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Hyrule Warriors [Name Now Final] - A Collaboration Between Nintendo and Tecmo Koei for Wii U

They got fucking Midna I think anyone is fair game.
I want Skull Kid, Ganondorf, Zant, and. Fuck. I dunno, Ghirahim?​
Groose. I fucking demand Groose be given the heroic story he deserves.


Praise Groose!
Okay, I get that we're all being ironic here about Zelda's cleavage and all, but as a feminist I really have to say,

her design is really cool.
I'm digging the way that they managed to combine all the best aspects of both Ocarina's and TP's designs while still making it look unique. I'm into it.

Also playable Midna, I'm definitely getting this game now.
Link looks like a lot of fun to play as but holy hell do I feel bad for his voice actor. There is no way that he walked out of the recording studio in healthy condition.

Impa still the best and still the hottest

Thank goodness they didn't make Zelda a huge wimp like in Skyward Sword.
Her design looks very good, it's modest, feminine, and still fit for battle.

I was never much of a fan of Midna in her Imp Form while playing Twilight Princess, but I won't deny that her game play looks fucking great.

Ganondorf is involved, game is automatically good. It sucks that I would have to by a Wii U in order to play it
also gonna point out that there's 1 male playable to 3 female playables
and 2-3 male characters to 4 female characters
I would like to express that I support all proper feminist ideals, although I do not attach the label to my person. Now here's what I was going to say, in Hyrule Warriors the fact that there are more female playable characters and more female characters in general has nothing to do with any sort of feminist agenda, it just happens to be that way, as it should be. Pointing out or creating a game that has more female than male characters for the express purpose of furthering a feminist agenda is wrong. Fighting fire with fire is wrong. It isn't about balancing the scales, it's about destroying the scales altogether. It's about doing away with the notion that there's some sort of competition and focusing on changing the world so that it simply ignores gender roles.

The fact that I didn't even notice that there were more female characters until Ruin pointed it out is feminist success in my person.
i guess we should make it 5 characters thanks to Nayru(?) there on the boxart
another victory for cute girls
Eh, I'm probably in the minority on this one but I don't like seeing Midna in this game. Not because I didn't like the character or that her gameplay looks bad or anything. Really it's just because the ending of Twilight Princess basically states that Midna ain't coming back but I get that continuity may not be that important in this game.
The game's non-canon, I'm pretty sure most appearances of Zelda history is purely fanservice.

I'm sure of this because they brought back the moon from Majora's Mask in a realm that's not Termina.
And the idea that this game is one giant amalgamation of all of Zelda lore in one fanfictiony conglomerate is actually really okay with me.
Apparently, people at E3 spotted 9 character slots.

While it doesn't seem like too much, they do have alternate weapons and possibly alternate movesets, with costumes confirmed as well
The game's non-canon, I'm pretty sure most appearances of Zelda history is purely fanservice.

I'm sure of this because they brought back the moon from Majora's Mask in a realm that's not Termina.
And the idea that this game is one giant amalgamation of all of Zelda lore in one fanfictiony conglomerate is actually really okay with me.
That's my understanding. It's like all those Shonen Jump mashup games where you have people from One Piece fight the cast of Toriko. Midna has a lot of appeal and she got in the game. I'm not mad, but I did like how her story played out in Twilight Princess and the finality it imposed on her future interactions with the Zelda world. That's all.
Hands On: Zelda Plays Very Differently From Link In Hyrule Warriors

If you wanted to fight dozens of Zelda enemies at once, Hyrule Warriors is your game. The Wii U title shows at least 50 units on-screen at once. Like other Warriors games, most of them don’t attack, they stand still until Link strikes them.

The Y button does a weak attack and X does a slower, but more powerful heavy attack. You can do combos like YYYX or simply button mash. B is used to dodge and A is a special attack. Keeping in line with the Zelda series, you have different weapons like bombs and in Hyrule Warriors Link throws a bunch of bombs at once. You can only equip one item to the ZR button like a health bottle or bombs.

The D-pad cycles through items. ZL is used to guard. When you find the bombs, enemies stop attacking and the game cuts to Link doing his classic treasure finding animation where he holds the bombs to the sky. Zelda has a similar animation, but we’ll talk more about her in a bit.

Link’s spinning sword technique is flashier and knocks enemies up in the air. Link completes the move by slamming enemies to the ground with a downward stab. His special move (aka Musou Attack) is a spinning slash with more reach. Special moves are charged when you attack enemies.

While Link is chopping through hundreds of enemies, Hylian Troops are also fighting and fortunately, they don’t mind if you accidentally hit them in the heat of battle. Impa is in the demo and she gives Link tips. Tutorials also have the classic “hey, listen” line when they pop up.

In the Castle Keep, I found a power up bomb, a one use item with a huge blast radius. Link can also collect Rupees dropped by enemies and glowing hearts to restore his life.

The demo I played at E3 ended with a King Dodongo boss fight who appears at the North Square. King Dodongo breaths a cone of fire Link has to dodge. Like the first Legend of Zelda game, the trick to beating him is throwing bombs in his mouth when he inhales. Then Link can follow up with a combo ending with a fatal downward slash.

Meanwhile, Zelda uses a glowing rapier to fight and has a combo where she darts left and right. Unique to Zelda are three orbs. You can charge these by pressing heavy attack and then use orbs as combo finishers like creating a golden triangle on the ground that damages all of the enemies inside it. She also has a combo, which ends with a barrage of arrows from a golden bow. Zelda’s special move is a charged bow strike that knocks enemies back.

Lizardos was the first enemy with a weak point and if you hit him on the head you’ll knock him down. I suppose that works, but Hyrule Warriors is so hectic I killed him with regular combos before I could exploit his weak point.

Magic jars fill up your Focus Spirit meter. When this is full you can press R to get a speed and attack burst. Your character will glow yellow and get a new combo too. Zelda can use three elemental magic spells as her Focus Spirit combo.
Similar to the other Warriors games, Hyrule Warriors says “Zelda defeated Moblin” when you knock out a general.​
There NEEDS to be at least one playable goron and one playable zora.
The non-hylian races really need some love, they're always on the sidelines, and don't even pretend that you don't want to roll around as a goron beating everything bowling ball style.
There NEEDS to be at least one playable goron and one playable zora.
The non-hylian races really need some love, they're always on the sidelines, and don't even pretend that you don't want to roll around as a goron beating everything bowling ball style.

Basara 3 had a dude who was jailed connected to a old ball-and-chain, and he would roll around on that.
It was fucking amazing.

There NEEDS to be at least one playable goron and one playable zora.
The non-hylian races really need some love, they're always on the sidelines, and don't even pretend that you don't want to roll around as a goron beating everything bowling ball style.
BAsically how I feel about Skull Kids.
They're my fucking favorite Zelda race.
There can't just be the one
BAsically how I feel about Skull Kids.
They're my fucking favorite Zelda race.
There can't just be the one


