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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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I'm not going into the poison topic, but I think Eliza's palettes should be based on characters/things/beings that have something in common with her. Vampires/other blood drinkers, Cleopatra/other pharoah queens, Egyptian goddesses/mythology, mummies, famous nightclub singers, scythe users, etc.
And voice actress shenanigans.
Well to be fair @Balder, we haven't gotten much to talk about recently. I guess we can talk about why Eliza's stage is a bathouse and not her club like we (well, I) thought.
Well to be fair @Balder, we haven't gotten much to talk about recently. I guess we can talk about why Eliza's stage is a bathouse and not her club like we (well, I) thought.
Indeed. I'm just giving folks the heads-up that we have a designated topic for such matters, before the "Eliza needs a X palette!" floodgates open.
Besides, Oichi, Ragyo, Tsuzurao, Mariah and Mathilda palettes are the only ones needed. We all know that.:PUN:
But seriously, with over 60 fan made custom palettes, it wouldn't surprise me if a overwhelming amount of reference palettes coincide with the fan made ones.

The stage discussion is interesting. To add my two cents, I'd say I'm actually not surprised. Bearing in mind she was designed to be a boss character, it would make sense for her stage to be somewhere more private. In this case, her private property. I was expecting a penthouse ball room though. Or the blood bank. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she owns a skyscraper, with the blood bank taking most of the lower floors and the top floor being her actual abode, including this here bath house.
And yes, I admit I tried spotting her house from the Rooftops stage. <:3

Since I'm here, I'll reiterate a question I did not get a answer for: Source on these artworks?

Dunno if the in-game art is by Alex himself or someone else mimicking his style. (.__.)
The picture on the right is her health bar artwork.
That's just temporary
As far as her play style speculation I'm not sure if people are taking into consideration what I believe her biggest play style inspiration to be.


To the people who think Eliza will be slow...she mostly likely will be I haven't heard people talk about it much but Mike already said like A.B.A Eliza will be a high risk high reward character sporting either some of the lowest health in the game, slowly losing health while Sekhmet is active or draining some of her own health to do her attacks.

There is a good chance that all of these insane setups will come with a cost. I can't wait to see how Sekhment plays.
Stop with the completely off topic and specifically blatantly insulting transgender talk. I am serious here. You've been told by several mods and there's been numerous deletions already. Talk about Eliza palette choices all you want, but for fucks sake have some common sense and stop with the obviously inane and insulting comments you've been flinging around.

Well to be fair @Balder, we haven't gotten much to talk about recently.
Seeing that, you got 2 possible courses of action.
- Option A: Just don't talk
- Option B: Talk about dumb shit that would make your mother cry

Why exactly do/did you think that B was the better idea?
See what happened here? You're making me agree with IsaVulpes. No one should ever have to do that.
Talking just for the sake of talking is a waste of everyone's time. The forum isn't going anywhere (again). If you don't have anything new to add to a discussion about Eliza, wait to post until you do.

Since I'm here, I'll reiterate a question I did not get a answer for: Source on these artworks?
Dunno if the in-game art is by Alex himself or someone else mimicking his style. (.__.)
Don't know about the one on the left (first time I've seen it), but it's definitely not Alex and looks like a concept for her burst.
The second image is her current character select screen art, which is also used on her life bars.
It's pretty plain looking and I suspect Sekhmet it going to be inserted into it behind her.

And in keeping with my "Don't post unless you've got something to talk about" complaint above:

Ravidrath on NeoGaf said:
Eliza's update will have two new stages.
Beowulf's update will also have Robo-fortune's stage, too.
Mr.X on NeoGaf said:
Making a safe bet on the 2nd stage being an alternate of Eliza's stage but with blood in the pool and stuff.
Ravidrath on NeoGaf said:
I wouldn't call that a "new" stage.
I'd probably call Rooftops Assault a "new" stage because the work that went into it was pretty significant, and it got new music.
Fukua patch will also have a remixed stage, but it will get a new track, too.
Source: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=110251150&postcount=8469

Go nuts.
I won't mind if Eliza will be on the slower side. Skullgirls doesn't exactly have a shortage of quick mobile characters. Slower, harder hitting characters add to the variety and even out the available options in character select.

And hell, remixed stage with a new track in the Fukua patch? Get hype.
Eliza having two new stages? Oh happy day, I can only imagine how potentially terrifying it could be.

I'm betting on the bathhouse running with blood but that wouldn't be nice for the rating would it?
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if eliza is gonna be charge.....then i might as well make a team of squig/eliza/filia

just cause samson hates her ass and squig and eliza can sing me out when i finish.

i hope her special will allow a good dhc like double's heads.
Before it gets out of hand, let me point out that Eliza's update having two new stages =/= Eliza having two new stages.
Before it gets out of hand, let me point out that Eliza's update having two new stages =/= Eliza having two new stages.
Uh. Might want to clarify that one.

Cellsai said:
Mr.X on NeoGaf said:
Making a safe bet on the 2nd stage being an alternate of Eliza's stage but with blood in the pool and stuff.
Ravidrath on NeoGaf said:
I wouldn't call that a "new" stage.
I'm betting on the bathhouse running with blood but that wouldn't be nice for the rating would it?

Ravi doesn't seem to think that qualifies as a new stage :P
I don't think her second stage will be her bath house I think it will be some story related place
I don't think her second stage will be her bath house I think it will be some story related place
Her club could be story related?
But if it's not that...what could it be?...Hmm.
Skullgirls doesn't exactly have a shortage of quick mobile characters. Slower, harder hitting characters add to the variety and even out the available options in character select.
Dnno, I'd rank them something like this (please don't hang me I did it very quick)

Quick, mobile characters:
- Filia, Fortune, Val
Somewhere in between:
- Fukua, Peacock, Painwheel, Double
- Parasoul, Squigly, BBand, Bella

.. part of why Peacock is so damn good.

But yeah, Eliza was stated to be on the slower side, with Sekhmet being fast.
Now, that doesn't really tell us much as we don't know what %age of Eliza is actually gonna be played as Sekhmet, but I figure she will overall end up in the middle group.
Don't know about the one on the left (first time I've seen it), but it's definitely not Alex and looks like a concept for her burst.
The second image is her current character select screen art, which is also used on her life bars.
Yes, it's the concept art for her burst.
I know where the artworks go/what purpose they serve; I was asking if anyone knew who are the artists who authored them. Still a little on the fence regarding the HUD/Story art since the credits mention a few as responsible for the in-game artworks (Brian Jun, I think).

Great news about the stage. Lab Zero are too generous for their own good, at times. All of the times.
But as of right now, I'm siding with Muro's take on the matter - Eliza's update having two new stages =/= Eliza having two new stages.
Wouldn't surprise me if it's Fukua's stage. On that note, it's interesting how stages and themes are becoming more and more assertively linked to a character.
Yes, it's the concept art for her burst.
I know where the artworks go/what purpose they serve; I was asking if anyone knew who are the artists who authored them. Still a little on the fence regarding the HUD/Story art since the credits mention a few as responsible for the in-game artworks (Brian Jun, I think).

Great news about the stage. Lab Zero are too generous for their own good, at times. All of the times.
But as of right now, I'm siding with Muro's take on the matter - Eliza's update having two new stages =/= Eliza having two new stages.
Wouldn't surprise me if it's Fukua's stage. On that note, it's interesting how stages and themes are becoming more and more assertively linked to a character.
Yeah, didn't Alex say no one 'has' a stage?
If it was in poor taste, it probably wasn't an awesome joke to begin with.
Nah. It was a reference to a reference of an anime trope and an old movie, that I've heard like....1 person, maybe 2, get sensitive about. Just wanted to err on the safe side, since I dont feel like listening to anyone with twisted knickers.
I think it is really early to say that.

A lot of her normals seem to have pretty long startup for their respective strengths, at least it looks that way from animation streams, they could very easily be tweaked along the line.

I also think she is looking to be a charge character, those summons scream charge to me.

But it is all pretty close to blind speculation at this point.

You're absolutely right, it is still too early to tell how good her normals will stack up in the game. But given that Parasoul is one of my mains a slower charge character is right up my alley.

I also think that most characters in SG have "all the tools", just look at Fortune or Bella.

The reason I say she has a lot of tools (in comparison to the rest of the SG cast) is because from what I've seen, it looks like she has a wider range of abilities at her disposal.

From the IGG campaign up til now we've seen
  • Blood mechanic (Function unconfirmed in final version of character)
    • Lvl 1 blood super (unconfirmed in final version of character)
  • Minion summons (Three variants, one leads to wall bounce)
  • Sekhmet form (Function unconfirmed)
    • This is a potentially big deal if it's an actual second character rather than an install or stance.
  • Air Grab (May possess secondary properties that lead to corner setups)
That seems like a lot more than what characters like Parasoul and Ms. Fortune have at their disposal.
>Air grab

I came here to snicker at you.
And then we learned that nobody else in SG could air grab.

Read the parenthesis. It's not the grab that unique, but the secondary property that's interesting.
I'll see if i can cut up the Air Grab gif to help illustrate your point. Will edit this post.

OK, so this is why the airgrab is special and people should read and think before posting. There is a regular and a dive version of it.

Maybe both are command grabs and we get another air grab (unlikely). Maybe one of them (probably the dive) is a command grab. Maybe you just hold grab to get the dive (I'd prefer this). It's interesting in any case.


  • Regular Whiff.gif
    Regular Whiff.gif
    98.5 KB · Views: 467
  • Dive Whiff.gif
    Dive Whiff.gif
    279.6 KB · Views: 496
  • Dive hit, (floor grind, maybe) wall slam.gif
    Dive hit, (floor grind, maybe) wall slam.gif
    239.3 KB · Views: 539
  • regular hit, soar, dive, slam.gif
    regular hit, soar, dive, slam.gif
    447.2 KB · Views: 527
Last edited:
Ooh, yeah, like Firebrand's command grab where he just drags your ass along the ground. That would be cool.
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Gah, so many posts, I just missed like a few days hah. Anyways, until Denizen and Balder pointed it out, I didn't notice her staff possibly being alive or aware in some form. I shouldn't have missed that since I'm weary of inanimate objects that inexplicably have...eyes. *disapproiving squint at mic stand/staff*
Gah, so many posts, I just missed like a few days hah. Anyways, until Denizen and Balder pointed it out, I didn't notice her staff possibly being alive or aware in some form. I shouldn't have missed that since I'm weary of inanimate objects that inexplicably have...eyes. *disapproiving squint at mic stand/staff*
So she has both a parasite and a living weapon? She's ballin'!
The Staff isn't a Living Weapon, at least not as far as I can tell. Although it's probably Magic in some way.
I'm guessing she stays alive through Sekhmet, but the staff controls her blood and could even act like a cane.
We've had this discussion already, 3 pages ago.

EDIT: Well now it's 4 pages ago. :PUN:
Well, judging on the eye on the Staff and Eliza's blue eye color, I think the Staff and Eliza are connected in some way, but like you said, Denizen, this was spoken about 3 pages ago, so onto the next topic.

Is L0 seperately animating Sekhmet from Eliza from some frames and how exactly do you think we'll transfer between the two?
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