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Squigly Discussion Thread

She is crying because she is dead, and her family is dead even the deviantart picture is called "Being Dead must suck"

sorry I had to

Well it was pretty obvious why she was crying, the question was how we could cheer her up. Hopefully some Pokemon and Smash Bros can take her mind off her living (or rather, un-living) situation.

I Imagine since Squigly's been, you know, dead, she would be pretty religious, since the Divine Trinity does exist, and her death may have led her to meet them. That is of course if you go to any equivalents of heaven or hell in the SG universe, or indeed if Squigly was considered dead at all, thanks to Leviathan. She DID describe dying again as "Going back to sleep." Also, she never mentions returning to her family upon death, so it can be assumed that she hasn't met them in the afterlife, and that she's kinda cool with that.
Maybe I'm just reading too deep into this...

I don't wanna open up a whole lore can of worms, but I don't think the Trinity are the SG universe's actual creator deities. I think it was said that the world existed before they came along, and before them was the era during which parasites were the gods and Sekhmet killed a whole bunch of people. Or something.

Anyway, there's no proof either way if an afterlife does or doesn't exist in SG, but I'm leaning more in favor of it. I actually don't think Squigly goes to it though, and either her soul somehow stays with Leviathan during her rest, or it goes to some kind of limbo separate from the afterlife, which is why she doesn't say much of her family. When it finally really is Squigly's time, she'll be with all of them again.

I like to think they're always with her in spirit though.

in spirit.png

Source: my good friend Mel
Another steam sale is upon us and I am gifting Squigly to anyone who does not have her! All hail dat bass!
Another steam sale is upon us and I am gifting Squigly to anyone who does not have her! All hail dat bass!
If you want come on stream and I can set up the Squigly giveaways for you
The biggest issue I have is that all the fanartists forget about the skeleton hand, I mean come on. It's her most redeeming feature!
That's the most you took away from that picture? Well okay...

Anyway, today I was randomly looking up Smash Bros stuff and I actually found out that Lauren Landa actually voices FemRobin! Listen for yourself!

After discovering this, I couldn't stop myself from getting this ridiculous mental image:


source: my (complete lack of) artistic skill
One thing that kinda bugs me is when people make a distinction between alive and dead Squigly by referring to alive Squigly exclusively as "Sienna". Squigly doesn't stop being "Sienna" after she dies. Squigly IS Sienna, and Sienna IS Squigly.

I guess some of that confusion can be attributed to this line from Squigly's very outdated biography:
When Squigly was alive, she was known as Sienna CiShan Contiello.

The girl in my avatar is Squigly just as much as she is Sienna. Dying didn't change who she is, and it certainly didn't change her name.


One thing that kinda bugs me is when people make a distinction between alive and dead Squigly by referring to alive Squigly exclusively as "Sienna". Squigly doesn't stop being "Sienna" after she dies. Squigly IS Sienna, and Sienna IS Squigly.

I guess some of that confusion can be attributed to this line from Squigly's very outdated biography:

The girl in my avatar is Squigly just as much as she is Sienna. Dying didn't change who she is, and it certainly didn't change her name.

View attachment 7738
Squigly + cute pose + Sweaters that has sleeves longer then her arms = YOU FIEND! You discovered my kryptonite!
so quick question. Squigly's Big band-specific quote is "Aria da capo?"

What does it mean?
A "da capo aria" is a baroque musical style which featured a vocal soloist accompanied by several instruments, often a small orchestra. Find the joke.
I hadn't played this game until just recently, but I had the models for the Skullgirls characters in my game, My favorite is Squigly and I thought I should post her here.
Holy crap, that looks awesome.
And there's more?

I hadn't played this game until just recently, but I had the models for the Skullgirls characters in my game, My favorite is Squigly and I thought I should post her here.
Is there gonna be a moment with Big Band swimming, ala Free?
Although he would sink.
And drown.
And there would be a mini oil spill.
Could it be that there's ANOTHER Squigly dating sim in the works? :O Lol, if only...

That model is really cute and convincing, but the bosom is a bit too bountiful to pass as Squigly's IMO.
One more question just to clear my confusion.
How come Squigly's corpse never did decay and instead turns into the color blue when it has been 7 years since the last Skullgirl, which is her mother, died?
I really need enlightenment on this one.
One more question just to clear my confusion.
How come Squigly's corpse never did decay and instead turns into the color blue when it has been 7 years since the last Skullgirl, which is her mother, died?
I really need enlightenment on this one.

I don't feel like typing out a whole bunch of explanation so I'll just leave my thoughts on that here.
I don't feel like typing out a whole bunch of explanation so I'll just leave my thoughts on that here.
She (unfortunately) does have a bad smell if Valentine's "You don't smell so fresh" line is any indication. Nice take on it, though

One more question just to clear my confusion.
How come Squigly's corpse never did decay and instead turns into the color blue when it has been 7 years since the last Skullgirl, which is her mother, died?
I really need enlightenment on this one.
it was 2 skullgirls ago (14) so she shouldn't even have much of a body by now, heh.
She (unfortunately) does have a bad smell if Valentine's "You don't smell so fresh" line is any indication. Nice take on it, though

Yeah but it's Valentine, you have to consider that she's just generally a condescending bitch to everybody. I would say that at most Squigly just smells mildly of soil and/or wood, not the freshest one could smell, but certainly not that unpleasant.
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By the way, for those of you wondering, my new avatar is taken from this pic of Squigly (and Lev) looking ever so classy in some elegant formal wear. She looks ready to take to the dance floor!


(sorry her skeleton hand is missing from this pic, I know that's some peoples' favorite part about her~)
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Mc. Rad.
I bet he has tons of it on his storage.
Or Lockjaws, because...
Reasons. (Lockjaws is very serious about Squigly.)

EDIT : Really, tho, don't contact them for it. I was just joking.
Besides I'm too poor to afford it
Are those Squigly and Filia TF2 hats still a thing? I've heard there was some issues with them, but I want my heavy Leviathon style! DX
Are those Squigly and Filia TF2 hats still a thing? I've heard there was some issues with them, but I want my heavy Leviathon style! DX
Sadly they are for promotional uses only (TF2 Supported Skullgirls before. Awesome, eh?), and apparently isn't sellable.
Sadly they are for promotional uses only (TF2 Supported Skullgirls before. Awesome, eh?), and apparently isn't sellable.
Actually no. They're not.

There gonna be sellable once Beowulf and Robo are done since they want to knock that out before all the voice and other stuff
Actually no. They're not.
They're gonna be sellable once Beowulf and Robo are done since they want to knock that out before all the voice and other stuff
I got around 120 Dollars lying around that I can use to make people salty with my brand new Squigly and Leviathan helmet
8 months later is the moment.

Anyways, thanks for the info, Rad.
Something occured to me while working on Skulldate, and I thought I would share it here since it is tangentially related to Squigly.


So, you know how I was saying earlier how Big Band purportedly fought Selene, and his and Squigly's bios seem to support this? Well something about the timing doesn't add up: from what I understand, Ben Birdland hadn't become "Big Band" (IE an ASG cyborg) until AFTER the Contiello Massacre, as he's shown arresting the bunny girl assassins who'd helped Black Dahlia while still fully human. If this is the case, how could he have also fought Selene as an ASG in the same timeframe (as I can't see the whole Selene stint as lasting more than one day/night)? Is this a plothole or am I missing something?

I can currently come up with two explanations:
  • He'd arrested the bunnies, was beaten by the crooked cops, taken in by Avian, made into an ASG and sent out to fight Selene in the same night (Highly implausible, I'd think a procedure as advanced as constructing Big Band's weaponry would take days at the very least)
  • Those were just different bunnies he was arresting for reasons completely unrelated to what happened to the Contiellos
Also, considering Big Band was only the second ASG created, that would rule out any other ASG being able to go against Selene too, so no Ileum either. So, unless "the intervention of the ASG" just means Black Dahlia, who was already fighting on the side of the Medici, I have no idea how to make sense of that line from Squigly's bio.
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Didn't another Skullgil come between Squig's mother and Marie? I know they've said distance and stuff could prevent this, but that's the only viable solution, in that Squigs was revived without Leviathon and Big Band put her down while en route to that Skullgirl, which we know he fought!
Didn't another Skullgil come between Squig's mother and Marie? I know they've said distance and stuff could prevent this, but that's the only viable solution, in that Squigs was revived without Leviathon and Big Band put her down while en route to that Skullgirl, which we know he fought!
Yeah it was Parasouls mom.

And that didn't happen. Distance prevented her from being reanimated.

Also it's Leviathan not Leviathon
Welp, there goes that idea...
Yeah, as said many times before, Nancy was outside of Canopy during her Skullgirl time, so that means no Squigly. Even if Squigly WAS revived, though, why would it be without Leviathan? He didn't leave her after Selene was defeated, he stayed with her all the way up to Marie (and past that. too).
Also Mc.Rad, I wouldn't be pointing out others' spelling mistakes if I were you, jus sayin...
  • Those were just different bunnies he was arresting for reasons completely unrelated to what happened to the Contiellos
I vote for option #2. Burlesque bunny costumes are like a Medici uniform (even Cerebella dons a bunny variation when visiting that old toad, Vitale). Besides, there's no time for arrests with a Skullgirl on the rampage. Big Band is 49 years old and crossing the Medici seems to be a rookie mistake. I'm thinking Ben became a cyborg at least a few years or a decade before Skullgirl Selene. He would be around 21 when Squigly was born.

I wonder how Black Dahlia reacted after blundering the raid. She and her death squad rolled up on the party, shot up the place, and threatened to murder the daughter to get the Skull Heart back (the Medici got an anonymous tip that the Contiellos had it). B. Dahlia's big mistake was to execute Squigly; pushing Selene over the edge. While other Skullgirls seem to take years to fully transform, Selene Contiello appears to have finished in a day. I'm guessing Dahlia and crew got the hell out of there as fast as possible.
Ehh, I don't really think that makes sense. Was Selene trying to hold onto the Skull Heart? If not, why didn't she just offer it to Dahlia on the spot before she even threatened Squigly's life?

In fact, I've always thought the whole initial confrontation between Black Dahlia and Selene (IE what happens after Squigly is killed) doesn't make much sense, for two reasons:
  1. Were Black Dahlia and the bunny assassins just standing there doing nothing as Selene pulled out the Skull Heart and made the wish that turned her into the Skullgirl? Why not just kill her before she can make the wish, then take the Skull Heart and call it a day? You can't argue that Selene had hidden away and wished on the Heart in secret, since she and Dahlia were very obviously in each other's presence when Squigly was killed (unless Dahlia was just talking to herself with that "make a wish" line), and it would be stupid of the Medici to let Selene out of their presence knowing she allegedly possesses the Heart.
  2. If Black Dahlia was present when Selene transformed, why would she feel the need to run? She's literally a killing machine, (particularly for Skullgirls), not to mention she displays a high amount of fearlessness and self-confidence (seeing as how she so readily did battle with Peacock, Avian's strongest ASG, without even flinching). If Selene transformed in front of her, why didn't she just attempt to take her down then and there to prevent her from taking the fight to Lorenzo? Protecting him IS her job, after all. You could argue that she and the bunnies attempted to solo Selene but were defeated/overpowered, but then you'd have to account for how Black Dahlia is still around after Selene's defeat, seemingly without injury.
The only theory I have that remedies this is that Black Dahlia and her squad just left the Contiello residence after murdering Squigly, letting their guard down and giving Selene the opportunity to retrieve the Heart and wish her family back. Again, a stupid decision on their part, but it would explain everything.
There's so little information on the specifics of what went down during Dahlia's raid on that day that anything could have happened and it would still make sense. Dahlia might have shot both Selene's arms off but she was still alive enough to make a wish.

Dahlia even says, "Don't forget to make a wish" before shooting Squigs. That line may just be referring to Selene's birthday, but for all we know she was sent there by Lorenzo to force Selene into making a wish for some reason.

PS I totes have one of those Squilgy figures ;P
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There's so little information on the specifics of what went down during Dahlia's raid on that day that anything could have happened and it would still make sense. Dahlia might have shot both Selene's arms off but she was still alive enough to make a wish.

Dahlia even says, "Don't forget to make a wish" before shooting Squigs. That line may just be referring to Selene's birthday, but for all we know she was sent there by Lorenzo to force Selene into making a wish for some reason.

PS I totes have one of those Squilgy figures ;P

That's just asking for all of us trying to get into your home to raid it trying to get that Figure

That's just asking for all of us trying to get into your home to raid it trying to get that Figure
Goddamnit I have to crack a joke after reading this message...
The Mc.Rad-ia and the Squigly goons are going to raid Cellsai's home.
A bit of throwback to Squigly's story, ain't it?

P.S. : I have one Squigly figurine too.
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There ain't no rest for the Squiglies til we close our eyes for good.
Doug thank you very much you have inspired me to write this for Squagli
I was walkin' down the graves, when out the corner of my eye,
I saw a confused little girl approaching me...
She said "I've never seen a man,
Who looked like he is normal, could you give a little help for me."

If you help her real fine, your living will be nice
Or you can go and walk off by your ways...
I said "You're such a nice person, but why'd you do this by yourself."
She looked at me, and this is what she said:

"Oh there ain't no rest for the Skullgirl...
Wishes don't grow on trees...
I've got lives to spare,
I've got friends to free,
And ain't nothing is this world is safe...

I know I can't slow down,
I can't hold up, but you know,
I wish I could...

Or there ain't no rest for the Skullgirl...
Until we close our eyes for good."
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