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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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Well, all my underwear is ruined now.
On a (very) random note: Hasn’t anyone mentioned these guys yet?

From now on, in my headcanon, these four are Eliza’s personal assassins.

PS. I would love Lab Zero to death if there’s actually a little nod to the Mummies Alive. For example, having four sarcophagi in the background of Eliza’s stage as NPC’s, each adorned with the animal they use to transform. I know you guys love the same cheesy cartoons as I do, so make it happen!
On a (very) random note: Hasn’t anyone mentioned these guys yet?

From now on, in my headcanon, these four are Eliza’s personal assassins.

PS. I would love Lab Zero to death if there’s actually a little nod to the Mummies Alive. For example, having four sarcophagi in the background of Eliza’s stage as NPC’s, each adorned with the animal they use to transform. I know you guys love the same cheesy cartoons as I do, so make it happen!

Dude I remember seeing this cheese ball of a show back when I was young-ling. It would be cool to see them as NPC's in the background and now I have the stupid Mum's theme stuck in thy head. I'll be off in a tick to smash it out my head.

Methinks Ojou-sama is trying to outdo Peacock as well.
This chick goes from smoking hot to gut wrenching in half a second, I love it.
I think you meant to say smoking hot to blowing my mind in half a second my friend. :PUN:
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This chick goes from smoking hot to gut wrenching in half a second, I love it.
But you should see her hurt animations.
But you should see her hurt animations.
That's what I was referring to bud.
Hrm, I guess this confirms (or at least strongly implies) they scrapped the stance/form change set-up, if she's close to beta-ready with that set of normals and there's no real indication that Eliza is "slow" like she was supposed to be in order for Sekhmet to be fast.

Kinda disappointing, that, especially if you voted for her on the basis of wanting the slow/fast gameplay switch-up. But she'll still be cool with traps and summons and the animations are all pretty awesome, lol.
Hrm, I guess this confirms (or at least strongly implies) they scrapped the stance/form change set-up, if she's close to beta-ready with that set of normals and there's no real indication that Eliza is "slow" like she was supposed to be in order for Sekhmet to be fast.

Kinda disappointing, that, especially if you voted for her on the basis of wanting the slow/fast gameplay switch-up. But she'll still be cool with traps and summons and the animations are all pretty awesome, lol.
I'd say it's too soon to give up on that idea just yet only because we didn't see any blood mechanics this update either.

Edit: Eliza's ground speed does seem comparable to the medium speed characters of the game so I'm really not sure if/how they intend to keep the Sekhmet feature at all.
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I admit I don't think it's likely just because they can't really afford to pull off 3000+ frames on one character with Indiegogo funding - unless they go the Lab Zero extra mile and then some. She might have been more likely to keep it if she'd been added in a normally-funded game and they had publisher backing to go nuts with, but it seems like Sekhmet form change might've been fated to the chopping block the moment she got funded the cash-limited IGG way.

I'm mostly just guessing because Eliza doesn't strike me as what her gameplay suggestions hinted: she isn't "slow and heavy" by any means and changing to Sekhmet was described like a form change from powerful swings to fast and agile cat attacker. The only move Eliza has that looks slow and powerful at all is her three-hit heavy punch; everything else is pretty fast and fluid already, so she has no need to turn agile if she already is.

Perils of the gameplay speculation write-ups being speculation and all, so no one's fault if it happens. :p
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But if there was no Sekhmet alternate form

What would be the point of Eliza
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In the future if lab Zero gets loads of cash and free time from a publisher it would be awesome if they released Sekhmet as entirely separate character. Eliza could anchor herself to her Scythe and stay there for the rest of the battle while Sekhmet has a full move set including specials and supers.

Just some wishful thinking, don't take it seriously.

I admit I don't think it's likely just because they can't really afford to pull off 3000+ frames on one character with Indiegogo funding - unless they go the Lab Zero extra mile and then some. She might have been more likely to keep it if she'd been added in a normally-funded game and they had publisher backing to go nuts with, but it seems like Sekhmet form change might've been fated to the chopping block the moment she got funded the cash-limited IGG way.

I'm mostly just guessing because Eliza doesn't strike me as what her gameplay suggestions hinted: she isn't "slow and heavy" by any means and changing to Sekhmet was described like a form change from powerful swings to fast and agile cat attacker. The only move Eliza has that looks slow and powerful at all is her three-hit heavy punch; everything else is pretty fast and fluid already, so she has no need to turn agile if she already is.

Perils of the gameplay speculation write-ups being speculation and all, so no one's fault if it happens. :p
Yeah, this is what's bothering me. A.B.A is a pretty poor character in her normal mode. She can't run and her forward dash is slow and has a short range to it. When she switches to her Moroha mode she's a terror who can barrel across the screen and get in your opponents face to do the real damage.

Eliza has a standard forward dash and back dash as well as an air dash. Her movement speed itself looks better or equal too Big Bands and her moves have a good pace to them Mike's statements non-withstanding. Nothing about her in this video feels slow to me and I was really hype for a slow, deliberate character with the option to go into a berserk form that sacrifices some things for speed.
So, speaking of that fan art of mine I had an idea for, here's the rough for it, I'll ink it and stuff a little later but for now this is what I gots.

Kay, got that sorted out so here it is, again. X3
That is really awesome, I like it! Add some bg design and that could be on a shirt!
What I'm getting at is Eliza makes my insides sick no matter how she looks.
anyone but annie does that to you DDB, so no real shocker there...
I know this conversation was like .. a month ago but with regards to the arguments that 'Sekhmet mode' wouldn't be a thing because of the need of additional animations I disagree. You wouldn't need hitstun or techs or blocks or what have you if you just designed it like how Valkenhayn's wolf mode works in BlazBlue - only has one walk mode at a set speed (no dash), a fraction of the normals, and a couple wolf mode specific special moves. He can't block and if wolf mode Valkenhayn is hit then it immediately reverts back into human form. Simple (or more simple than designing an entirely separate character).
"Beta ready" in this game equals "All throws and techs plus low-hitting ground normals". Big Band barely had anything when he was first put in beta. I wouldn't worry too much about scrapped mechanics yet.
Ladies and Gentlemen, in celebration of Eliza's entire basic move set being revealed, I am mildly pleased to announce the WIP Archive entry has received a MASSIVE overhaul to have everything properly identified to make navigation easier and let people know exactly what they are seeing. I concede the order might not be the best... (.__.)
Work is still not over, though. The next part will be to add Wikipedia links to the cultural and mythological ancient Egyptian references that are present in her move set. Help in this part would be welcome.

Special thanks to:
@Simon for his diligent work with the latest screencap batch
@Izzmo for making me step up my archiving game
Namco for the Soulcalibur II music I had playing while compiling this, chiefly this tune

@IsaVulpes the serpent-leopard anti-air move is s.MP. Thought you'd like to know.
"Beta ready" in this game equals "All throws and techs plus low-hitting ground normals". Big Band barely had anything when he was first put in beta. I wouldn't worry too much about scrapped mechanics yet.

I'm pretty sure it includes snapback too
Eliza has a standard forward dash and back dash as well as an air dash. Her movement speed itself looks better or equal too Big Bands and her moves have a good pace to them Mike's statements non-withstanding. Nothing about her in this video feels slow to me and I was really hype for a slow, deliberate character with the option to go into a berserk form that sacrifices some things for speed.

I would just stress that very little here is finalized. She has an airdash (and up coming back airdash) but the speed of said airdash can be adjusted. We know from experience that the minimum height in order to have an attack come out off of a jump can be adjusted as well, veterans of Slightly Different Edition can attest to having headless Fortune having different airdash mechanics than Head-On Fortune thanks to having a different min. height requirement for an attack to come out. So I wouldn't take the airdash's very existence as proof positive that she's going to be an amazingly effective rushdown character without Sekhmet quite yet.

Though at the moment she looks like she's gonna give Valentine a run for her money on the air dominance front.

And the Slow -> Fast mode switch style could still work if you still make Sekhmet fast relative to the base movement speed of Eliza. Though the thought of having something markedly faster than say Filia or Fortune is terrifies me.
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poccola uploaded a vid with slightly better quality, only for Eliza's stuff and slow mo

This was the first time I recorded salty from this laptop, and laptops tend to have less resolution so my recording got stuck in 360p. I'll try to make it better for next time
@Balder this is her throw tech.
also aww, shucks

Most of her moves and probably her movement, too, are not yet final, so we'll have to wait to make any judgement. With how good/massive some of her hitboxes probably are (I'm looking at you here, j.HP, j.HK and j.MK) and how she has both a double jump and an airdash, she'll probably have to trade in some dash or attack speed, leaving some room for a faster Sekhmet. (I hope, though i won't be sad if that's not happening. But they won't have made those idle frames for nothing!)

I need dat pelvis in my life, though. [sound of biting lip and inhaling]

EDIT: Wow, poccola is confused. Censoring the names of those 2 amazing players "New" and "Features"
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Though at the moment she looks like she's gonna give Valentine a run for her money on the air dominance front.

And the Slow -> Fast mode switch style could still work if you still make Sekhmet fast relative to the base movement speed of Eliza. Though the thought of having something markedly faster than say Filia or Fortune is terrifies me.
j.HK certainly seems like a good air-to-air keep away option and j.HP might be good for ambiguous cross ups if the area before every arm is part of the hitbox.
But overall and judging solely from what has been shown, I'm getting the impression Eliza will be a mid-range zoner, playing to keep enemies just at staff's length and capitalizing on mistakes/whiffs rather than ye olde rushdowne. Of course, the right assists can mean a lot in that regard and on that note, Eliza seems the type of character that will need a assist to deal with zoners or get Filias in heat off her back. Sure, all her moves look fast and all but if there's anything trailers taught us is that every character pounding a training dummy will look top tier.
Just my humble, and admittedly uneducated, two cents.

Regarding "Sekhmet Mode", if such a thing will be even nearly half as elaborate as originally intended, most things point to it being a trade of range and power for speed. I think the suggestions of Sek having a time limit, a very limited move set and being "banished" after taking a certain amount of damage sound fair. They also could add something to reflect Sek's frailty, like have her take chip damage from normal moves or not having recoverable red health.

We'll see.

*poker face*
It looks remarkably obvious now that I pay attention to the screenshot.

Side note, cultural/mythology reference links have been added to the WIP Archive. ♪~Nerd like an Egyptian.~♪
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So, remember when Persona said Eliza had a DP, and that it was really unique?
I think this is it. I think it might act like A.B.A's key grab, and will transform Eliza into Sekmet on hit or something
So, remember when Persona said Eliza had a DP, and that it was really unique?
I think this is it. I think it might act like A.B.A's key grab, and will transform Eliza into Sekmet on hit or something

Well all Mike said about it is that it's multi-hit, whatever it is, which leads me to believe it doesn't work like A.B.A's key grab special. It still could I suppose and just hit multiple times but I think it'll just hit people as the staff/microphone spirals upward and back down to normal.
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1. There's already an animation for transforming into Sekmet in the vid, and considering how Mike talked about it I think Sekmet is going to make it in some form.

2. As for maining a character based on concept/story vs gameplay. I think it is a combination of both, like if you abbhor the gameplay then maybe you wouldn't play a character despite how cool you think the concept is. On the other hand if the gameplay seems so awesome and fits perfectly, but the character concept/story is repulsive to you the result would be the same (Not play the character).
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Well all Mike said about it is that it's multi-hit, whatever it is, which leads me to believe it doesn't work like A.B.A's key grab special. It still could I suppose and just hit multiple times but I think it'll just hit people as the staff/microphone spirals upward and back down to normal.
Also notice how Sekhmet is only pulling up the top half of Eliza's body, suggesting it's not a full transformation and supporting your hypothesis.
Despite her fighting style turning out completely different from how I imagined she'd play back in the character vote days, I love what I've been seeing. Like, back then, aside from switching to Sekhmet, I wasn't expecting Eliza to be shape-shifting into a bunch of different things. But you know what? I'm digging it.
errrr, i didn't see this animation. Mind giving me a time stamp?
it is the one you posted(?)
That thing has no vertical reach at all, doesn't really look like a DP to me.
Did Persona really state something like that? First time I even hear about it.

That s.MP looks really useful, thanks @Balder

To be honest it's hard to tell exactly how it'll work when it's able to hit opponents since there's no hit boxes applied to it yet.
That thing has no vertical reach at all, doesn't really look like a DP to me.
I think that move will be similar in function to Dr. Doom's Molecular Shield/"Doom Rocks". At least that's what the motion plus knowing it's a multi-hitter leads me to think.
Fair chance of it making a good lock-down assist, if such is the case.

Regarding Persona's statement, I can't say I read it anywhere either.

Side note, it's interesting how Eliza's basic moves are filled with cultural/mythological references but, at least so far, the special moves are very much "her own thing".
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