she divebombs the opponent straight down into the earth.

Will one of these turn into a command air grab?
Why? Eliza isn't a dude.

Also I think the staff is perhaps an ancient egyptian artifact and may amplify her powers...or perhaps it is what controls Horus and albus, or maybe the staff is where Eliza originates from.
The correct answer to why Eliza shouldn't have a poison palette is because it might not fit well with her current outfit and it would be difficult to colour correctly.
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Relooking at the animations for Eliza's grab I have a question that I'm not sure has been answered.

Aside from the throw whiff there seems to be two other throws being animated here. One where Eliza is holding the opponent at an angle and possibly rubbing them against the ground, and another where she divebombs the opponent straight down into the earth.

Will one of these turn into a command air grab?
Seems to wall bounce at the end too
Seems to wall bounce at the end too
I noticed that too and that makes me wonder what kind of insane setups that could lead into.

I honestly think Eliza is going to be that one character that has an insane number of tools at her disposal. With the possibility of a playable Sekhmet in addition to minion summons, blood bending, and some versatile looking ground normals I really can't wait for her to hit the beta so I can see what she can do. She's a boss tier character and her radiance may cause me to forsake my allegiance to Parasoul.
I think it is really early to say that.

A lot of her normals seem to have pretty long startup for their respective strengths, at least it looks that way from animation streams, they could very easily be tweaked along the line.

I also think she is looking to be a charge character, those summons scream charge to me.

But it is all pretty close to blind speculation at this point.

I also think that most characters in SG have "all the tools", just look at Fortune or Bella.
I'm not going into the poison topic, but I think Eliza's palettes should be based on characters/things/beings that have something in common with her. Vampires/other blood drinkers, Cleopatra/other pharoah queens, Egyptian goddesses/mythology, mummies, famous nightclub singers, scythe users, etc.
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