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The Wulf Den

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Well I personally can't wait to use skullmod to make john cena's theme play on both of beowulf's stages in the main game.

Brrrrrr apple dough.
So I'm also noticing some of the effects on Beowulf's stage.

I like that the audience has signs specific to characters.

Is there something specific that triggers the banners to change? Cause I was in Training mode with Painwheel v Painwheel (cause she can fly and look at banners) and I had one set of banners (with Isaac), no matter how many times I reset, but when I changed characters I had another (the set with Aeon).

Looking at the stage effects that trigger on certain attacks:

- Moves that seem like they should get some stage effect but don't; SBO, Peacock's Argus Agony and lvl 3 item (Steam Roller especially; that move getting no effect would be a crying shame), Purrserker Furrage, Death Crawl (at least some stage dust each hit), Seria Appregio(stage fire/stage dust on last hit)/Tremelo(stage dust)/Silver Cord(stage dust), Cerebella's stagger s.mp/vs ground j.hp (stage dust), hp lnl (stage dust), Devil Horns (stage fire), all of Parasoul's supers (only stage effect she has is b.hk and Pillar, I think), Catelite Lives (maybe some smoke? Maybe stage dust on each cat call), Big Band c.hp (stage dust, maybe stage fire).

- Moves that I think should have different or additional effects; Fortune's air super (I feel like it should get entrance smoke at the first swipe of her tail sword (which it does), and another smoke puff or entrance fire at the second), Filia's Fenrir Drive (final hit should have an effect), Diamond Dynamo (stage dust every hit, then stage dust and fire last hit), Grab Bag (gets stage dust at a weird time; should get the same effect as Val's command grab on the last hit), Pummel Horse (gets stage dust on grab, but I think it should get stage dust with each punch) Napalm Pillar (stage fire), Napalm Quake (stage dust), Val's Counter Super (only gets stage dust on counter and entrance smoke on vial counter, kinda underwhelming), Double Fridge (should get stage fire; tea cup gets no effect, barrel gets stage dust, so fridge should step up too), Monster (just some stage fire added), hp Brass Knuckles (stage fire, stepping up from stage effects on mp brass), SSJ (stage dust on each hit, add fire to taunted version final hit), Tympany Drive (additional effect on taunted bell crash).

- And overall, I feel like attacks should either get just smoke or no effect at all when blocked (it's weird hyping up a move that gets blocked). I also feel like all lvl 3's and higher should automatically get fire effects on hit. Also feel like killing a character should get stage effects. All snap backs should also get stage effects, as well as tag ins and connecting with a burst.
And as a sidenote the flash effect in the crowd is really cool...but cameras even at real events are never that common. For big moments sure, which I suppose one could make an argument for within the world of skullgirls.

Just looks a little busy imo. Probably just me.
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Is there something specific that triggers the banners to change? Cause I was in Training mode with Painwheel v Painwheel (cause she can fly and look at banners) and I had one set of banners (with Isaac), no matter how many times I reset, but when I changed characters I had another (the set with Aeon).
Same as NPC sets, Play Again does not change anything.
It eventually probably will, but for now nothing gets reloaded unless the stage itself is.

Looking at the stage effects that trigger on certain attacks:
Holy shit seriously stop dude. The background effects are based on camera shake and there is NO DAMN WAY anyone is going through and doing all that. There are background effects, we're lucky we can even differentiate any.
Do you mean stop sharing thoughts and opinions on new content? Cause, I mean, I guess I can do that. Didn't mean to piss you off.
Oh I'm sorry, was enumerating a whole ton of moves and what effects you thought ALL of them should have not meant for us? If you put that kind of effort in for a random forum post then by all means continue.
Maybe it was meant for you, but just a suggestion, like there are thousands of other suggestions?
What makes you think this is the right response to someone who is trying to help you?

He's putting a lot of effort into going through every move, posting his opinion on what could/should get changed about the stage effects - in a 2 page long post, that is written in a reasonable (not demanding "DO THIS!!!", not crying "WHY ISN'T THIS???") way.
.. And your response isn't "Wow, that's a long post! Thank you for the effort, but I'm afraid we lack the time to fix this up, since the effects are just based on camera shake" but "Fuck off"?! Why?

For some ??? reason you are decently nice to random people in the Eventhubs comments who spout baseless bullshit, but think it's the right course of action to be a total fucking dickwad to people who actually love your game and try their best to help you improve it;
then are surprised that there are people in this community who have no interest in responding to Beta experiments in any way (be that character buffs or replay bugs).

"Respect goes both ways" and all, right?
I don't think Mike meant it in a mean way cuz he's cool with Zid and usually asks if Zid's watching the updates cuz he knows he'd like them?
My apologies, @Zidiane , I suppose your ridiculously detailed lots of extra work suggestions could have just been ignored or treated more nicely. That was my bad.
I do hope you realize how much work it would be if we could do it, though, and if you didn't I wanted to set the record straight so I wouldn't get any MORE of that from other people.

I suppose I need to get better at unsubscribing from every thread except Beta Experiments, but that means less answers for things anywhere else.
Oh well, I'd rather miss hella things then go through this again, goodbye thread.
I don't think Mike meant it in a mean way cuz he's cool with Zid and usually asks if Zid's watching the updates cuz he knows he'd like them?

Lets not forget how he answers our questions (even some of the nutty ones), and a patch notes rarely goes by where someone isn't thanked. Oh and what do you think the meaning is behind having a beta experiment thread is? Thats a tough one that.

oh no, but don't let logic stop people believing whatever the hell they like and biting at nothing, thanks Reading Comprehension! I could go on...
My apologies, @Zidiane , I suppose your ridiculously detailed lots of extra work suggestions could have just been ignored or treated more nicely. That was my bad.
I do hope you realize how much work it would be if we could do it, though, and if you didn't I wanted to set the record straight so I wouldn't get any MORE of that from other people.
It's fine. I tend to be hypsersensitive to upsetting people, I can never tell when I say something wrong. Let's all not be stressed out at all, cause people getting stressed at me getting stressed stresses me out. For future reference, telling me "we can't/won't do that because X" is always an answer I will accept. I accepted that answer just fine with the "characters gain different meter above 1 bar" thing. And I'm sure I'm the only person who would go through all the extra effort of checking every move on every character on one stage before even knowing whether or not it would be helpful.

Though, I did try and aim for moves that already had camera shakes but no effect (Big Band's c.hp, last hit of Fenrir Drive, etc.) or something else I thought may have been able to be easily flagged for effects (like, adding "NMO Stage Fire" as a move property that only this stage would read), like "Super Flash/Super Hitstop" or "Move that would cause KO screen" or "Guitar Riff sound cue". You already said you can't/won't do any of this, but I just wanted you to know I wasn't trying to pick just random moves. I did get overzealous, but I only do that when I'm excited about something; the thought of having dynamic wrestling effects pop off every time I landed Devil Horns made me giddy.

Also, Valentine's and Double's Snapback have stage effects but no one else's does. Don't know why.
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I'm sure if anything important happens we can just ping him.
Or post it one of those other threads that don't go off on wild semen tangents.
I'm pretty sure we just decided to don't do it till the holydays end.

Oh and I tried the new woof stuff today. With the keyboard the taunt is much easier than I thought.
I might even argue that it's too easy in comparison to the other taunts in the game...

Also is that new alt potemkin?
Though, I did try and aim for moves that already had camera shakes but no effect (Big Band's c.hp, last hit of Fenrir Drive, etc.) or
Also, Valentine's and Double's Snapback have stage effects but no one else's does. Don't know why.
Like I said in my last post, stage effects are based on camera shake. BB's c.HP is a small shake, no effect. Val's and Double's snapbacks have heavy shake because it looks appropriate on those moves.
Stage reactions won't interrupt themselves. Last hit of Fenrir has no effect even though it has heavy shake because the bite part also has heavy shake and triggers a reaction (you can see it) that is then not interrupted by the slam's shake.

(like, adding "NMO Stage Fire" as a move property that only this stage would read)
Yes, that is the "insane amount of work for nothing really" part. :^)
People have gone a little bit more nuts over Beowulf's stage than others, so I'd just like to keep the "hey maybe you should do special work just for this stage" to a minimum, is all.
The 14 and 15 yr olds are sad they missed that little display earlier

i'm 20 and I wanted nothing to do with it

Oh god is this what getting older feels like

So anyway, hey Mike, is not being able to DHC from Beowulf's taunt-buffed after the penguin ref shows super non-negotiable like TUBA? :P
Ok can I say a thing? Can the next Wulf tourney actually be a Wulf tourney? Not a "put Beowulf at the beginning of your team then win with characters you've been using for years" tourney? Please?
Idk man. It'd be fitting...but if we have as many people as we did last time...it would certainly not be fun to watch.
From a standpoint that Beowulf mirror matches are the drizzling shits.
But I'm so olddddddd.

All my scars, wrinkles, dead brain-cells, and wasted potential. Makes me want to curl up in a cardboard box and huff paint while thinking about existentialist crap.

Woe is I.
Ok can I say a thing? Can the next Wulf tourney actually be a Wulf tourney? Not a "put Beowulf at the beginning of your team then win with characters you've been using for years" tourney? Please?
No, that wouldn't be fun to watch at all.
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