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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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We'll see when the official profiles are added...maybe by 2018 (I mean, Squigs and Ben don't even have theirs on the site yet).

Have L0 said that they would be updating the skullgirls.com site? I hope they do!
Have L0 said that they would be updating the skullgirls.com site? I hope they do!

I don't remember what EXACTLY it was, but there was an issue with updating the site, something about the person in charge of the site and Autumn maybe.
I definitely remember that there was a problem with updating it.
I would just stress that very little here is finalized. She has an airdash (and up coming back airdash) but the speed of said airdash can be adjusted. We know from experience that the minimum height in order to have an attack come out off of a jump can be adjusted as well, veterans of Slightly Different Edition can attest to having headless Fortune having different airdash mechanics than Head-On Fortune thanks to having a different min. height requirement for an attack to come out. So I wouldn't take the airdash's very existence as proof positive that she's going to be an amazingly effective rushdown character without Sekhmet quite yet.


And the Slow -> Fast mode switch style could still work if you still make Sekhmet fast relative to the base movement speed of Eliza. Though the thought of having something markedly faster than say Filia or Fortune is terrifies me.

It's less the existence of the airdash and more the complete suite of mobility options she has that had me doubting the future of her proposed Sekhmet mode. From my experience with fighting games slower characters tend to not have certain types of movements (ground/air dashes) but are compensated by really high base damage to their attacks. Prior to this video I still thought of Eliza as being a slow and deliberate fighter with the option to activate a faster form similar to A.B.A. I rarely see medium speed characters who get faster options but you did mention Valkenhayn who would probably fit into that category. Like you said, her movement speeds can still be tweaked so right now I'm going to sit tight and wait to see what else she gets. The beta can't come fast enough.
Squigly recently had hers leaked.

But yeah, with Alex's information of her having a career for 20 years, I think she's definitely meant to be like 36ish? at the earliest if she wants to portray herself accurately.
Indeed. Dem noodles in the bathtub.
But again, nothing on the actual official site. Hopefully, we won't have to wait until the DLC characters have all been added before their profiles come along. As TheMightyBox mentioned, seems there's more to this novella. Oh well, if the situation demands so, it's nothing they can't squeeze into the game itself, in the form of quick character profiles.

Alex mentioned she has been "operating under her current guise for 20 years", which might not necessarily mean the time she spent at New Meridian working on her singing career. She might have presented herself as some "foreign sensation".
Your age estimate is more in line to my idea - early to mid 30s. My choice of words was erroneous; I said "late 20s at tops" but with the intent of saying "I don't think she's supposed to look any younger than 28-29."
Similarly, Alex estimated Beowulf's age to be around 25-30 - "older than Parasoul but younger than Mrs Victoria".
Then there's Dahlia whose age is estimated between 50-60 years old. I think it's a good thing that there's this much variety with characters' ages. Everything nowadays seems to be deathly afraid of having a character that is over 20.
Random note, this is still the best line in the canon info archive: Like the Hulk but with horniness instead of anger. :PUN:

It's less the existence of the airdash and more the complete suite of mobility options she has that had me doubting the future of her proposed Sekhmet mode.
Boss characters get the full schmeer. :3
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It's less the existence of the airdash and more the complete suite of mobility options she has that had me doubting the future of her proposed Sekhmet mode. From my experience with fighting games slower characters tend to not have certain types of movements (ground/air dashes) but are compensated by really high base damage to their attacks. Prior to this video I still thought of Eliza as being a slow and deliberate fighter with the option to activate a faster form similar to A.B.A. I rarely see medium speed characters who get faster options but you did mention Valkenhayn who would probably fit into that category. Like you said, her movement speeds can still be tweaked so right now I'm going to sit tight and wait to see what else she gets. The beta can't come fast enough.
yes hopefully those grabs get drawn soon
yes hopefully those grabs get drawn soon
They're already conceptualized and drawn. Ground throw is still in sketch form but the air throw only needs coloring.
Might be mistaken, but I'd say all they need is to be implemented (I recall Big Band having a lot of moves still in rough sketch form).

With all the basic actions/moves in, even if in a rough form and without hit boxes, I dare say Eliza has more going for her than Big Band when he was added to the Beta. I'd say it's a matter of how important are the blood/Sekhmet gimmicks and if Eliza can begin beta-testing without having those.
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I'm guessing Eliza's gimmicks will implemented last due to balancing measures just like Big Band's parry mechanic.
Can't wait to play her, so excited.
I think it's a good thing that there's this much variety with characters' ages. Everything nowadays seems to be deathly afraid of having a character that is over 20.
Agreed, I like varied ages in a cast, but I always seem tend to identify with the older characters or badass grampa trope hah. (I'm not even 30 yet hah)
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Tell me more about this? I wasn't around for the pre-Squigly version of the game.

They changed the hitstun hitboxes to be the same as the idle boxes and change the air hitstun boxes into kind of a giant blob.

Before that change, combos used to seemingly randomly fail because characters hurtboxes during hitstuns were changing slightly every frame.
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I remember those days. Fortune's s.MK would whiff on Filia if she was crouching, for instance. It was really weird.
I almost want to steer this conversation back to the topic of voice actors... but there'd be no point. It's hardly like anything new has come out regarding that.
As far as game play, I'm tentative. She's got some weird moves so far, I don't really get a feel for a character until I play them in beta.
But I can't wait to see what Albus, Horace, Sekhmet and of course BLOOD can do.
I almost want to steer this conversation back to the topic of voice actors... but there'd be no point. It's hardly like anything new has come out regarding that.
As far as game play, I'm tentative. She's got some weird moves so far, I don't really get a feel for a character until I play them in beta.
But I can't wait to see what Albus, Horace, Sekhmet and of course BLOOD can do.

Yeah, I wish they just announce it already or at least soon. I'm honestly kinda hype about the fact they might get another black voice actress, so that's a great job opportunity.

Move-wise, Yeah I'm hype for her, she seems a bit weird though, a lot of her moveset seems...well all over the place, I can't really see a combo going with the moves.
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I'm excited to see (hear) her voice actress too. I'm expecting her voice to be a combination of seductive and/or commanding and/or sadistic. Kinda like I-No
1. There's already an animation for transforming into Sekmet in the vid, and considering how Mike talked about it I think Sekmet is going to make it in some form.

2. As for maining a character based on concept/story vs gameplay. I think it is a combination of both, like if you abbhor the gameplay then maybe you wouldn't play a character despite how cool you think the concept is. On the other hand if the gameplay seems so awesome and fits perfectly, but the character concept/story is repulsive to you the result would be the same (Not play the character).
Where...WHERE????? Where's the animation of her transforming into sekhmet completely???
Where...WHERE????? Where's the animation of her transforming into sekhmet completely???
I think he means the special that was featured.
Sorry to crush your hopes.
you know who has been in every fighting game but this one
laura bailey(actually i think she'd be better as umbrella's va instead of eliza but lets throw that out there)
More art from the talented http://dragons-in-my-sky.tumblr.com/ based on Eliza's cr.mk:

you know who has been in every fighting game but this one
laura bailey(actually i think she'd be better as umbrella's va instead of eliza but lets throw that out there)

If she did the voice she did for Rakshata Chawla from Code Geass that be sort of fitting for how I envisioned Eliza sounding. I've considered her myself a few times.

Only thing is I like the cast being relatively unknown VA's. Like when Rich Brown popped up I was so psyched, because he does good work and yet hadn't been in a hundred anime and videogames. But it's always cool to hear somebody you recognize from somewhere else.

My real question now is, will Albus and Horace be in-game mutes like Andy, Tommy and Avery? Or will they talk?
And will Sekhmet talk like Samson and Leviathan, or be a super creepy mute?
My real question now is, will Albus and Horace be in-game mutes like Andy, Tommy and Avery? Or will they talk?
If they do talk, I kinda liked the idea of having Matt and Woolie voice them.
you know who has been in every fighting game but this one
laura bailey(actually i think she'd be better as umbrella's va instead of eliza but lets throw that out there)
Laura Bailey is basically Troy Baker's female counterpart in terms of talent and exposure. My first choice for Eliza's VA will always be Mary Elizabeth McGlynn but I have no doubt Bailey is capable of playing the role to perfection. After she managed to "mimic" Mamiko Noto's Oichi voice, I'm fairly certain there's nothing she can't pull off now.

More art from the talented http://dragons-in-my-sky.tumblr.com/ based on Eliza's cr.mk:
This woman's a art machine!:PUN: (to those who haven't noticed, the keychain set is also her work)
I dare say her work almost makes the wait pleasant.
Also a very good choice. It's not easy to pick favorites in a move set so rich with creativity but I'd say my top three are Great Sphinx (c.MP), Sobek (c.MK) and Nekhbet (air throw).

My real question now is, will Albus and Horace be in-game mutes like Andy, Tommy and Avery? Or will they talk?
And will Sekhmet talk like Samson and Leviathan, or be a super creepy mute?
I've no idea regarding A&H but I suppose that if Sekhmet talks, it will be the same VA as Eliza. The "bonded for so long they're essentially one" aspect can justify such a thing. Maybe have the VA talk in a more aggressive tone to differentiate between them (as Sekhmet will likely be a more uninhibited predator) or just add a slight distortion effect.
If they do talk, I kinda liked the idea of having Matt and Woolie voice them.
I am so into that, that'd be like the ultimate case of the Ascended Fanboy trope!
The only thing that puts me against it, and I know it sounds kind of snotty, is that he two of them don't seem to be that into Skullgirls despite the fact they made the Skullgirls rap and a second support video.
As a long-time viewer I have only heard them discuss Skullgirls like three times, and they never refer to any particular characters by name. Not that that means anything, it's just they tend to talk about their interests nonstop and I figured it'd come up more. Although Woolie owns a super sick Parasoul poster.
But I guess we'll know for sure when the Skullgirls Encore Friday Night Fisticuffs that Woolie confirmed comes out! So frickin' hyped!

I've gone off topic...
SO that Eliza's pretty hot, huh?
Wiki says she's 38, but don't know where they get their info from.
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Wow, I wonder if Eliza will be totally done for EVO.
Looks like clean-up contractors are busy with our main lady!

Just going to leave this one from http://animoose.tumblr.com/ here because it's awesome:


Bathhouse Rave alt confirmed?

Wow, I wonder if Eliza will be totally done for EVO.

With Fukua done and waiting in testing and the Red Cross stuff resolved, they can focus on her, so I'd say we'd have an Eliza not ready for retail but at least be a "playable" character by EVO (throws, maybe a hyper or two) that doesn't have everything colored or have hitboxes on everything but can easily fight with everyone else. I think we might have some Beowulf stuff by then too at the rate they are going (not in game of course, but some moving concept art).
Wiki says she's 38, but don't know where they get their info from.
They got the whole profile!

Age 38
Birthday July 24
Blood Type AB
Height 5'11
Weight 148 lbs.
Measurements 40DD-25-37
Likes: Blood drives, Being worshiped, Cats, Fine wine, Sunbathing, Fashion, Blood, Money, Power.
Dislikes: Bratty kids, Samson, Leviathan, Being asked her age, Broken hearts, The Medici, Being charitable.

Calling shenanigans on this though. We know her taste in beverages leans towards ale.

Technicolor Eliza
So I'm sitting here listening to Blue Monday and such resplendent glory comes to bless our sight. What wondrous timing!

Bathhouse Rave alt confirmed?
(Better play it safe and spoiler it.)

EDIT: On-going stream - s.LK

♫~There ain't no party like a Eliza party coz a Eliza party don't stop!~♫
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fuck yes, eliza is coming, time to stop playing dark souls 2 and get back into skillgrillz
Good lord, even her profile details make me gag.
Good lord, even her profile details make me gag.

Dude, why you being discriminatory towards people with AB blood.
Show some decency, jesus.
I'm sorry it's just when I see people with AB blood

It just makes mine boil.
I just realized a huge chunk of people in this thread use parasoul so we're going to be seeing a lot of pareliza aren't we?
lol good one DDB <-(plays Ms.fortune)
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She looks so interesting. But I really don't think I'll be able to learn her playstyle competently. She just looks like one of those characters you love but will suck with.

I'll just play with her in training mode. :D
hahahaha and say to myself that i am a pro.. and then fail on the internet... like withe every character :c i failed you mom
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